Take a break when sabotage speed changes arrive

BOOTtoFACE Member Posts: 41

It's a good time to take a break from Dead by Daylight when the changes come. Clearly they want slugging to be #1 strategic priority for killers, but I am not going to do that since it's lame and unenjoyable not only for me but for survivors as well. The objective for hooking survivors will be a thing of the past after these changes goes live. Good thing I got my vacation to Dubai booked for a couple of months.



  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 117

    I personally didn't have that big of issues with it on the PTB but that's just me. I'm sure that the changes will either be nerfed or straight up reverted, because everything I've heard is either "it's oppressive" or, like me, "I didn't see it."

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,910

    Taking into consideration that whenever a change to something is made that there's always someone who dramatically overacts and believes the game will become too broken or unplayable.

    What normally happens is that a PTB comes out, then it's either seen as okay or tweaks are made, with the final result being fair enough. There are rare occasions where things take way too long (Skull Merchant, Hug tech), but the team has been pretty successful and had far more hits than misses, especially recently.

    Basically, wait for the PTB, don't throw toys out of the pram, see what it's like then submit feedback.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 1,875

    I have never understood that annoying phrase "you can't have your cake and eat it too"

    What the hell does that even mean?

    Who buys a cake not to eat it?

    Don't kids eat their cake at their birthday party?

    I need clarification on the saying, it makes zero sense to me πŸ˜„

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,328

    Well, no. What they want and what the player base wants is for the game to be fun and enjoyable. I'd rather killers try new builds and such. I'd rather survivors do the same. The fact killers treat every lobby team like they've been convicted of a hate crime is pretty telling. But thats dbd! Adrenaline rushes and ego massages lol.

    I've had too many "Sorry for the scummy play. Last game brought 4 flashlights." You literally dont need a reason for the game to be ready to 'take a break from dbd.' Its been here, and if the sabo changes are what gets you to leave, why did you stay recently? Its literally the same.

  • Garboface
    Garboface Member Posts: 234

    As it is now, sabo attempts get the sabo'er killed generally. I am looking forward to the new change. Strategy becomes drop the person immediately when seeing someone attempting a sabo. Not that big of a deal.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,303
    edited May 22

    Problem is dropping a survivor gives them more wiggle progress when picked up again. Slugging is a risk, especially with most of the M1 cast. Not to mention they can be picked back up while the killer is in a new chase that can take just as long as the first.

    Sabotage being the higher risk/reward makes sense, because after a long chase being able to deny the killer a hook adds even more time for others to do gens. Removing more of the risk just creates problems in the long run, for both sides.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,366
    edited May 22

    I didn't get it once either.
    You can't have you're cake looking pretty on a table and also eat it at the same time. It's not a "have it then eat it" it's more so a "still have the whole thing after or while eating it".

  • Souplet
    Souplet Member Posts: 345

    Toolboxes lobby ? Third seal - Knockout - forced hesitation

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 102

    no no , you could honestly have a point there . I mean nobody wants this and they are doing it anyways .

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,552
    edited May 22

    Thats the spirit. Im heavily dislike the constant doomsday talking that happens every single update. Lets see the changes in action first before we call it a day.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,186

    then after dropping survivor slug the rest that how most game turn all.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,099

    I think players having a greater variety of viable options is a good thing. I want this

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 102
  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,669

    Look at it literally. If I have a piece of cake in front of me, it is physically there. If I eat the cake, it is not physically there in front of me anymore. It is gone. I cannot "have the cake" because the cake is now "gone." Is it a silly expression? I think so. You could argue that you still "have" the cake if it is in your stomach. You could also argue that what's the point in having cake if it's not going to be eaten. But the point is, it can't be both. It can't exist in two different states at the same moment.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,099

    It's no skin off my back if people can't be mature about their opponents having viable options, and trying to make others miserable as a result. I'm just glad there's the potential for a greater variety of opponent play styles in the wraith streak I'm doing

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,205

    IF it comes on Live in the same state as it's in the PTB, I'll just spend my games slugging and bleeding out : easy.

    Unbreakable will become META.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,303

    Sabotage was already an option though? This just makes commodious a stronger toolbox since it has enough charges to do both. Like honestly, why use any other toolbox now?

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,099

    you know what i mean man. sabotage was an option the same way playing perkless addonless trapper is an option

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,303
    edited May 22

    Tell that to sabo squads.

    But seriously, if they wanted to buff sabotage, why aren't we getting a full toolbox pass to help balance it across the board instead of slapping a massive buff? This isn't going to stop fully optimized gens, and only makes sabo squads stronger than they already are. Not to mention, this doesn't hurt top tiers at all, once again just hurting M1 killers on the low end of the roster.

