What are you learning about yourself in Chaos Shuffle?

I'm learning to look around after downing a Survivor for a potential save and looking down during blinding attempts.
I always run lightborn so I'm learning that I may not need it as much as I think I do.
I got two 4Ks in a row where flashlight saves were attempted, but I avoided every single one.
I haven't been given Lightborn in Chaos Shuffle once yet.
What have you learned? Anybody finding their favorite perks are not necessary?
I've discovered a love for Dead Hard 😬 sorry everyone
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I've learned that Gearhead is an amazing perk on Ghostface!
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I really really hate flashlight lobbies and quick switching
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I learned it's great on Chucky a couple hours ago.
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I learned autodidact can be amazing perk if you get skill checks early in the game.
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- I've learned that I'm a "decent" player even without perks. I thought without my "comfort perks" I would have difficult games, but (fortunately) that wasn't the case. In fact, when I have "useful" perks in "chaos shuffle" I feel almost unbeatable🤣
- Specifically on perks, I learned that "Overcome" and "Remember me" are very underrated perks. These two perks have some """flaws""" and would both need some adjustments, but when they work well they are very strong
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Overcome has been my Exhaustion perk of choice since it first came out. I still see people call it bad and don't know why. It comes in clutch so often
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I learned that I should always, ALWAYS use Lightborn. The amount of players who love to equip 4 flashlights and try to bully you out of the game is staggering.
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I have rediscovered my hatred for no mither.
Chaos shuffle made me use some amazing perks that I don't use too often but might consider running in "normal" trials from now on more frequently (floods of rage, alert, troubleshooter, discordance, etc.) and perks that just do nothing and are rightfully never picked (corrective action, cut loose, hangman's trick, weaving spiders etc.).
And then there's no mither. A perk that is worse than getting an empty perk slot, but apparently that's fine because it is meant to be a perk so bad that it loses you games.
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Miss lightborn. Detest flashlight bully squads.
Also miss no where to hide on darker maps against Blendette's.
To be honest I get perks I didn't even know were in the game and only after the game I find out what they were supposed to do.
So it's a learning lesson for me.
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I'm learning that I've memorized all the perks already and it's fun to try mixing new combinations. Past that it's just nice to be able to try other perk combinations without worrying that I'm at a disadvantage because every single player in the lobby is running meta.
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I learnt Billy is an absolute beast and probably the strongest killer in the game when used well. He's also mega fun to play.
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I learned the Devour is honestly a pretty goofy perk. Smh I always perceived it as some kind high-risk-high-reward sweaty perk or sth (mainly because as a surv I encounter it on killers who definitely needed a shower after that match). - But oh my, the pure chaos that erupts when survs get the exposed status is so funny.
On surv I didn't learn much, I just got confirmation that any killer can easily camp and tunnel but a surv without an anti-tunnel build can't do much about it.
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they increased the percentage of getting no mither for sure
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I learned I don't need Windows of autopilot anymore to loop and path through the maps. I never tried to get rid of it out of fear to perform incredibly bad.
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Ive learned that not knowing what youre running going into a game is one of the funnest things Ive done since Ive started playing.
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That windows is the single most overrated survivor perk in the game. My chases are just as long without it.
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aye same!
Also it seems im 1 of 3 people who actually uses Invocation: Weaving Spiders when I get that perk, cant wait for its buff :>
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That the game loves me having poised equipped. I swear I got that perk in at least 30% of my matches.
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I always use windows of opportunity but I learned I don't actually need it. Ofcourse it helps bit but that only because im so used to running it every game.
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I got Boon Shadow Step quite often, I never really used it prior, but might now use it in stealth builds more often, with Light Footed and Iron Will.
Sure, the killer may snuff the boon, but since you leave no scratch marks, and have no aura reading, the killer snuffing it may give you some time to escape, and they will have zero clue where you went. Such a fun perk, saved me multiple times even.
It's also good against aura reading if your on generators, healing, etc. Considering I prefer not to be chased, this perk is also extremely good for my type of playstyle which is doing generators/being productive with a bit stealth to it, so I can remain hidden.
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I think Invocation Weaving Spiders is one of the few perks I have actually yet to roll. Would like to see how it fairs in a Chaos Shuffle game but I don't think I'm going to ever get the chance.
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Gen slow down perks get a lot less necessary when you take away all the 2nd chance, after 2nd chance, after 2nd chance perks that make chases take way longer than they should. "Generally" not having either in the match bar a couple random ones, it tends to even the game speed out to where it normally is when both are in play.
