Should deathslingers hitbox be increased or increase the speed of the harpoon?

Akeeno Member Posts: 121

hello everyone! I'm new here! this is my first post ever, and I am a deathslinger main, just wanted to ask the

community here if they think slingers harpoon is fine, in terms of insane precision you need, even though the

weapon is a projectile (object with travel time). normally in games when a character has a projectile weapon the

hitbox is slightly bigger to compensate, like huntress.

but when characters are hitscan ( no travel time, instantaneous) they have small or accurate hitboxes

similar to singularity weapon when teleporting to a slipstream survivor. so what my point is, its that the

deathslinger has a projectile weapon with hitscan like hitboxes. i have situations where my harpoon goes through

survivor armpits and still miss, but when i play huntress, i could aim a meter behind them and still hit the

survivors backs.

is this the vision for this character? extreme precision, for a high risk/ high reward playstyle? but if thats

the case survivors still have a chance to get caught in the environment to not go down. deathslinger is the only

killer where you need a two step verification process to earn a down, thus turning players away. i wouldnt mind

this gameplay if landing shots were easier, but thats what makes the character punishing compared to others.

if that is the way hes meant to be played then i accept, but if not i have a 2 possible solutions.

the first is to increase the hitboxes for survivors, but i dont think that will happen or if its possible to

program unique stats for survivors per killer, but then again maybe they could looking at the lich/vecna. the

second would be to increase harpoon speed to trickster levels of speed. huntress hatchet is 40m/s, and trickster

is 55m/s. in my opinion this makes sense, huntress would have slower throwing speed but has bigger hitboxes,

and trickster has smaller hitboxes but faster speed. would matching deathslingers harpoon speed to that of the

trickster be problematic? i would love to test this in a ptb.

thank you all. and ill link a video i made below showing how small the harpoon hitbox is.
