Don't survivors get kicked if they go AFK for to long
So I don't know if it's true or not but isn't supposed to be if a survivor goes AFK for a while aka not moving gets off hook but still doesn't move as in being rescued their kicked from the match for not participating. Because if your giving up don't basically punish your team who are just wanting to have a good time playing. I thought the bots would also active if someone went AFK you know three crows and some extra time just in case then their kicked because their not doing anything.
Not really? You just get crows...
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Don't think I've ever seen that for survivor. I guess because crows will notify the killer who can just hook them. I think there was a time where it would DC afk killers, probably to combat bot killers, but I haven't seen that in awhile tbh. Or maybe I dreamed that.
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I have only read about such a system for Killer. And I think you only got DCed as Killer if you did nothing at all for a full match. But that being said, it is also long ago that I got an actual AFK-Killer, so I think the system is still in place, but nobody does AFK-Killer anymore to farm Iri Shards or Rift Fragments, simply because it is not possible. (Back then it was mostly Wraiths who would just load in and do nothing)
Something like that is not really possible on Survivor (loading in and farming Iri Shards), simply because the Survivor will not be in the game until it ends. So I guess this is why there is nothing for Survivor.
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If you're AFK for the entire time you're in the match, Killer or Survivor, the end screen will show you as DCed and you'll get zero Blood Points but you won't get kicked during the match.