Weave Attunement + Franklin's

Rauy556 Member Posts: 46
edited June 19 in General Discussions

This combo seems to have taken the spotlight regarding balance and its effectiveness. Below are my thoughts regarding it and a possible way to 'nerf' it so it is less oppressive, let me know your thoughts :)

The perk combo is definitely not weak by any means, anyone saying it is weak is a) incredibly killer sided or b) not very good/experienced at the game.

The issue with the perk is that it can lead to Solo Q teams to get absolutely torn apart and snowballed very easily but is quite easily counterable by a team on Comms. The counterplay to this combo is VERY simple, take all your items to a singular corner of the map and thats it, just like that 2/4 of the killer's perks are obsolete. Granted this counter is only effective if everyone on the team does it meaning for Solo Q it is basically impossible to have all 4 players perform this. Also, another very interesting counter to it is to use Object of Obsession since you get permanent aura reading on the killer within the radius of the dropped item, this is notably strong on tiles such as shack where it is extremely difficult for the killer to down you despite having aura due to continuously seeing the killer's aura being way more powerful on survivor.

I will say maybe what they can do to 'nerf' this combo is to make the perk de-buff icon of Weave Attunement on the bottom right of the survivor screen to fill up 'red' the closer they are to the dropped item that is revealing their aura, similar to old spine-chill that filled up with red gradually as the killer moved closer to you. I think this is the best way to address this synergy as revealing the aura of dropped items will just completely kill the combo, with my proposed fix it also requires some 'detective' work from the survivors to counter 2/4 of the killer's perks, which I think is completely fair, this will make it so Solo Q survivors can now somewhat keep track and find their teammates' items.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    Its a 2 perk combo for info and item disruption

    heres my "nerf"

    it takes up 2 perks slots so you only have 2 other perks to use in your build

    would be an effective change

  • Rauy556
    Rauy556 Member Posts: 46

    Yeah I rly dont know what these guys are on about it being weak, I have used WA + Franklins, Pain res & NWO on Vecna since he came out and it is such a good build I win 90% of my matches even without tunneling, information on killers that can act on it like Vecna is arguably more powerful than a slowdown perk like pop.

  • CLHL
    CLHL Member Posts: 157

    This combo makes no sense on Huntress, you shouldn't be throwing M1 with her. Much less when there are better aura reading options for a killer that needs to open lockers to reload.

    PEYVIX Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    why are you crying over a weak link that you need to spend 2 slots on?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited June 18

    It's true I was being hyperbolic but it's because I think you are as well in the other direction. Yes it takes some time, but it is nothing compared to actual slow downs and it's for 2 perk slots. Ultimately whether you get good value from it is also up to how competent the survivors are, not you as killer, which is the root of things that end up weak.

    I wouldn't call it bad, but it's far from being good.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I've been using Lethal as opposed to NWO myself, but there have been a couple games where I would've been less stressed with NWO lol

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited June 19

    I think unless there are 3-4 items laying on the ground, 1-2 items arent worth the time it buy for 2 perks.

    Though people always underestimate the time it takes to do anything as survivors, like they just teleport to an item then teleport to a corner then teleport back to a Gen.

    But of course killers can not to use those 2 perks when there are 1-2 items but only for at least 3 of them to make sure their combo works. Which definitely can be annoying to play against. The best counter to the perks combo is the same as Lightborne, its not about not bringing items/flashlight, but everyone bringing items/flashlight then remove their items at 0:06

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,678

    I've seen this mentioned in most of the threads about this perk/combo, and 'taking up two slots' has no bearing on whether something is balanced or not.

    Otherwise, you're implying that BU+FtP and FB+BP nerfs were somehow unwarranted because those also took up two perk slots.

  • Rage_In_The_Cage
    Rage_In_The_Cage Member Posts: 36

    It’s a decent combo but not worth two slots. Also, if we are balancing hypothetical combos on hypothetical team compositions and whether someone may be or may not be in a SWF, then a lot of perks need adjusting.

    If you notice you’re in the range of Weave, get the item, run it somewhere irrelevant and return. There, problem solved.

