Who can't stand the game anymore?

Been playing for 7years, I think it was time I get bored…
The game is just unfunny and unbalanced as ever.
Decided to stop 3 weeks ago, I played one match today.
Think I'll stop again, and that's just sad
I feel ya. Coming from another longtime player it's a completely different vibe to what we were sharpening our claws to.
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I've gotten burned out of this game shortly after the blood moon event and completing the tome. Wanted to try the game out again since the patch, but with all the bugs and strobing lights.... no.
Been enjoying Rimworld. Can commit some pretty horrible crimes against humanity that makes DBD killers look sane.
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I like it still and I think this is one of the most balanced states the game has ever been in.
I can understand being burnt out, especially after 7 years, so it’s not sad to be tired of it. There’s nothing wrong with getting bored of a game and not wanting to play. Play something you do enjoy :)
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Any game is going to get old and boring after playing it that long. Maybe it's time to play another game for a while. You might miss DbD and come back someday.
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The maps are literally killing the game on their own at this point.
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Whenever I'm bored of it I just play something else for awhile. Eventually my interest gets rekindled. I feel like this is normal.
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I'm sick of how quick the game feels… on both sides
I'm sick of players blaming each other rather then looking at the game for what it is
I'm sick of the Maps that are in the game… also this is like the 3rd time RPD has been disabled (I think)
I'm sick of players not seeing what they do (and this is kinda the same as the other one that I have said)
I'm sick of "meta" being a thing (but I know that will always be a thing)
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DBD is the type of game you watch other people play think about really wanting to play then going afk in the menu for 20 minutes before closing it. I enjoyed the time I played it consistently, but burnout is eventually going to happen. It's still a great game with issues and I don't regret spending all the time I did on it.
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You and I both, I made a post about the same thing. It gets stale after a while and instead of fixing the game we keep getting pumped with chapters.
I'd rather get work done on the animations, hit boxes etc.. but we keep getting chapters with abysmal perks, on the surv side at least
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Play something else for a week, try Civilization or something, just for a refreshing change.
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unlikely that they'll change the animations after 4.5.0 scandal
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And the money that new store is awesome x), Spared no expense
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May I introduce you to Frostpunk (if you don't know about it) ?
Been playing for 2 weeks now ahah
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They took my adrenaline from me,
My Meta is gone :(
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Nah, I can't stop playing cuz of the Rift
I don't want my friends to have stuff that I don't have O_O
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Not been having fun myself as a long term player, so I am taking a break. I paid for the premium rift so I really should be value out of it but I just cant bring myself to play at present.
Fun is subjective though so I cant claim my feelings are a true representation of the game. But as a survivor I just kept getting killers I really hate light Knight, Trickster, SM and Twins and after the Twins update and all the issues with the UE5 upgrade I feel even less motived to play.
I am looking forward to the custom game mode though and will probably come back to try that… so I wish they would hurry up with that.
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With all the bugs right now, I'm definitely not playing. They should fix their game before encouraging players to play it. There are just too many problems for me personally to tolerate playing,when there are other games available.
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I mean hey its normal to feel burnout after a long time. Just take a break! As long as you need and come back whenever you feel that itch to play the game.
I feel a bit burned out since I played for 8+ hours for over a week during the bloodmoon event to get Trapper to P100, and that I was able to achieve.
Ill come back to the game once the bugs from this last patch are sorted, should feel all refreshed then :)
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This is literally the most balanced the game has ever been objectively and that can’t be argued. That’s probably why you don’t like it anymore, because all the ridiculously overpowered stuff is gone. This game used to be a survivors paradise back in the day lol.
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Feel you, played for 5 years, stopped 6 weeks ago. Came back for a few matches. Worst experience ever. Decieded to quit again. The reason? Toxicity. Killers are one thing and its annoying but survivors are the most salty toxic players I've ever seen since Modern Warfare 2
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Does balanced = fun? Do you think balance through nerfing is more fun than balance through buffing?
By your own admission, the game used to be way better for survivors, and they fell off hard, so what's a reason why survivors should continue to play?
Not trying to load these questions, but I'm genuinely curious because it seems like people imply survivors should be grateful they got kneecapped.
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Do you think balance through nerfing is more fun than balance through buffing?
Yes. Otherwise we get more stuff like Eruption and Made for This which just makes the game miserable for the other side. There needs to be a mix of both nerfs and buffs. Simply buffing things causes power creep.
Survivors had to be nerfed because they were overpowered. If that's the only reason people found the role fun then I don't think they really enjoyed the game in the first place.
No ones saying survivors should be grateful, and there's a lot that could be done to make the experience better for both sides, but to say that the game isn't fun anymore just because you aren't overpowered really says a lot about just how powerful survivor used to be. Both sides should be able to have fun, you shouldn't make one side overpowered just because it's fun for them.