    And we can't ignore this will result in with an uptick in slugging to try and avoid having all the hooks broken in the first place. Killers won't enjoy taking long chases and then being denied hooks constantly.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,099

    having to bring 4 purple wood offerings and coordinate on voice comms to ensure the sabotage plays go off is imo a special circumstance similar to playing naked trapper

    I've observed this before and I'll say it again: I have a hard time taking the predictions of a noticeable increase in slugging seriously. Maybe in the first few days of the patch there will be a minor increase, but people threaten to completely ignore hooks every single patch and i've yet to see those threats materialize in the several years I've played the game.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,303
    edited May 22

    That's a fine opinion to have, but it doesn't change the fact it's probably going to happen and it's not going to be fun for either side to deal with. And heck, you don't need purple wood on a lot of maps when only 1 hook spawns in a corner and the best strat in high MMR is to run to that corner and let a teammate sabo that hook as it is.

    Buffing sabo like this without any considerations to maps and current toolboxes is still a very bad idea, and I think more changes are needed before attempting this. This really just buffs sabo squads and SWF, where as SoloQ might have more slugging in case there's sabo squads because they won't know otherwise and don't want to risk the chance.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,364

    The Alex toolbox changes affects solo too. On the PTB, I was using Alex toolbox with speed addons, and getting multiple sabotages off each game, that forced the killer to drop the survivor. If a survivor waits until the killer has brought the survivor to a hook, then starts the sabotage, then the killer doesn't have enough time left to bring the survivor to a different hook.

    And I was purposely taking a hit under the hook, fully aware that the broken PTB sabotage speeds were so fast, that I could recover from the hit, sabotage the hook, AND run away before the killer could hit me again. And it takes so long for the killer to drop a survivor, that I got a head start in running away each time.

  • musicallyblind
    musicallyblind Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 11
    edited May 22

    It's funny that bhvr decided to buff hook sabotaging speed but not decrease the time to drop a survivor.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,303

    Feels like the risk was completely taken away then, huh.

    And I assume after taking a hit and breaking a hook, you can easily get to the next hook if the killer tries to commit right? I saw that a few times in the PTB as well when I was trying to practice against Vecnas. I didn't even think about Alex Toolbox, Commodius already seems busted for the job alone.

  • please_explain
    please_explain Member Posts: 96

    Me who is a Iron Grasp enjoyer XD

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,303

    Sounds about right, I experienced killers trying to go from hook to hook when 2-3 survivors tried sabo plays in the PTB and it didn't go well, eventually turning into a slug game. It's good to know my worries about it weren't unwarranted by your experiences too. Thank you for the insight.

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 539

    Who cares just use iron grasp, mad grit or kill the saboer?

    Nah rather just stop playing because of a PTB change that isn't even live πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯😣

  • devoutartist
    devoutartist Member Posts: 80

    you still have iron graps and agitation to counter act this and welcome to how it felt with stbfl when it worked on m2 unhooking was impossible unless you ran perks like desperate measure but honestly on small map the sabo speed is a good change with how hook density is i personally think that this will only be felt more on big map that has a lot of spread with hooks

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,303

    The same reason as to why survivors shouldn't be expected to run decisive strike for tunneling or unbreakable/exponential for slugging constantly, it's taking steps backwards in terms of gameplay. Why should anyone feel like a build is required to run 24/7 because of these mechanics? I have to run lightborn because of that flashbang bug with walls because flashbang/background player being so prevalent now.

    Don't we all want variety in our builds? I'd rather they just buff the sabotage perk than just buff toolboxes across the board with nothing else. All this does is promote slugging and de-incentivize the normal gameplay loop because sabo will be far too easy to do.

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 386

    Toolboxes have finite charges and on top of that could be mitigated by perks (overwhelming presence, franklin - you CAN bring them, you don't have to).

    b-but built to last!!!

    Then on top of that you can use Iron Maiden. Also one more survivor messing around the hook / being in the locker is one more survivors that don't do gen, where is the issue?

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,303

    Oh good so even more required perks for a baseline issue.

    You're also forgetting background player, streetwise, and breakout. Seriously, this isn't an issue that should be covered by running a build to counter it 24/7, you're just proving my point. You can already run these builds in the current game and get value from hook breaking.

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 386

    Oh yeah, sure, dedicate ENTIRE build just to maybe sabo in match, then you don't have anything if you are tunneled, you don't have exhaustion perks that could help you in chase, you don't have distorion to prevent killer from seeing you in aura-revealing meta, you don't have any gen progression perks to have any chance against PR+POP meta.


    Also who cares, if I bring Bothany + Desperate Measures with medkit and play vs Plague it's "too bad so sad ggs", but if you can see survivor in lobby with toolbox, even thinking about countering it it's apparently HUGE ISSUE.