Myers: The most outdated Killer in the game

A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,015

Widely considered to be one of the weakest Killers in the game (without tombstone).

Same model, no texture upgrades. Same add-ons, same power, same visuals and effects. Essentially a relic of a bygone era.

Even Trapper has received a graphical update to his base cosmetic and bear traps, add-on update, base kit effects buffed.

Yet a true staple of amongst the licensed Killers we have has been shown very little love, besides a couple of new weapons and a hospital gown cosmetic.

Why? Do they not think he’s important enough to modernise? Issue with the licensing? I doubt it, due to the cosmetics he eventually got and BHVR should have some control over this in game balancing, like Demogorgon when it was removed briefly.

When I stop and think about it, it’s truly baffling. If he’s not had an update yet, will he ever? Or will he just be left as he is, a relic of the past.


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,503

    I would argue that at least the cosmetics could really be part of the licensing process. I doubt that they would be allowed to update his visuals without the "OK" from the license holders, even if the cosmetics stay the same.

    Power-wise however there is no excuse why Myers still is like he was for years. He is the pinnacle of an outdated design. When I started he was considered an A-Tier Killer, now he is sometimes named as the weakest Killer. Add to this that he is allowed to have one of the most broken Add Ons in the game which come straight out of 2016 DBD is just bonkers.

  • OneGoodBoyDemo
    OneGoodBoyDemo Member Posts: 409

    Now I really want to see him do the Moonwalk with this cosmetic.

    BHVR make this happen.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    I genuinely think he's the rock bottom worst killer without his pink addons, but apparently he has his defenders. Maybe that's just out of fear that he will be Freddy'd though.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,390

    I think the thing with Myers is everyone still kinda loves him... and reworking him would be ALOT of work.

    Small changes would not suffice, he needs a complete overhaul, but there's probably more pressure to get him right than any other killer.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,677

    I think the reason they haven't is that he is still relatively popular and his tombstone add ons probably inflate his kill rate so going by the stats he appears fine. He's very outdated in almost every way.

    He has the same issues as Freddy.

    • Weak power that is pretty much outclassed by another already mediocre killer (Ghostface and Clown)
    • Multiple add ons that do the exact same thing but with slight number changes
    • Graphically very outdated and soulless.
    • Outdated and basic animations. Zero lobby animations (although for Myers it kinda works)

    They just don't feel like they are actually a part of the game. They feel like a fan made mod with how soulless and ugly they appear compared to every other killer.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,773
    edited May 4

    I think the main reasons he's not been touched for so long is because he's popular. He's always in the top 10 most picked killers when ever they release killer stats. Same goes for Knightlight's monthly killer stats site.

    Regardless of what anyone personally thinks he's very much beloved and people have fun playing him.

    But he definitely needs some updates. I am glad he's getting them. I just hope they don't fully rework because he doesn't need a full on rework from the ground up like Freddy does. He just needs some buffs to his existing kit to put him in a more comfortable spot. His power captures the feel of the character from the movies. I don't want to lose that.

  • Harbinger1985
    Harbinger1985 Member Posts: 67

    I was experimenting with Myers. Once I got the idea: what if I doesn't build up his Evil Within? And I play the game undetected status? Well, most of the times felt more sucks, even with the add-on makes lunge attacks 50% boosted. But I've tried more sneaky, and once I reached where survivors actually freak out, scared or simply froze by the random sight of me. And not once actually managed a 4k without big hassle - at least I had fun, don't really care. Also default perks and fourth one is… well mostly random.

    But yeah, many ways feels the character design in many ways feels dated and don't keep up with the newer designs, perks, maps and gameplay changes.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,695

    It really is incredible that so many killers have have been touched up over the years, but Myers remains completely untouched. The fact that he can be either the weakest killers or absolutely broken depending on addons is just fundamentally bad design.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 767

    As a Myers main I've been complaining about this for years. I'm running out of hope. Not only have they not done anything with him but we had 3 Halloween films come out between 2018-2022 and NO CHANGES.

  • Sunflower_Mage
    Sunflower_Mage Member Posts: 34

    I find that Scratched Mirror with Boyfriend's Memo on him is actually very fun. As while it makes you the slowest killer in the game now at 4.2m you also have aura reading within a 32m range of yourself from evil within 1.

  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 221

    This seems to follow the matra that if the killer is not insanely oppressive like S tier killers and if it hasn't been buffed, then it needs reworked to be an easy win.

    I know good and well Myers wins a majority of his matches but don't fret I'm sure the demands will be met and he will get buffed and we'll have another Hillbilly or Skull Merchant to deal with. It's not like survivor could use a little more misery.