Anybody having a problem with the way i`m handeling events?

MauriceMaverick Member Posts: 281
edited June 2024 in General Discussions

So, considering i`ve been doing this nice aniversary 3 i should have asked this earlier, but only now have i been called a smurf (whatever that means), a dirty farmer and a few less nice things. my take on events is when i play killer i go for my challange, i hook everybody twice (if no killing is required in my challange), then i either wait for the last gen and open gate or do some chasing just for points.

anybody having a problem with that? serios question, i`ll stop if that pisses people of.


  • EEP
    EEP Member Posts: 40

    I am currently playing nice, one or two hooking everyone and then just running around with them in the event. There are always those who don't like farming or "playing nice" that's their problem. Most responses I see and what I experience about events is they are super sweaty so I make sure to play killer and just provide chill non sweat games.

  • CrackedShevaMain
    CrackedShevaMain Member Posts: 585

    I think you’re playing very nice and allowing survivors to maximize their BP before you kill them, if you do. Thats more than fair and personally that’s all I ask for as survivor. If you want your 4K, go for it. Thanks for letting me play the match and get some points before you kill me. 🥰

  • MauriceMaverick
    MauriceMaverick Member Posts: 281

    Never seen dork being used that way but im guessing its the only slur the filter lets through.


  • AykDanroyd
    AykDanroyd Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2024

    I wish every killer player played like that. I do the same normally and especially during the events yet it's rarely reciprocated back and that's what pisses me off. Certain sweat or toxic perks should be banned/unequippable during the event. If someone can't land a 4K as killer these days without them when it's easier to play killer than it ever was, then that says a lot about skill level. The weave of attunement & Franklins combo is especially pissing me off and I can't believe that perk was ever created. Weave is the most unearned aura/info perk I've seen in the game so far and that's saying a lot after crap like Lethal Pursuer, Nowhere to Hide, Darkness Revealed, Ultimate Weapon, Friends Til The End, etc. Almost no killer players do hunting anymore. They get auras fed to them and go straight to the survivors and almost all of them go back to hook every time someone is getting unhooked. It takes zero effort to play like that and it kills any fun for the survivors in the game. As killer I could not play like that due to the lack of any challenge or honor/sportsmanship in it.

    My friend who plays Vecna did 30 matches where only 2 matches he got a draw (2 survivors escaping) and the rest were 4K's. No killer should be that easy.

  • Unusedkillername
    Unusedkillername Member Posts: 215

    Some players just want to play the game and not win or lose personally when i see a killer farm or stop killing thus keeping me in a game where I'm not playing it's annoying.

    Also being called a smurf means losing games on purpose to play against weaker players it kind of comes from other games with visual rankings where players sometimes have accounts way below their skills so they can play against players worse than them thats all it means.

  • B0X0R
    B0X0R Member Posts: 30

    Personally? Yeah I do have a problem. When I play survivor I want the killer to try and kill me. It irritates me but I'm not going to cuss you out on it. Play how you want to play (without using exploits or hacks)

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 698

    Since some person play the event just to piss of the other who just want to be chill and enjoy the event
    You probably get this one, don't bother, enjoy the BP and the event

  • MauriceMaverick
    MauriceMaverick Member Posts: 281

    Isnt a surviver supposed to, i dont know, want to surviver or something?

    but i get it, if you want out of a match, signal it to me and i will comply

  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 194

    I wish more people had that kind set. IMO... Events are for fun builds... Max blood points. If you are teabagging.... You ruin it ...if you run a killer are ruining it. Wish there was a way to have this a normalized thing. I know I'm not allowed to say it...but it's part of the game ....if a killer comes in sweaty...I'm going to work on my self unhook achievement!!!

  • EEP
    EEP Member Posts: 40

    One problem I run into is survivors to scared to unhook someone even as I'm standing way back swinging to tell them to unhook. When it starts gets to close to second stage I give the survivor the self unhook.

  • Karth
    Karth Member Posts: 266
    edited June 2024

    those "people" deserve to get tunnel and camped at 5 gens, wish ive seen more friendly killers

    But i guess you cant dictate how people wanna play, if they wanna play sweaty, then play sweaty

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    I saw someone use dork in a derogatory way on The Twitter and for some reason I find it really funny so it's my go-to insult (though the full statement is Dork-Ass Losers but I'm not sure if Mods would be mad at me if I called people that 😅)

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,564

    No, you play how you choose to play, however give them the same courtesy. If you are trying to farm, and they don't want to, well respect that. Even tunneling and slugging as controversial as it is, yea it sucks on the survivor side, but in the end, the way I see it is that if a killer wants to play that way, if that's what they find fun, then GGWP GL next.

  • MauriceMaverick
    MauriceMaverick Member Posts: 281

    well, i wont slug or tunnel, but i will kill anybody who just asks.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    Everything that isn't outright bigotry, cruel, or JUST clearly toxicity done to tilt people is valid and permissible. That includes farming and playing nice. The Devs may not technically want you to play that way but it's YOUR game, play the way you want. That includes playing chill or sweating however hard you like.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,784

    Never care about what people say about your gameplay.

    There are a lot of miserable people out there that will be dissatisfied regardless of whatever you do.