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Is eruption still a good perk or nah?

Lectussy Member Posts: 14


  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Around average I guess? Maybe a bit above if you have a killer that can utilize the Aura reading, but it eats up your regression events really fast so there are definitely better options.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,841

    Meh I would think. The aura reading is cool… if most games didn't have at least 2 distortions.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    It's probably the best gen kick perk left in the game sadly very good on snowball killers like oni

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,559

    It's decent.

    It shines especially on killers who can minimise the time it takes to go kick generators, either by getting between them very quickly or by having a way of making the kick action itself faster through an addon. The gold standard here is Wraith, who with Windstorm and Shadow Dance can both zip between gens quickly and kick them faster while cloaked.

    The more gens you hit at once, the more value Eruption gives. That aura reading is no joke, either, it lingers for quite a while and actually soft-counters Distortion since it lasts long enough to chew through two stacks on a single activation.

    It's not as good on immobile killers and it can run slightly afoul of the anti-3-gen system if used carelessly, so I don't think it's incredible, but it's definitely a worthwhile pick in some situations.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,890

    from my experience people seem to not know what the perk does anymore and they proceed to try and hide after it procs lol

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 552

    Compared to other gen regression Perks like PainRes it is rather weak. You have to spend the time to find and kick a generator with quite good progression and then need to down a survivor in time before the survivors can finish the generator. It is a quite high risk with average reward perk. In addition, Eruption takes two regression events which means you can only use it four times on one generator unlike many other regression Perks. The aura reading is quite good and can be very helpful.

    if you want to use it, I would recommend killers that can get quick downs, have the time to kick a generatorn and take advantage of the aura reading like Nurse, Wesker, Blight, or Artist.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,190

    Sadly because of 3-gen feature it is way weaker just for the fact you can't combine it with Surge.

    Eruption basically makes it gens have only 4 regression events, so it is very easy to block gens and it doesn't decrease progress by that much...

    It's definitely valid of you combine it with nowhere to hide.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808


  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,455

    I'd be happy to get it in Chaos Shuffle, would I willingly bring it into a pub lobby? No

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,654

    On its on? No. If you're using a perk/playstyle that's going to be kicking gens anyway (Nowhere to Hide), it can be okay.

  • MrT1412
    MrT1412 Member Posts: 104

    Still good, but I think Pop is much more consistent now on its own.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,149

    Nah, with current gen times and the setup you need. I would not touch it, i would rather go focus on fast downs than gen regression at this point.

  • Shaddoll_Serpent
    Shaddoll_Serpent Member Posts: 153

    Probably still a top 10 killer perk honestly and the best passive gen kick perk. Combos very well with other perks such as Pop and Overcharge.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 7,869

    pop+eruption is really good. I think pop is weak by itself and eruption itself is weak but together, they make a decent combo. With pop getting a nerf, it is worse than before but it is still ok.

    60% regression is not bad. for reference, pain res is 20% for 1 hook. so if you exhaust all regression events, it is like using pain res 3 times. Like i said in a previous post, any time a generator is complete and you didn't block it, your losing out of gen regression.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,190

    pain res is 20% for 1 hook.

    I don't believe nerfing % from pain res was right call anyway.

    It was good combined with surge to basically never need to kick gens and still have decent slowdown.


    It's not that good, because of cooldown. You need to wait to use pop, if you want to apply eruption.

    Pop is also way weaker...

    Nowhere to hide is must have to use for eruption value. What you pick next doesn't matter as long it's not Surge.

  • KazRen
    KazRen Member Posts: 186

    Not really. The anti 3 gen mechanic kinda made it pretty bad. You could pair it with other regression perks and it would be decent but even then, it still isn't really worth it over other regression perks. Distortion is also common so the aura reading isn't reliable.

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 540

    A Park that consumes two Gen Kick times is useless unless it has a value similar to the previous PoP. Even though there is a downed survivor in front of you, if you can see the aura of the survivor working on Gen, there is no benefit other than being able to sort out the situation except for certain killers such as artists. I still don't understand what BhVR was thinking in making this rework.

  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 193

    It's decent. The biggest thing is that it doesn't cause Incapacitated anymore which is what made it so powerful.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,974

    It knocks off a negligible amount of gen progress and shows auras. And you have to stop to kick gens to activate it (heh). When are people gonna learn that perks which require you to kick a gen, and give the survivors who were working on it a full lead, are bad perks? You're either gonna hold W for 40 seconds just to catch up to them, or go to a different gen while they go back on the one you just kicked. Either way, you're gone for too long and so they just finish it.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,323

    Unless you are doing a full kicking build and you don't know what to put in one of the slots, I don't see why you would ever use it. And even then, I can argue there are better perks to fill that position.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,637

    It's okay.

    Just keep in mind it takes 2 regression events if it activates. Unless survivors don't repair the generator's regression.

    I like using it paired with Unforseen or Trail of Torment sometimes.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,271

    If Eruption didn't eat up 2 of the regression events killers have, it would be okay. But the fact that it does eat up 2 regression events for the killer makes it a pretty bad option.

  • Tzimiscelord
    Tzimiscelord Member Posts: 146

    Its good. I combine it with nowhere to hide and it works pretty well.

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 546

    Its a good perk still, but reliant on combining with other gen kick perks like PoP, Call of Brine, Overcharge, etc.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 912

    It's 9 seconds per proc, and you can theoretically proc it on up to 7 gens, meaning 63 seconds worth of regression from a singular proc. Obviously it's almost never going to be that, but even 18-27 seconds of regression per instance is great value. What also has to be factored in is that if a survivor is on a gen when it procs, there is a progress freeze for another 3 seconds. And you get the aura of course. And the gen starts regressing, which can be especially nice if nobody is on the gen to stop the regression or if you slug to prevent them from being able to stop the regression.

    I will say that the aura effect is often lackluster and seems tacked-on pretty lazily. It can be good if you slug after the Eruption proc and play a killer with high mobility (e. g. Oni with Nowhere To Hide, Lethal Pursuer and Eruption), but it isn't often all that impactful outside of that.

    I also agree that the regression event limit has hit Eruption a little unjustly hard. I think it would be good if instead of a 10% regression, it would cause the respective gens to become blocked for 10 seconds, or incur a 50% repair speed reduction on them for 20 seconds.