People tend to always take note of how much time gen perks save, but rarely is it mentioned how much time all the Exhaustion and 2nd chance perks save on the other side.
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I've become FAR too dependent on Windows. Every time I sit down on a gen I have to scan the area for my options beforehand. The perk is an addictive crutch.
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I have just further proven to myself that I don't need slowdown meta to be a Merciless Pig main.
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Maybe play some other killers too! You might find you like being a killer that doesn't threaten my real life by damn near giving me a heart attack every time. The Pig is scary 😨
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I have never understood why people use this. I had to use it once for a Tome Challenge and omg all that yellow! It's blinding! I swear it made the game harder for me lol
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Even playing in SoloQ, I paradoxically realized the importance of slow-down parks such as PoP & Painless because many matches ended quickly gen if there were two survivors who could chase for a certain amount of time.
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I've learned that killer is pretty painful to play without reliable perks.
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i learn that most players look regular without chase extenders and regression.
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Got it, used it and my teammates trapped me in the basement..
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I'm learning that I'm sick of seeing tunneling Weskers in 50% of my Chaos Shuffle matches. Weskers, I know it's rough not having four slowdowns, but you won't go to jail IRL if you let a survivor escape a match.
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I've learned that RNG is the worst part of this game. It was always the worst part of it in the actual base game, and it's made even worse in a game mode in which even your build allows you to have no agency.
In base DBD you already have the chance to get bad teammates, hackers, tunneling killers, people who slug the 5 minutes, 3 genners, etc. Having to put up with ALSO having RNG on your own build, giving you completly useless perks or no mither makes the game even worse.
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I do play others, never said I didn't. Also, if you think The Pig is scary, good! This is supposed to be a horror game. Mwhahhahahaha.
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Im glad i learned to play the game without windows. I'm seeing so many survivors struggle without that perk now its sad.
Also I've learned that the game loves giving me no mither + healing perk or 2 which makes no sense.. I got no mither twice in a row with..healing perks 😶
I also learned how much i love the chaos and randomness. I didn't realise how bored i was of the meta DBD
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I learned that the game is insanely easy when survivors don’t have their meta builds. I’ve probably only lost 2 matches out of 80-100 so far.
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I got Botany Knowledge and Self Care and I'm kinda starting to understand why the meta in the Asian servers favors this combo.
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Could you at least use Distressing on her?
Oh, and also not use her stealth?
Thanks in advance ☺️
I appreciate it 🙏
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Without lethal pursuer?!
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That I'm a better survivor than I thought.
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I'll use her stealth for both of us.
Medical file go zooooom....
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I learned nothing. I’m good with perks and without them. I play base kit on all my killers without addons and hardly use “strong perks” so killer is just as easy/difficult as it always is for me. Survivor, I typically bring the same load out but in this game mode it makes me use other stuff. I’ve gotten no mither a lot which does nothing for me since I don’t usually heal. If you hadn’t figured out to play good/efficiently after thousands of hours played without the help of comfort perks thank you should go play something else… like civilization 4 lol.
I really enjoy this game mode and hope they just keep it around or bring it back every two weeks
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Its rough, but 4 flashlights in the lobby is also an amazing slowdown that very few other perks can even hope of accomplishing.
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Yep lol. I know we talked about this before but Lethal pursuer isn’t really even good imo. If a different perk extended aura read and nothing else I would take it over Lethal any day lol.
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Lightborn extends I thought?
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Nope lol, if it did i would definitely use it over Lethal. Lightborn reveals the aura of people who try to blind you for 10 seconds.
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Oh that's right. LP is so busted though. I got it in Chaos Shuffle...match was over in 5 minutes
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It’s definitely strong, no denying that. I just think it’s overrated and if I wasn’t a Huntress who ran a full aura build I would never touch it. I’d rather run Corrupt Intervention.
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I found that I can still be entertained by DBD in a way I thought I lost long ago.
It was…fun :)
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Playing Chaos Shuffle this weekend reminded me how much I despise Eyrie of Crows. SERIOUSLY, how in TARNATION is one supposed to find the Lament Configuration when the ink spots sound just like the box? This is some serious bologna
On the bright side... I actually got Bloodhound value on this silly level. I got discombobulated by the map Sfx and somehow lost a Leon but the bright red spots actually came in clutch here