BHVR, please revisit Skull Merchant abilities.

I honestly feel like everyone I speak to, NO ONE wants to play against this killer.
SM is so OP that matches against her end before they start...
When i see the black circle in the Hud I already know it's better to go to the next one because the match is going to be miserable, someone is going to DC or kill themself on hook.
SM is something that souldn't exist.
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I actually have pretty good matches against them these days.
Very unpopular thing to say I know.
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It doesn't matter how many times Skull Merchant gets changed. Survivors are still going to complain about her and give up without even bothering to learn how to play against her.
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Maybe I'll get flak for this but honestly i think her power is fine now, it's just she has a stigma around her and even if they made her have literally no power people are still gonna give up/go next, she is a lost cause
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She's still horribly unfun to go against. Takes absolutely zero skill to play. Just M2 and deny every loop. Complete snooze fest.
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Here's hoping they actually rework her instead of just tweaking her power
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Please. I've been saying she needs completely overhauled since her first PTB. I feel like a broken record at this point.
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I actually like playing against her. It's hard to describe why but playing against her feels like doing a stealth mission in Payday 2.
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I really like playing against Skull Merchant, I find it more engaging than going against a lot of more popular killers, really. Spirit, Trickster, and Doctor need reworks FAR sooner than Skull Merchant, who is dare I say both balanced AND fun to go against if you try.
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I played against 2 yesterday. One played normally (and got a 4k), and no one DCd or let go on hook. The second one though played really unpleasantly, and I had two team mates DC. Eventually it was me and a bot and I got left slugged so the killer could find the bot. Players who punish those who actually opted to stick around and try suck tbh. I think the issue with her is that because she's so easy to play (her drones do all the work) she can attract trolls and just unpleasant people in general. There are normal SMs scattered in there but the bad apples still sour the bunch.
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i genuinely dont think they plan to tweak her for year 9 a nerf maybe, a rework definitely not after the huge Twins rework backlash i dont think there gonna waste anymore time (3 months) on Killers reworks for now
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I don’t think she got popular to hate because her powers were OP, I think she got popular to hate because of the players that played her. The community was very vocal about how unfun the tactics most SM mains used was to face, but enough players continued to play that way to the point where BHVR stepped in to try and put a stop to it. And while the rework changed her, it didn’t change those players. Players that will do anything and everything to win regardless if it means guarding a 3 gen from the start until the game literally times out. Those type of players are NOT exclusive to SM but she attracted them because of how easy it was to use her in such a way.Certain perks/killers attract certain playstyles that many players simply don’t want to deal with. It’s like seeing a lobby full of toolboxes, it doesn’t mean they’re SWF or a sabo bully squad, but it happens enough times for the assumption to be made, and since survivors can’t lobby dodge a killer they do it by DC.
Obviously this doesn’t doesn’t mean every person who uses a certain perk/killer plays that way, but enough do to gain a reputation.