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OP said “the game is the most unbalanced it’s ever been” which I’m just letting them know is factually wrong.
Balance through buffing would definitely be fun but not best because to counter what survivors had back in the day IE Insta blinds, instantly completing a gen, insta healing two entire health states in less than a second and Saboing EVERY HOOK PERMANENTLY except basement lol. You would have to give all killers the ability to insta kill survivors like the Tombstone add on for Meyers, get rid of hooking entirely, and some other things maybe.
If being extremely overpowered and being able to bully the killer without the slightest fear of dying is what was so fun then maybe it’s time to find a different game. Hot take I guess but winning every single game is not fun and I do like for my games to be close and let skill decide who wins.
I’ve said this countless times but I’ll say it again. In the Friday the 13th game Jason had a 80-90% kill rate, but it was like that from the beginning so everyone still loved to play the counselors even though they lost a lot. And when you did escape it felt very rewarding to get out. But DBD started insanely survivor sided, so naturally when they try to fix the game and make killers an ACTUAL THREAT like they were meant to be it was already too late and now even though survivors escape 40% of the time that’s not enough. I enjoy playing survivor as it is far more relaxed and I very often trade my life for a randoms because escaping isn’t fun. Going for fun or risky plays are.
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Losing players will be the only way the devs listen, if it even matters to them anymore this game has raked in millions more than they ever expected to make already.
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In the past, I had a goal of rank 1 for both Killer Survivors, but not so much since the rank system virtually disappeared with the introduction of skill rates. There was a time when I was trying to maintain top 100 stats for my favorite killer, but I haven't done that since I gradually decided to just use Nurse and Bright. Now I'm just passionate enough to occasionally play SWF with friends and practice when I feel like playing a killer.
However, for the last month or so, I have stopped playing both Killer Survivor due to the possibility of getting caught up in Endurance-related (mainly OTR) glitches and Portal Energy & Toolbox glitches, and while I plan to return to it when that is fixed, I have been thinking about the possibility of further epilepsy-inducingI've been thinking about returning to the game, but I'm still having a hard time playing the game properly due to bugs that can cause further epilepsy and create areas on certain maps where the killer can't follow the survivor.
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I am a newer player and will be leaving the game due to most of survivor games are unplayable. Your teammates are either trolls or rats.
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Despite a few perk combinations and weird changes, I'm still having fun. This is my second year playing iirc and I am sitting on a P91 Sadako with everyone but 2 survivors P3'd.
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Used to play everyday for the past 2 or 3 years. Nowadays if I play 2 days a week it's already a lot. I only play solo and the experience is unbearable to say the least
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It's fair to want to keep coming back to try the game out, but realistically, if you can't stand the game anymore, just uninstall and move on. There's a plethora of issues the game still has. Coming from someone that plays both sides fairly evenly, I think there's a bit of an imbalance with survivors getting the short end of the stick on this one. A lot of the core issues with survivors' imbalance is just the huge gap between solo queue and SWF, really. I could write for days on that subject but TL;DR—allow survivor lobbies to see each other's builds, dare I say consider basekit Bond, have an in-game voice comm system (which you can toggle off if you dislike it) or even some sort of "ping/action" communication wheel at the very, very least. Also, killers have the advantage on controlling how the game plays out in the beginning. Play fair and let everyone have a good time or play like a dick and tunnel/slug/camp. Sure, you get those SWF bullies, but they're incredibly far and few between. Not to mention, there's too many cookie cutter builds out there. It's either Resonance+Pop and maybe Surge or it's full aura reading. There's not really a lot of countering with the gen regression if the killer players smart with their hooks. Distortion is the only counter to aura reading, but if there's times where you're not generating Distortion tokens fast enough to counter aura reading builds (i.e.: Gearhead, SM Meyers, etc.). Anyway, just enjoy your break. If the game causes you that high level of discontent, it's time to move on.
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This guy gets it.
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It's terrible….Long time player and thinking about hanging up my hat. It just isn't fun anymore with the slugging, toxic players, and constant attempts at nerfing and buffing that makes it completely unbalanced.
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Dead By Burnout
For old and new player alike. As there is all the stuff about being an old player, but being a new player I feel causes a higher burnout rate. Like when 29.4% of all players on steam have the achievement "Get a character to prestige 1". That means nearly 71% don't even get that far with the game.0 -
I just looked on my PS app and that achievement is at 32.8%. Kind of eye opening tbh.
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Yeah its rather telling to what I would call a churn rate the game has, basically how many players don't stick around long.
