Visionary compared to deja vu

I wouldn't want to see deja vu get a nerf because seeing 3 generators constantly with 6% gen speed is amazing but can visionary get a buff...
I remember the devs saying that Deja vu buff wasn't forever but no changes to this day but you're right. visionary is a joke compared to the other information perks and needs changes but the question is how? they can't add repair speed to visionary because if combined with deja vu it could be a problem.
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The only buff I can see for visionary is taking out the cooldown or give it intensity aura reading depending on how far the generators are nearly done. That's it.
Other than that, there is a niche difference between the two perks that gives different playstyles. A visionary user may just want to get on the first gen they see quickly. And that person will be finished b4 a deja vu player going to the gen and doing it( in case if no one is interrupted of course).
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Nah, even with five perks worth of gen repair speed bonus', the regression meta will still chew through your gens.
If Visionary had like "Increase your generator repair speed by 8% if you're blind." Fits the theme, blind is semi-relevant atm. This way, if the killer blinds you for whatever reason, UW, Third Seal, etc, then you get buffed for the duration.
It still fits the theme of game: You bring flash lights, so killer brings Light born. With this change, killer brings a blinding perk, you bring visionary :)
Balance balance balance balance balance balance!
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Double the range to 64m, Remove the cooldown, and make highlighted gens show progress based on intensity of aura (like that one wraith addon)
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That sounds pretty cool and it does fit the theme
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Deja vu and Boon: illumination would still be better options but good changes l guess.
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They are both so similar.. It would be nice to see Visionary reworked to something different
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I like that one. Counter Mindbreaker.
While we're at it Rookie Spirit should gain 150% repair speed while repairing regressing generators (stops regression in 2.0s).
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Ok, BHVR should toss us a line to hire us lol