Do you think survivors/SWF need nerf?

Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

Just played agains't one of the disgusting swf I have faced and match was struggle and very stressful. The survivors always ran to pallets perfectly and from there to best loop shack and main building after getting hit so I could not commit without losing and when I would had chance to get down they always bodyblocked at right time.

I got just 4 hooks barely before gens were done. In endgame 3 more due to them using most of the recourses and I managed just 1K with wraith. SoloQ in bad state but getting put to this kind of match just more painful than losing multiple solo matches a row. 7 hooks and 350K+ bp is not worst possible outcome but Im still stressed out after the match happened now 20 minutes ago.

I think because match like these killer still need buffs. MMR should be more strict especially for 4 man swf:s putting them agains't best killers nurses, billys and blights if they have good escape rate.



  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,344

    Sounds like you went against a very very good team out of your skill level some, but you actually did well with a killer not really currently able to be successful against such teams.

    Like a year back they messed around with stricter MMR, and those veteran killers quickly tired of back to back to back super sweaty trials, plus the extra queue times that came with it. I think within two weeks or so the changed it back.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    Yes, but also no.

    The solution is not to nerf people for wanting to play with their friends.

    It is obvious from the way the game is designed, and the fact that SWF was not in the game at launch, that the game was originally designed to never be played with your friends. The game was designed specifically around survivors having a lack of coordination, and communication. It is pretty clear of that. Otherwise, why would perks exist to simply give you information about which generator your teammates are on? Or bond? Those perks are pretty much useless in all but the newbiest of newbie SWF teams.

    However, SWF is a core part of the game. Playing with your friends in general is pretty crucial to a game's longevity. So the solution is not to nerf it.

    The solution is to split up the queues. Finally once and for all just create a ranked mode. This mode is where MMR actually matters and is accounted for, and you have a ranking that you can see and compare to other players. Maybe even a leaderboard. This ranked mode is for 4 man SWF only.

    The idea is you have 4 modes of play:

    • Ranked mode
      • This mode is only for killers and 4 man SWF
    • Casual Mode
      • This mode is the current mode we have now, but you are unable to play as a SWF of more than a duo. And each match can only have 1 duo and 2 other solos, or just 4 solos. It should not be possible to have multiple duos.
    • Modifier Mode
      • These are where the fun modifiers go.
    • Custom Match
      • Current custom match parameters

    The idea is that if you want to play SWF, you have to go into ranked mode. If you are just casually playing with a single friend, then you can just queue up with that friend in casual mode and still have a good time. They can even balance the modes differently.

    For example, in the ranked mode, only brown and yellow items/addons, no map offerings, maybe even a limited map pool (or always the same exact RNG generated map that rotates out periodically) perhaps with limited, or even no RNG. Maybe survivors are limited to 1 perk per team, so only 1 survivor can run DS etc. They can give killers a basekit corrupt, or force the survivors to have a slower game as gens go extremely fast in coordinated play.

    In the casual mode, they can give bonus bloodpoints for playing nicely. They can make tunneling completely impossible from a basic standpoint. Maybe a basekit OTR or DS that doesn't need a skillcheck to prevent tunneling. Maybe a better anti-camping measure. Some other thing.

    There are plenty of competitive games that have ranked and casual modes that are balanced differently. For example in Counter strike, the casual mode gives you more money between rounds, and free armor and defuse kit. So generally, even if you lose rounds you can usually buy a good weapon for the next one. The matches are more chill and people are just vibing. Whereas in the ranked mode, the economy and how you buy items as a team plays a bigger role in coordinating with your team and determining if you win or lose a game.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,344

    Yeah that was what I was wondering too. Also 4-mans are the rarest of the SWF groups, so that tiny portion of the playerbase would be pulled from for these ranked matches?

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    Not so much SWF I think, I'm more concerned with how optimized repair speeds can be and need to be looked into.

    We also have to account for the difference in killer skill ceilings and power gaps they have between each other.

