I never got the point of tunneling

So why tunnel at the very start of a match like one gen is repaired and suddenly the killer just chooses to tunnel. If it's because the killer is not having a good time aka really bad matches there is something in the game to let all that anger out...custom games just make a custom lobby add some bots and boom let that rage out there since bots won't be toxic(I think) plus you choose their perks so most times just have them be perkless.
Because tunneling is the best and easiest way to secure a win. The Survivors cannot come back from an early 3v1 (if the last remaining Survivors are not way better than the Killer aka basically a matchmaking issue).
So once the game is turned into a 3v1, the Killer can play "nice" aka farm BPs for themselves.
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The reasons why people tunnel are manifold. The most widespread one is that it kinda works and not too complicated and that turning the game into a 3v1 massively increases the killers chances of winning.
I usually don't tunnel during the early stages of the game, but its a bit more nuanced than what you are describing. The gens being done is just half of the equation. You might only see one gen being done and a survivor getting tunneled, the killer on the other hand might have seen 3 gens that were worked on seperately while chasing that survivor and knows that the situation is much closer to "2 gens remaining", so even if they tunnel that one survivor out, the other threes only need to finish two gens, once they finish the tiny bits that are remaining on theirs.
"Skill issues" and "just go and pressure survivors off gens" is easier said then done in this day and age, where gen-efficiency is bred into the survivor mind set and most groups hit gens every second that the killers back is turned towards them. Most of the time the killer has to keep up an insane amount of pressure, just not to drown in an instant, and cute games of the past where you could chase and hook one survivor, one gens pops, then chase and hook another one, then a second gen pops, while slowly decreasing the patrol area, just games are not happening anymore.
If the killer is even a little bit unlucky and makes even a small mistake during the first chase, or Entity helps them, chose the god-looper as their first target, then nearly inevitable 2-3 gens will pop before that chase is concluded. And then the killer is REALLY backed against the wall with 2 gens to be done, but 11 hook stages waiting.
EDIT: Also, being nice and fair just leads to missery as the killer. Disregarding one or two outliers, every single match this event where I showed mercy on a dumb survivor that was on deathhool and who rounded the wrong corner, I paid for that kindness with losing the match. The games pace is just too fast nowadays and survivors prioritising gens will always outpace the killing. Kindness never pays out in the killers face, but gets repaid with redicule, t-bags and BMing. After the tens or so time of this happening during this event I decided to not give an F anymore about the survivors fun. No one is giving any about me apparently.
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Well I see it as this. Let's say for example Meg rescues Ace and then bolts off in one direction and Ace goes in another the killer let's say for the fun of it Unknown sees Ace running yeah he can chase him since it's not tunneling he spotted Ace with no one else around so it's not tunneling. But let's look at it like this Dwight is injured and has zero hooks since it's the start of the match and decides to save Bill the killer this time it's i don't Clown is nearby so they decide to go back to the hook. Instead of going after Dwight who is clearly trying to prevent Clown from chasing Bill refusing and only chooses to go after Bill even though there is an injured survivor just near by. That's the kind of tunneling I mean where the killer has I won't lie completely easy prey that being Dwight but refuses and goes after Bill. That's what I don't the point of is that kind of tunneling as the Ace example I showed to me I don't see as tunneling as Ace was see by the killer and no else is around.
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I do it regardless of playing sweaty or casual. Even if I play chill and don't want to tunnel out someone early, it's good pressure to make them think I would.
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It's the best way to tilt the match in your favor, especially when going against SWF teams. Tunneling a player in SWF matches will usually pull the teammates off gens to body block for teammates, helping to reduce the unfair advantage they gain from coordination on comms.
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Tunneling = easy win. And people don't play to lose it's really that simple maybe if they made the game 1vs3 firom the start or didn't give survivors a win condition it wouldn't be necessary as I really just want to hope on and continue my 50 or 100 game win streak after work with out any pressure or stress
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It comes partly from the fact you don't know how the match is going to turn out. It could be a game where you get 1 hook and 3 gens are done.
You can always pull back afterwards and be more nice. But the easiest way to slow down the game is a 3v1.
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Well tunneling after all the gens are done isn't really that effective.
Like it or not, the most effective time to tunnel a survivor out in the match is right at the start.
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What is more effective tunneling strong survivor from start or later caught weaker survivor off the guard? In my experience the latter is more effective.
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Because it is by far the easiest way to win. It doesn't require a lot of if any skill and gets great results against most survivors in public matches.
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It could be for thematic reasons. The person playing Killer could be trying to make the Killer scary in a certain way so playing the “relentless stalker” and tunneling is how they do it.
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It's called an ez win
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Because it's never just 1 gen, is it? It's 1 and then 2 others on 50%. You think they're gonna keep up with that speed not tunneling?
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If you don't get it, you don't get it.
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The exact opposite can be said, though. I’ve ran into sweating killers that I feel bad they haven’t gotten hooks, so I try to give them hooks or help them find survivors who need hook states. Some killers appreciate it and play along, some don’t care and take advantage of me being a free kill, and some don’t realize and think I’m just an idiot. It just depends on who you run into. Not all matches are crazy sweaty, and especially during the event, I’m trying to make sure the killer also gets a fair amount of points if they’re getting gen rushed. I’ll try to wave them over to kick my gen or drop a pallet for them to break, etc.
The event has been so refreshing for me. Yes, there are plenty of super sweats, but a lot of people who are willing to farm, 12 hook, try not to tunnel, etc. Just try to remember those good matches and don’t let those bad, sweaty ones discourage you. People out there also want you to have a good match too! ❤️
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4 survivors = 1 in chase = 3 on generators = 3 generators done in 90 seconds.
3 survivors = 1 in chase = 2 on generators = 2 generators done in 90 seconds.
Veeeery black and white but I mean I my opinion you asked a silly question. Also you viewing tunneling as someone who's "angry, letting his anger out, being toxic" is kinda crazy to me. Imagine doing your only objective (killing survivors) and then getting hard projected for it. Like doing your only objective on another game and getting called angry+toxic for that. Imagine scoring a goal on fifa and you coming around the corner flaming the guy for being toxic 😭😭
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It's just an adaptation to fast gen completion and the continuous trend of nerfing regression perks.
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A few things will cause me to tunnel.
1. Gens are progressing too fast and I need to make a comeback or just get 1 kill depending on how fast the match is progressing.
2. excessive bm. Im not talking about a point or a bit o bag or flashlight click. I'm talking thats why they're there. To annoy me. If they wont play nice I wont either.
3. Working on a gen injured right in front of me after they were unhooked.
4. Blocking with basekit bt. If I am led back to hook and they get farmed. If previous things havent happened I'll go after the person who unhooked. If they see me doing this and decide they want to force me to tunnel then thats exactly what I'll do reguardless of where we are in the trial.Its a slope kind of thing. If I'm playing babies I'll play normally but if they want to sweat act out then so will I. Shits kind of simple