I wish BHVR would see how much people hate this event

I can't even get my friends to play anymore. I don't even want to play ...sweaty killer after sweaty killer. Tunnel you out, then farm cuz it's hard to win when your short people. Can't save them...no flashlights no dead hard...instant hooks. Every killer in competition mode. Absolutely miserable. I even stopped buying stuff. They obviously don't care. No wonder this game will never make E sports.
It's better than last years with survivors getting free dead hard all the time
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So play the regular mode instead?
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i mean it will never make e-sports because that's not what it is. just play normal if the event is too hard for you.
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Killers are going to sweat in any mode they play. I'm not sure how you want killers to play though? I was playing really nice, doing my archives and got grouped with super toxic survivors. I was on Trapper, they didn't bring cakes, and brought RPD instead. I got pretty wrecked. They then proceeded to be toxic in chat. Since then, I have just been farming kills with Twins/Billy to complete my last few archives.
The point of the story is that toxicity goes both ways. You play nice, you get bagged and toxic chat. You play regular, you get bagged and toxic chat.
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they didn't bring cakes, and brought RPD instead. I got pretty wrecked.
Yeah, my game usually crash on loading screen when this happens during anniversary. Very weird bug to happen for PC players…
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Same, all been looking forward to the event… and were done after a few matches. I usually have 50 cakes on each character and my fav four or five or so get 400+ — this time around not even my most played charcters have more than 100. Just get through the challenges asap and that's that.
When I look at my friends list… hardly anyone plays. If they do, it's killer or scrims.
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I like this event
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Well the amount of bnp's, gen-speed builds and people that throw in beautiful map-offerings like garden of joy, eyrie of crows and ormount tells me that I have to play that way (I hate all of them).
Of course it's sometimes overkill, but in my experience you just get punished for no reason if you don't play serious, so I'm basically always playing like this, no matter if it's a event or normal game or normal people or sweaty people.
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This ^^^
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It's not been much fun to play. There isn't parity between the extra powers for both sides, even the bag of Tryks is mostly Killer-sided. It's a very Killer-sided event overall.
I don't want to touch the Survivor side of the game at the moment, tbh. I'm waiting for everyone else to do the community challenges so that I can quickly get the tome levels done with a minimum of play time.
Post edited by tjt85 on3 -
I definitely think this event is the worst one in the last few years. Powers like insta hooks and insta break pallets and insta heal into exposed so you’re still a one shot… Way too killer sided. Events are supposed to be as fun for both sides as possible and that’s where they seriously dropped the ball here.
Also it’s hella disingenuous to say “just play normal mode” as if this isn’t a once a year event that people would like to be able to play without getting decimated every match by overpowered event abilities that clearly favor one side. But then again that’s the DBD community in a nutshell. “As long as IM having fun who cares about anyone else and if you don’t like it then leave” mentality.
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Hate? A lot of that going around lately…
I love this event. In no way shape or form do I have any hate for it.
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I actually feel like this event has been overall pretty positively received. I have very little complaints.
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I still love the event on both roles.. Granted that insta-hooks are a little too much for my taste - but that's my only criticism
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Speak for yourself, I'm having a wonderful time. The insta-hooks aren't a good mechanic, but on the whole I'm getting more wholesome games than usual and the Tryks mechanics are fun.
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I am loving the event as well. I think the sweats are in it because they are trying to ensure they make 5,000 BP before the game ends abruptly from either side. Sweat or be ended. Not much different from regular play though. As solo survivor, I am definitely killed more in the event though.
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I like the event. Normally I dont focus on leveling up every character after pristeige 1 or 2. (Besides my mains) but for the heck of it leveled up a bunch of characters. Now they have an average of 30 b-day cakes each.
I'm cool with the event
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What do you mean?
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All major content creators praise this event, so they now believe the community is 100% happy about it. They will probably throw in a few remote moris and remote gen kicks in the next one, too, while making the bleedout timer 16 minutes.
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I'm not getting decimated every match (and I consider myself a very average player). It feels like about the same escape rate to me compared to regular non-event matches. No question the special effects favor killer side, but I haven't been escaping any less frequently than I normally do playing solo q survivor. Maybe it's just me?
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The toxicity of killer players isn't any different from usual. They're always this toxic, you're just noticing it more because getting tunneled out at 5 gens means you miss out on 200k+ blood points a match.