  • coco_shotz
    coco_shotz Member Posts: 249

    While it sounds like a case of just having a bad game I will say that attempting to nerf the swfs will only cause harm to the solos. It's nearly impossible to balance around those crazy 4 man swfs when anything that weakens them also weakens the survivors as a whole since they are the only ones who get the full benefit of the role

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 262

    People shouldn't be punished for playing with their friends, and it's pretty difficult to survive in solo queue unless you're cracked as a survivor.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    Your most common answer you're gonna get is "buff solo to swf level". The issue with this is that is never going to happen and is an unrealistic goal. The main problem with solo queue is people being bad at the game and poor matchmaking.

    this is not what the player means when they say buff soloq to swf-level". what buffing soloq to swf-level is all about is giving the player equal opportunity to be as effective in soloq as in a SWF.

    here is example:

    Window of opportunity is a perk that grants ability for survivor to see pallet aura's. When a teammate drops a pallet and killer breaks the pallet. that pallet is no longer there. a soloq player cannot predict precisely where every single pallet has been broken. As a result, they may run into dead-zones when they get chased by the killer.

    A swf on voice can just arbitrary say/use clock calls out for what pallets have been broken. as a result, they are less likely to run into dead-zones.

    Suppose soloq could see when a pallet is dropped with a red aura. This would give player a opportunity to identify potencial dead-zones created by teammates. This does not mean that player will not go into dead-zones. It just gives them equal opportunity for them TO NOT go into dead-zones as SWF.

    Bond is a perk that grants ability to see aura of teammates in 36 meter radius. When a survivor is in the chase, they would like to loop away from their teammates so that their teammates can safely work generator uninterrupted. SWF can call out where they're being chased to avoid running into teammates.

    What if a survivor that is in the chase could see yellow generator aura's. This would allow them to avoid their teammates that are on potencial generators. Again, this does not mean that the survivor player will optimally loop to not run into teammates but it gives survivor the opportunity to make correct play.

    Healing is another complicated action that is difficult to optimize in soloq. Part of the reason is that knowing where your teammates are vs hit & run can be challenge when you are constantly being split up and pressured. What if survivor could ping a healing location. Again, this does not mean that soloq survivor will suddenly be optimized healing but it gives opportunity for soloq to optimize healing.

    DBD is not meant to balance bad players. it is meant give opportunity for the survivor to play well. Ideally just seeing the teammate aura would fix most of soloq's disparity issues. In my opinion, DBD almost wants this disparity SWF/Soloq teamwork ethic to occur as there has not been much or any attempts to improve it.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2024

    deleted. Mistype.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2024

    Or it’s not and people just like having the advantage.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2024

    I understand what people mean when they say that. What you’ve pointed out doesn’t detract from my base point. Countering the advantage given by swf is far more practical and realistic than trying to give those same tools to solo which isn’t even going to fix the problem anyway.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Survivors don’t need any nerfs (except for the upcoming sabo change). They can’t nerf SWF because it’ll hurt SoloQ too much. They just need to make it so the matchmaking pairs up a 3/4 man swf against a high skilled high MMR killer.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Their bodyblocking was overpowering I could had chance if they didn't do it so optimally. That should be nerfed once tunneling get addressed. I didn't even tunnel or camp in that match so it always punishes killers playing fairly. I go that far and say it's survivor equal to tunneling.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    A 3 men swf has one solo guy that could be weak link and easily tunneled out... I don't think that fits... You could even argue that 2 duos work better than a 3men and a solo, because in that case you have at least 1 teammate that can help you.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    I didn't actually camp in endgame until they opened gates as it would not work agains't them I kept pressuring them and got them all injured and 2 down eventually but couldn't found where the last 2 were healing but that was after they had used pretty much all recourses and they could not bodyblock anymore. Technically 8 hook state as the one I got died to second hook. I wish I had some endgame perks like noed/no way out but this was in chaos shuffle mode.

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    Are you genuinely suggesting survivors shouldn't be allowed to try and protect each other? I get it if you're saying they were abusing basekit BT or something (but in that case literally just tunnel and that counters that strategy pretty quickly) but suggesting protection hits shouldn't be a thing seems pretty dramatic and unnecessary.

