so i came back for the bp event...

and boy oh boy am i not suprised at all we have…
killer tunneling/proxy camping. issue never fixed. i would actually argue part of this is because of how small maps are now.
survivors throwing/giving up almost every other match.
BM. killers bleeding out survivors not just slugging, straight bm, survivor bm emoting constantly. tbagging at gates. etc etc.
and tons of bugs still, did you wesker lunge grab somebody over the pit on eye of crows? survivor gets dropped immediately from buggy interaction.
pyramid head sending survivors to locations you can't grab them out of their box from.
and just overall extreme toxicity/pettyness from the community. levels of nuclear radiation toxicity that would turn the entities realm into the next new vegas.
so now that the bp event is over i will once again be leaving. and boy do i not want to come back.
"so now that the bp event is over i will once again be leaving. and boy do i not want to come back."
You'll be back, you people always do.
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This has always been the case buddy. People think that events exemplify these problems but really it's always the case in popular, online game. You playing dbd with no event going on is the exact same as playing with an event. Same toxicity, community pettiness, and bugs. This is completely natural (unfortunately) in any competitive online game.
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My games have been absolutely fine up until today. Played 7 games today and not a single one was without camping, tunnelling, or slugging. I don't rate my matches often but literally this has been every single one today
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Tunneling and Camping increase when for fun events are added.
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"killer tunneling/proxy camping. issue never fixed."
"mario jumping on koopas and kicking the shells into other koopas. issue never fixed"
"mega man stealing robot master's powers and using them against other robot masters. issue never fixed"
Eventually you have to just accept that this is an intended part of the game's design and cope or play something else. Or I dunno, run DS? One perk slot out of 4 to make yourself harder to tunnel isn't a big ask.
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Game 8: camped and tunnelled. No team mate attempted to take a hit or aggro
Game 9: two team mates dead at 4 gens. Nurse slugged me so she could find last survivor
Game 10: camped and tunnelled. No team mate attempted to take a hit or aggro
This is why people give up on hook. I'm done for the day 🤣 got bugger all bp for my wasted time