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Weird Killer idea.

Witchubtet Member Posts: 640

My friend had a weird Killer idea.
Her exact words were “How about a werewolf like dude who moris survivors into being minions?”

Now i actually thought about it and thought it could be interesting as a secondary ability (think nightfall or zombies) that activates off of mori’ing a survivor. Each survivor killed increases your power by having their body act as some sort of creature that can help you in the trial.

Of course I’m just spinning yawn currently, but what do you guys think? How would you make a killer with a mori tie in ability?


  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 7,956

    For balance purpose, its bad.

    People used to say Thana should stay when a survivor is death, but that would make killer prefer to tunnel a survivor out to get debuff permanent.

    Image a power where you have to kill a survivor as soon as possible to you can gain a Nemesis's zombie.

    Devs should make thing where spread pressure gives more reward than tunneling.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,363

    Broadly, it leads to tunneling.

    More specifically, the game already has a problem with win harder perks. To give an example using sports: imagine if in soccer when a team scored a goal they also got to bring an extra player onto the field. Scoring the goal was the objective of the game, giving a reward on top of that is unnecessary that would just create lopsided results.

    That's what would happen if you had a reward for killing survivors. Not only is it the goal, it already gives you substantial benefits, giving more would become extremely unbalanced.

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 434

    Defo need a werewolf/wolfman type killer in the game.