Then you have for older players a kind of disillusionment of the game. While this disinterest can come from the community such as by swfs, it can also come from more mechanical changes and implementations. Such as a rework or a new map or other such changes. Where the enjoyment a player previously had is drained just a little bit more until it gets hard to play for just one match a day. The long term players won't necessarily quit entirely, but they will take vacations from the game for however long they feel like.1 -
I woulnd't like the game at all if I was a new player.
There are too much things to understand in the game
If you don't know the game, as a new player you will less likely WANT to play a lot. Especially if you keep lossing at the beginning not knowing what you are doing and why this happen3 -
6 years here, and I feel you a 100%. I have to assume new players just have no idea what it was like when it was great, so they just take the abuse. I watch little console players getting BM'd hard and just keep trying. I miss OG DbD every time I play.
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What do killer mains mean when they say the game is more balanced than ever? The definition of balanced would be a 50% kr, which means the game is more killer sided than ever.
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The game is the most balanced it's ever been, yes.
But it's so stale and repetitive that it's insane.
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You mean the game is more unbalanced than it's ever been. 50% kill rate is balanced, which means the game was far, far more balanced pre-6.1.
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No, I mean what I said.
And the game was far more unbalanced in it's earliest years. Instablinds, instaheals, instant gen repairs, instant moris, old DS, old DH, old OoO, old Ruin and NOED...
So no, it's the most balanced it's ever been. It's not even the most killer sided since that crown goes to the Eruption meta with SM in her prime.
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The dev's said they aim for a 60 % killrate on each killer. With that in mind, yes it is statisticly balanced. Unfortunately it is very stale due to sbmm, meta builds, swf, tunneling and rng dependency
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The statement is flawed in the following way. The kill rates for the large pool of players ARE hitting their targets more or less, but individuals players don't care above the averages. If you as a individual are constantly getting seal team 6 survivors as a mid skill level killer the game is NOT fun, and the same is true if you play survivor but constantly get potato team mates or sweat lord killers. These individual experiences are not enough to sway the averages but those experiences are real.
As an aside, the playerbase should be more empathic and listen to the issues to understand them not listen enough to pounce on the poster providing feedback.
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How exactly are maps killing this game? I get that solo queue has it rough at the moment, but how are maps a problem? Except of course for the new Haddonfield map.
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Id be more inclined to agree with you if this whole post wasn’t designed to just be a “Who else hates DBD?” Post on DBD’s own website. If you don’t like the game then don’t play it. But instead they go onto the forums and tell everybody they hate it and are trying to rally people to hate on the game as well. This whole post is very insidious tbh so empathy isn’t really necessary.
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It's possible their just being contrary, but, if like me, I used to love this game and played it a ton. The changes have made the current game much less fun and driven my play hours into the ditch. I used to average close to 20 hours a week, now its 1 hour a week max.
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I love the game more than I ever have before honestly. I kinda miss the old animations and art sometimes but that’s it. I’d much rather be playing current DBD. I play 30 hours a week for years now and it’s better than ever imo. People have different opinions but I think it’s wrong to try to convince everyone else the game is bad.
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All of the old things survivors had that were op were also extremely frustrating, dh, IW and CoH. That's just what is was when I started playing not to mention the far more absurd things before that.
Now lets move to killer. Eruption/CoB/OC was just as frustrating to play against, it invalidated plays.
So lets say all those things are still in the game, blight, nurse and spirit get reverted. They buff all the low interactivity mid or lower killers up to what is now A tier and then buff all the the bad perks up to current pain res level for both sides. What happens?
Everyone is even more frustrated and there is less interactivity.
Thus you dumb down the perks and the strong killers so the base game play comes through more which makes a lot more sense. The game would be even more of a mess like it was in the past if bhvr(of all devs 😂) were allowed to go through with your ideal.
What's the problem right now? A few perks could be tunned down and the game needs to address the ability to leave for free, tunneling, too many gen perks, backround player having very little interactivity.
It's far easier and healthier to fix things that are too strong than to buff up random things that aren't designed well enough to be good without being beyond frustrating.
Anyway if you reply to this please address multiple points and not just one point where you dismiss it. That would render your response to beyond worthless. Thank you.
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I wouldn't say I'm tired of DBD I'm more tired of buggy patch after buggy patch with cheaters and ddosers and BHVR making no visible efforts to improve and preferring to blow us off at best and gaslight us about the situation at worse. So I guess I would say I still love DBD but I'm getting tired of BHVR.
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Played for about 3 years, had a 5 month break and now I fire the game up for a game or 3 about every other weekend. I don't think it'll become the topgame I'm looking forward to on a gaming night anytime soon, but absence does make the heart grow fonder
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Don't just say "taking a break", DO IT! It's better than killing yourself on the hook or DCing.
In the long run taking breaks is the ONLY thing we can do to prevent the game from dying.