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Questions about Old Dead by Daylight

CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 1,615

What was peer to peer like? If the Killer quit at the end, would you keep your points?

What happened when the moonlight offers were removed? Did players get bloodpoints compensation?


  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,463

    Our memories are foggy (pun intended) but it was a mixed bag. A lot less of random exploding (survivor going down a literal mile away from where the killer hit them due to connection). If the killer quit we think we got the points but again we can't remember.

    When moonlight offerings were removed we don't remember getting anything from them.

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 647

    What was peer to peer like?

    A mixed bag:

    • If everyone in the match had good connections, then it went much more smoothly than current-day dedicated servers. With P2P, the host of the match (the killer) could literally be next door to you. With dedicated servers, your nearest server could be in a different country.
    • On the other hand, when killers had a bad connection, everyone would lag as a result. Some killers would take advantage of this to effectively teleport around the map, get hits from far away, disconnect players from the match etc. and others just had bad internet with no nefarious intent (but it was still frustrating nonetheless). Around 18 minutes into this video is an example of a Nurse taking advantage of the old P2P system.

    If the Killer quit at the end, would you keep your points?

    Generally, yes. There was an issue for a while where the game would tell you that you'd got no points, depipped, and lost your item after a killer DCed, although when you went back to the lobby you hadn't actually lost anything. Every now and then though you would just lose your stuff. A bug I guess.

    What happened when the moonlight offers were removed? Did players get bloodpoints compensation?

    No. They just became retired. I still have some in my inventory. They're just unable to be equipped.

  • DecoyWolff
    DecoyWolff Member Posts: 30
    edited May 7

    Peer to Peer had it's issues. Mainly it was all of us playing with a terrible connection killer, so time in lobbies were spent dodging high ping killers since most issues would come from them (bad hit detection. Killer teleporting, etc.)

    I believe we still got to keep our BPs if I remember correctly but it did consume our items and offerings before they changed that

    Also, you have the added issue of killers lag switching (unplugging their LAN cable then plugging it back in to cause buggy issues that are in the killers favor as all survivors are unable to do anything since the games connection depended on the killer's

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 1,615

    So if all 5 generators popped and the Killer wanted to be salty they could DC before you escaped to ensure that you lost your item?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,345
  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,197

    My favorite part of P2P was this infamous Bubba player who would find people with flashlights, hit 1 of them with Franklins and then DC so they lost it lol

    Should tell you just about how no one gaf back then, it was chaos and I loved it. No way were getting that kind of community again unfortunately.

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 460

    When I played with players from different continents, I was forced to play with a much worse ping than I have now, but otherwise it was generally good and more comfortable than the current rubber banding-by-daylight. The downside is that many killer players close the queue if there are two or three survivors here with flashlights or multiple legacy skin holders, and you are forced to watch a long, long match waiting screen each time.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,345

    Used to be better on Legion, when things like Sloppy activated on Frenzy hits.

    Frenzy, Franklin's hit everyone and DC

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,197

    This was back before Legion was in the game and I ran into him all the time. I forgot his name but it was something along the lines of "Flashlight Thief"

  • DecoyWolff
    DecoyWolff Member Posts: 30

    They could yes but the killer DCing never had that as the intent. It just sucked when you throw in a BPS that it was wasted (like now still)

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,345

    Nope, other than losing your add-ons, offerings, BP and pips

    Much bigger deal for all of those back then.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 408

    Losing the moonlight offerings was kind of upsetting, especially as this was a little before the Graphical Update would come. It was sorta the beginning of the end for DBD's classic atmosphere, although the given reason made sense.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 1,615

    Yeah, a bloodpoints refund should occur for that. I have hundreds of map offerings that I would hate to lose without compensation.

    The moonlight offering sounds so cool.

    Those must have been fun.

  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 301

    every killer could be nurse with the lagswitch tech

  • DecoyWolff
    DecoyWolff Member Posts: 30

    No. DC penalties did not exist until much later. Your punishment was zero blood points and you lose a pip

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,278
    edited May 8

    For the p2p networking in general, higher highs and lower lows basically.

    If you got very local players with a host that had hardware + a connection that could handle it, you could get extremely crisp and low latency games, without having to live close to a physical server location. But you could also get absolutely awful match experience even if the host was local if their hardware and/or connection struggled, and getting distant hosts was also a thing you had to deal with.

    No DC penalty was awful. And you know how the game fails to launch if someone DCs during the load screen nowadays? Back then it would actually start as a 3v1, subtracting a gen to try to "even it out" lol. There were stretches of times where this happened a lot and it was really annoying. Throw in how SWF had you re-invite everyone in your party after every match, and even that broke at times and one or more players had to restart and you have a lovely package 😄