Hello Slugs

Well, they did a great job with the perk changes in my opinion. They buff deerstalker and make killers want to slug with the change to DS.
From a killer main to other killers, get Knock Out ready and begin the slugfest.
Congrats Devs, you just made slugging the best strategy in the game.
Addition: The devs say in the patch notes that killers pip-up much faster than survivors, meaning it is easier for a killer than a survivor. Then they say in the DS changes that 'it hurts the killers momentum, that it is used too often and is too hard on killers.'
Just an observation here, wouldn't having a perk that makes it hard on killers, also help take care of killers ranking up too fast compared to the survivors?
In fact, killers in the red ranks are required to slug for the 4k if they want to pip.
I wonder when the hatch is gonna be reworked, but probably not this year lul....
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Gotta love other beings than bipedals
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My wraith will love deerstalker, knock out, infectious fright and thana. 😁
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so many moris to perform
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So you understand the issue they have caused? Because as it stands, I would never use DS because I would be too in fear of Rancor and getting my DS off only to get mori'd at the door when they catch up to me. I feel bad for anyone who bought the Halloween Chapter. Michaels perks can now be redacted and made pointless, and DS is now a perk you have to actually be afraid of using.
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I play Myers without his perks anyway. Didn't got him for perks.
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Don't bother me, I always dc on try hard sluggers anyway 🤣😂
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It is no longer try-harding at this point. It is the way you will have to play to avoid DS. Welcome to slugville hun, good luck getting your bloodpoints with the DCs.
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I'm sure it'll be right after Freddy.
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Unbreakable is gonna bite sluggers in the ass
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It was never “try-harding” it was a way to avoid a hatch stand off or slowing the game down.
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@ThatGamerDude976 ok, but don’t be shocked if you get banned.
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It's a one-off perk. They get up and help others, but no gens were done, no hatch yet, and killers can just slug again.