I get that killers are released strong



  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    To avoid another Made For This situation.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,943

    Now ask yourself this.

    Is vecna stronger than nurse? If not, then why does vecna deserve nerfs but nurse is going to continue to exist in her current form?

  • Unusedkillername
    Unusedkillername Member Posts: 215

    no and yes

    tbh i think there is only 1 good perk out of the 6 and it's Languid Touch.

    Vecna is however weak and people just need to learn how to deal with him the number of people who don't see the chests as the N.1 priority is mental. I'm guessing 99% of the people who wanted him nerfed on day 1 are these people because in no way is he up there with the likes of plague right now, a pretty simple killer that I think deserves a small nerf because it's not right she is better than killers that demands more than plague.

  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 392

    I believe it is simply a game all about killers which is why it is like that. Survivor is a disposable and killers are an asset.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,943

    You still have yet to explain any decent reason why nurse exists, and any other killer deserves a nerf.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,943
    edited June 2024

    My premise is simple.

    Nurse has been allowed to exist in her current state for a year and a half. With her last nerf happening on January 24 of 2023.

    Based on that, it would stand to reason that BHVR thinks that nurse is fine and balanced.

    And based on what you are currently saying about Vecna, implies that you think Vecna should be nerfed. And based on what you are saying about nurse, it would imply you think she should be nerfed as well.

    But, if she has been in the state she has been for over a year, and the devs seem fine with her. That stands to reason that nurse is actually weaker than Vecna, since vecna is getting nerfed.

    So i ask you a simple question.

    Which killer is stronger, nurse or vecna?

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    For the record, the past five survivors (not currently counting the newest one because I'd need to play with those perks more to form a solid opinion) have all released with at least one good strong perk, and only one of those perks (Made For This) has since been nerfed to my recollection.

    Just to be transparent, the good strong perks are these, going by survivor:

    Sable Ward: Wicked (very solid and useful for dodging attempted tunnellers if they return to the hook), Strength in Shadows (very strong self heal with an aura read to boot)

    Alan Wake: Champion of Light (powerful chase perk that adds a lot of distance to chases when used correctly, with strong synergies too)

    Ellen Ripley: Light-Footed (blocking footstep sounds is an extremely underrated effect, and this is a strong stealth perk because of it)

    Nic Cage: Honestly all of his meet the criteria to at least be "decent"

    Gabriel Soma: Made For This (I don't need to explain this one), Troubleshooter (very solid solo queue info perk)

    The fact of the matter is, new offerings for survivor perks are pretty good overall. People are just very dismissive of good offerings, and separately to that, let actually bad perks like release Scavenger and release Weaving Spiders taint their view of the overall pool.

  • Jaredleto1234
    Jaredleto1234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 70

    I am for nerfing killers that feel unfair, regardless of how good they are perceived. The problem with nurse is that she is both tragic in the hands of 90% of players, and oppressive in the hands of the rest. She would need an entire overhaul to address that issue, one that the devs don't feel is worth it. Is making her more accessible to everyone worth gutting her top end potential? I don't think so, a lot of killer mains would not be happy with a nurse rework.

    Vecna has a different issue than nurse, which is that his game-play currently allows very little counter-play, if none at all. Even the nerfs that were proposed by the devs will likely have little impact on the current situation of Vecna. The truth of the matter is guaranteed hits feel terrible, it's one of the reasons why I can't stand playing against legion. It doesn't feel good to lose a health state simply because that's how the killer works, that is just dogshite game play imo.

    Currently Vecna just straight up feels unfair when it comes to mage hand, where as nurse can be outplayed. Albeit it takes very good play on your part to outplay her, the counter-play still exists.

    I wouldn't have a problem with nurse being reworked or nerfed (as a survivor main), but I don't think it would be good for the game. Just like I thought the DH and MFT nerf were good for the game. Having perks that are set and forget are not fun, but also having perks that are so meaningless that it wouldn't be worth the slot is equally as bad. We have like 4 gen perks at this point that actually slow down your gen progress.

  • JeanGreyarea
    JeanGreyarea Member Posts: 498

    the reason they can’t be strong is because of people complaining. There is no way current adrenaline or even current dead hard would be allowed to release today because they would get a lot of backlash

  • Jaredleto1234
    Jaredleto1234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 70

    Yea I never once compared survivor perks to killer perks. They keep glossing over the part where I bring up that at least half of survivor perks aren't even worth the slot. I am comparing bad survivor perks to good survivor perks, and many are very very bad even in context of them being weak because they are survivor perks. A survivor perk can be good without it being better than a killer perk, right now they release perks that aren't even good in the context of it being a survivor perk.