    I'm NGL this comes off as pretty entitled. "I was playing a mid killer and wasn't camping or tunneling therefore survivors should have let me hit them and shouldn't have been allowed to protect each other" like come on you know that's not how that works nor should it be.

  • Agaki
    Agaki Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 61

    SWF should be removed from public lobbies, period.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I'm more so referencing most matches than yours in particular. Most hooks/kills after the gates are powered are things usually not related to skill such as camping at the hooked guy or the entire team diving for the save because they want everyone out and either throwing the game there or doubling the killers hooks/kills from said play. Not saying there aren't skilled hooks/kills in end game, but just simply that the majority of them usually aren't and they make the end result of hooks/kills imply the game was much more close than it actually was.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Nope, they should not ^^ Unless of course you really dislike people playing with their friends... In that case it still should not be removed, but at least this time you gave a reason instead of just saying period ;)

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I agree with this. Although you don't mention swf as one of the balance problems your explanations elude to it.

    " You're usually not going to run into 4 survivors who all know how to
    run those types of structures and run there every chase, but it you do,
    it's somewhat game breaking. "

    Per that.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,000

    You we're against a good tream and got a hell of a great game, it sounds like. Games where my BPressure goes up can be thrilling and why I play. I'd have loved to go against that team you found. I dont understand why people complain about 'good and fair games'. Do you really only want to stomp stomp stomp? What a boring view.


    Also, even if you could hypothetically get solo to swf level this is all under the assumption that they would buff killer to swf level…which is a stretch in itself, much less how ridiculously long that would take based on the games track record.

    This part stuck out and had me think for a moment. Buuut… and Im probably gonna get pushback lol. But what killers aren't up to task to take on SWFS? M1 killers always get talked about as being the weakest group of killers. I'd like to know if there are killers that are SWF level and good to take them on? I've not run into a lot of seal team 6's, but its usually an easy tell if the team is on comms or not. And I've yet to encounter a 'omg I just got STOMPED'. Not indicative of anything I suppose as Ive no idea my MMR. I assume its the usual: Nurse, Blight, Spirit, etc.

    But I play Trapper. Only Trapper. And I do quite well. Maybe I need to do some customs with some friends and just see how tough it can be. This sounds like fun actually lol


    The idea is you have 4 modes of play:

    • Ranked mode
      • This mode is only for killers and 4 man SWF
    • Casual Mode
      • This mode is the current mode we have now, but you are unable to play as a SWF of more than a duo. And each match can only have 1 duo and 2 other solos, or just 4 solos. It should not be possible to have multiple duos.
    • Modifier Mode
      • These are where the fun modifiers go.
    • Custom Match
      • Current custom match parameters

    I love this idea. Needs tweaking as 2-3-4 man SWFS still need to be able to rank if they desire. But man a ranked queue sounds amazing for the game. Too many people want to just play to have fun and can't get that due to tunneling/camping/killers/repeat/toss in some survivor shenanigans (yes bias lol). Separate modes could fix that instead of only being able to go to customs.

    Am I mistaken? I probably am. But was this a post to talk about balance when you were in… a chaos shuffle modifier? I just need clarification on whether to take this post serious or disregard as trolling. Ty!

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2024

    "Up to the task" would be like going up against very good players, it's a challenge, that's a good thing. I think most people would be fine with that "up to the task".

    SWF isn't just a good player, SWF is like saying let's have a boxing match but you get one hand tied behind your back. That's not just a "challenging" match, it's an unfair match. Challenge is good, unfair is not. We say unfair because the game is pretty unanimously agreed on by most the player base to not be balanced around SWF.

    This would be like asking survivors if they want to face a killer that's using wall hacks. It's a challenge right? Who doesn't want a challenge? Except the survivors wouldn't like that because it's not just a challenge, it's unfair.