  • scoser
    scoser Member Posts: 482

    Love to spend 2 minutes being an Amazon delivery driver for the rest of my solo queue team that isn't dealing with their own dropped items.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    How much time does it take to do that? And multiplied by 4?

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    I'm basically calling its effects niche for the cost and bad so its a mediocre combo balanced out by the fact it both doesn't do much and is half your build

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,993

    Step 1: have a SWF

    Step 2: Everybody hold an item in the lobby, medkits are preferable

    Step 3: When theres 7 seconds left to start the match, remove the item

    Step 4: Don't grab item in chest unless really necessary. Drop the item in a corner of the map closest to a completed generator

    Step 5: See the endgame screen how the killer ran the game with 2 perks

  • jwill1197
    jwill1197 Member Posts: 15

    It's a circle with a 12m RADIUS. Standard tiles are 16 meters WIDE. Its effects travel through floors. You can put the item in basement and have your aura revealed standing above it. Tell me how long it would take to find an item a teammate dropped on an entirely different floor? Or on Midwich where it could be in the edge of the courtyard in the grass for all you know.

    It's in at least a sixth of high MMR games. If it wasn't good it wouldn't be so common. It is clearly worth the two perk slots if it is getting picked over established meta perks like Bamboozle & gen regression.

    It can be combined with killer addons that force item drops, so it doesn't necessarily require another perk.

    It isn't as simple as "walk 2 seconds and put the item away" since a lot of maps don't have great places to put the item because the circle has a 12 meter RADIUS and you can't find the item half the time because it's not your item.

    Constant aura-reading on rotations, generators, half of the map, etc, is definitely worth 2 perk slots if you're not awful at the game because that information lets you make extremely efficient decisions and make critical plays like interrupting a reset or unhook rotation. It does your game sense for you. You have to be delusional to think this perk combination is healthy for the game.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,993

    I love people justifying being 2 perks

    Buckle Up and FTP were 2 perks as well

  • Rauy556
    Rauy556 Member Posts: 46

    issue with FTP + Buckle up is that 2 perks on the survivor side being that strong is so much more oppressive since it is only 2/16 total perks for survivors so it should not be extremely strong. For killer it is fine for 2 perks to be strong since it is half of a killer's build. FTP + buckle up was problematic not only because it was a free uncounterable second chance, and also since the survivor running it could also have anti-tunnel or an exhaustion perk. If it took 3-4 perk slots on survivor to recreate the same effect of FTP + BU then I think that would be balanced.

  • ZigaTz
    ZigaTz Member Posts: 2

    I've recently tried these perks together and when it works, it works amazingly! There are some games where the survivors catch on quite quickly and react accordingly which negates half my perk load. I also brought the perk that blocks all but three of the closest generators near you. They noticed that and played very stealthy for 120 seconds. After two minutes I lost 3 of my 4 perks and proceeded to get destroyed as a killer haha. The thing is that it either works incredibly well or is completely negated. There doesn't seem to be much in between.

  • CrackedShevaMain
    CrackedShevaMain Member Posts: 408

    you guys keep bringing up this “but survivors have 16 perks!” nonsense and really let’s stop. Survivors only have 16 perks if 1. They’re in a coordinated SWF and 2. They all agree to bring different perks with no repeats. That does not happen in every SWF whatsoever. Lots of matches are solo survivors who don’t know what perks their teammate has, doesn’t know how they will use their perks, cannot tell who has repeat perks and cannot coordinate with their team to make them synergize. Every team is not a 4 man SWF the way some of you love to think it is.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited June 19

    Its not about coordination or anything like that, its about the fact that the 2 perk combo can be stacked up to 4 times. Its like with perks like DS and UB, how a lot of their power comes from being able to be used up to 4 times, even though they're single use. This makes them much harder to balance by comparison.

    If 4 players had BU+FTP they could take turns picking each other up, which for example was much more powerful due to its multiple instances than an aura perk combo that could be countered by moving items out of the way, running specific perks, or simply not bringing an item at all.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,038

    Let's remember to please keep the discussion civil and respectful, and constructive to the topic at hand. Thank you.