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unbearable performance since the U5 update

viviyin Member Posts: 1

my pc isn't the best in the world but i play overwatch, fortnite and more without a problem— and before the update my pc ran dbd with minimal problems, only the occasional sputter or frame drop. but right when the update dropped it was essentially unplayable. sputtering/dropping to 14 frames every few seconds, chugging along (this on top of the rubberbanding).

i had to go through my settings and drop them, as well as go through multiple tweaks in my ini files, pc devices, launch options (-DX11 -xgeshadercompile -nothreadtimeout -NoVerifyGC) and other band-aid fixes to be able to get it even remotely consistent in terms of frames and even then it feels terrible compared to before.

changing my launch options so that it launched with dx11 rather than forcing it to dx12 helped maybe the most.

is anyone else having issues to this degree? they say it shouldn't effect performance in the most recent patch notes and it feels like i'm being gaslit lol. i can play any other games just fine, but dbd runs like i've got it hooked up to a potato.


  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,228

    Yes dx11 helped me the most. I also updated my graphics drivers and BIOS. It's still not as good as before unfortunately but yeah

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,300

    As a consoler much of what you wrote seems like a different language. But nearly everyone has had performance issues since the update to UE5, with rubber banding the biggest complaint. Today's patch is supposed to address most of it.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 881

    uninstall and download dbd again, this helps

  • sausage11
    sausage11 Member Posts: 68

    Still experiencing rubberbanding after 7.7.1 patch. Windows 10/Steam.

    It got A BIT better, but I still have it a couple of times every match. Really frustrating.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,042

    The game does not feel as responsive since the latest patch. I don't know if its bad lag or bug, but even a prompt to throw a pallet has a delay in my games.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 866

    I haven't had any issues whatsoever, which is odd. Here are a few ideas for things people can try:

    Clear your DirectX shader cache. The game will rebuild it during your next session, might clear up some issues with shaders from the previous build being utilized?

    Update your GPU drivers. As the game is now being run on DirectX 12 by default, some old drivers may not be optimized for that API.

    Run DbD on DirectX 11 (-DX11 launch parameter). It is said that generally newer hardware should benefit from DX12, but it depends on the game's implementation too, and regardless, doesn't hurt to try.

    Run DbD in fullscreen mode (as opposed to windowed fullscreen). Disable VSync. These are the optimal settings for improved performance and low input latency.

    Disable TAA and FSR if you use them. FSR might add some latency, and generally DbD's implementation of these techniques might not have translated well into the new engine. Again, doesn't hurt to try.

    Cap the game at different framerates. I suspect people on 120fps are experiencing rubberbanding and simulation stutters more often since the update, likely because it exacerbates instances of server-client desync. So for the time being, you could try 60 or 90fps. You can also use external means of limiting your framerate at other values, such as 100fps.

    Change the graphics quality setting to something else and back again to whatever you had it at before, just to make sure the new graphics options are set to the same value. If you manually want to make sure these new options are not at fault, head to your GameUserSettings.ini and set sg.GlobalIlluminationQuality=0 sg.ReflectionQuality=0.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 448
    edited May 7

    Something is defo not right with the last update. I had the previous ue5 game stable with no in game gsync oled gamma flicker. The last update is a train wreck.

    I also noticed my 9900k hit 50% usage at 4K res which it's never done before in this game.

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 647

    Performance has definitely taken a hit recently.