    Fair chance against a 4 man SWF would probably be like Nurse, Blight and maybe Spirit. Even most A tier killers it still tilts into unfair, much less all the B tier and below where it's ridiculously unfair.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    The biggest problem was how stressful the game was. Not any other game makes you stress this much in the match I was. Biggest problem in match was the bodyblocking in solo no-one almost never does that so it could be made bit weaker once tunneling nerfed. I maybe hope devs buff forced penance... Maybe killer is not for me but I hate those kind of matches.

    Yes it was chaos shuffle but so what they also had some disadvantages maybe I did have more and I just pointed out some perks could helped me. I did maybe have chance to 2K but again it was so stressful.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    No but im saying it's too strong few bodyblocks are fine but swf can do them too effiently and always at right time.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Indeed how dare those people wanting to play with their friends… Totally their fault and not the devs for not balancing around it…

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    I don't necessarily think that's a SWF problem. Just a balance issue with the map. That same problem can happen with 4 good solos. It's just rare with the way matchmaking works.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2024

    I agree maps are one of if not the biggest problem, but the swf is still a massive advantage the game isn't balanced for even on a map that doesn't have abusable spots. If it was just maps as you're saying that wouldn't be the case. Like let's take Wreckers or Coal which are generally considered by most people to be the more balanced maps, swf is still a problem there. A significantly lesser degree, but still a problem. We've also seen by their track record that even if it was maps as the main issue over swf that maps aren't getting fixed in a way to fix that problem any time soon.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    Because its ranked. You get a rank, you get more rewards, you get higher bloodpoints, etc.

    How many players queue up for ranked modes in other games despite the fact that they are signing up for a sweaty match where they might not get to play the character they want like in games like League or Overwatch?

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931
    edited May 2024

    They need to find another friend. This is very common in team based games as it is, where you can queue up for solo, duo, or full squad but not "partial squad"

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Maybe in ranked, but not in unranked modes as far as I know... Otherwise this game would need to gi full comp and not call itself a partygame anymore when you cannot queue as a 3 men swf...

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,000

    The stress is what sets dbd aside imo. What other game does this to get your blood pumping? I'd take a look at the games listed myself! Another option besides dbd for this would be wonderful.

    But I am genuinely surprised. You aren't a fan of the high energy of dbd? How can you play either side and want it to be just kind of meh? for example, I -hate- doing gens. Its low energy, boring, and not fun for me. I know others are reversed. Maybe this is you?

    Just trying to understand! Was it just TOO much stress in that particular game?

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931
    edited May 2024

    Please tell me where the words "party game" appear anywhere in DBDs marketing.

    Also, please tell me of any other "party game" that uses MMR to match players of relatively equal skill.

    Does mario party use MMR you think?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Well that's what many people call it ^^ And since most people agree that it is not a competitive game they tend to put those two as the opposite sides of the spectrum...

    DBD has a weird spot in that regard, because it has mmr but way too much rng to be even somewhere near a competitive game... So I don't really know where to put it.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,150
    edited May 2024

    I just played a full SWF of TTV players as Billy on Nostromo. I got 2 hooks no kills and it was frankly not a fun experience for me (They also got two flashy saves because I was playing Chaos Shuffle with no lightborn).

    Maybe it serves me right for taking a bathroom break while queuing up because I quickly realised they would be too much for me without Lightborn. But whatever. SWFs will never be enjoyable to go up against because they fundamentally break the game. If the game was balanced around the way that a half-way decent SWF plays the game, every Killer would need to be buffed to a level that would make SoloQ impossible for the rest of us.

    Chaos Shuffle has really hammered home how necessary regression is to quite a lot of average Killer players (myself included). Most of us aren't good enough to compete without it. I simply can't dedicate any more of my life or free time to "getting good" at this game. I genuinely think you need to be either very very skilled, or willing to play especially nasty to stand a chance against even a mediocre but gen focused SWF team.

    If I could opt out of playing against a 4 man team on comms, I would. Every time.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    Saying that "a large part of the community is playing with exactly 3 people in a premade" is probably not true. Do you have any proof of that?

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    Right, so those people are wrong. If a game is using MMR, then by definition it is not a party game.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,344

    Duos are by far the most common SWF, with trios less numerous and quads even less so.