Can survivors be banned for the killer letting them escape?

Im fairly new to the game so I'm sorry if this is a silly question. But I just had a game where the killer sacrificed two survivors then proceeded to let me and another survivor work on the last 3 gens and escape, Just wondering if I could be banned for this because it wasn't my intention to escape?

Best Answers

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    Answer ✓

    I highly doubt it. The killer letting survivors go I don't believe falls under teaming, which is the only way someone could argue that. People have been letting others survive for the entirety of the game's lifespan

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503
    Answer ✓

    Hello and welcome!

    Just to make this short, some salty players (especially if they were among those two that got sacrificed) will claim that this kinda behaviour is against the rules and will spurt stuff like "Ya'll got reported. Enjoy your ban!!!1", claiming that its against the rule of "working with the killer". But thats just bogus. The flesh and meat of this game is the interactions between the players, and if a killer totally stomps the opposition and after sacrificing two survivors nods at the last two and let them do their gens in piece, thats not "working with the killer", thats players who are taking care of each other and not only playing for "winning at all costs, the other sides fun be damned".

    Heck, so often I wanted to go for a 4k and then the last survivor gave up in such a cute way that I gifted them hatch. In no way will BHVR ever ban you for something like this.

    "Working with the killer", as its mentioned in the rules about banning, needs some ill intend behind it, like a survivor somehow making their intentions known and leading the killer to the other survivors with their perks or whatever, and the killer sparing them. Or survivors sandbagging other survivors purposefully so that the killer can get them, while the killer spares them. Just sandbagging another survivor, btw, is not a bannable offense, you could use it tactically if you wanna go for a hatch play, its not nice, its despicable, but it IS surviving.

    Profing that someone is "working with the killer" is pretty hard and nearly always entails video proof of that match. Granded, in todays age of twitch and recording software that might not be that hard anymore, but in the past this has been the biggest stumbling block for others to report griefing players.

    So dl,dr: if the killer shows mercy on you, either because they stomp down hard or you gave up, thats just cute and not a bannable offense.


  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 296

    I let 2 survivors escape because they were obviously new and still had 3 gens to go.

    Possible op is talking about me or very similar game.

    Makes zero difference to me but I see no advantage in going for a 4k in that situation and I would have let 2 go regardless. Just random which 2 I hooked out the game.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,168

    As long as you don't cheat, insult people or hold people hostage you pretty much can't be reported at all (most bugs like blight not getting slowed down after a palette-break are not bannable ether btw. If it would be a big enough problem for them to ban you for it, they'd probably just killswitch the killer/item/perk/map).