Twisted Masquerade No Killer Power Challenge

I did a self-challenge to try and win with every killer in the game in twisted masquerade without using the killer power once. I also tried to win without tunneling but would if necessary. Here are the results of my games (I made an error with Trapper, it was a 3K gate result it seems. I will be posting my games for anyone interested each day until they are done.
I will note these results are my first game with each killer and on random maps.
Well done for attempting no power Myers, but how the hell did you pull off Nurse?
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Gonna be honest, I don't trust any of these numbers but interesting I guess
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So you walked around as an m1 with no addons and using those perks as Nurse and got a 4k? Or Huntress, Chucky ect? All the slow killers basically.
Against even remotely below average players they would not go down to that. Do you have a rough idea on your MMR for this?
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I wanna see this Nurse game, do you have footage by chance?
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aside from the kill number, which game did you enjoy the most?
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I have footage of all 36 games and will be posting them to my youtube channel, in answer to some other questions. Survivor error does become a factor in these games and not all games are against bad players. Furthermore if a killer isn't using their power, you have to rely on other tactics such as forcing quick downs through hook returns, map management of 3 gens or ignoring long chases in hard to close areas like shack or main buildings.
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probably the hag game, it was very tough and the players were good, it was on forsaken boneyard and they popped last gen in my face, but to win i downed one right after, slugged for the other and it brought me to gate where the last person was who I downed just before they opened the gate.
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how on earth did people lose to a no power nurse they had to of all been afk
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For those interested here is the footage from my Nurse game, and yes I'm aware these aren't the best survivors but its still nurse and its still me winning, each game I played I simply took the result of my first game played. However the game did this multiple times to me during my games where it ended the game for me, but it ended right as I picked the final survivor up so it's a 4k.
I will post each of the 36 games in this thread, they will be going live on my Youtube once a day at 1pm EST, so if anyone is interested you can see the games here.0 -
Yeah if this was even mid mmr level this wouldn't have even resulted in a single injure much less a 4k. I think this would only work if it's people new to the game and didn't know what was going on.
I don't like when people tunnel at 5 gens either, but I don't think this proves any of the points you were trying to make.
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One game for each killer doesn’t prove anything. You need stats from literally hundreds of games for the info to be useful. Otherwise, all you’ve shown is that with the right map RNG, bad survivors, and a bit of luck, you can win any match (which everyone already knows)
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Ok… I'm not gonna lie… when I saw this initially I was thinking "Nurse would be matchbox Nurse, I can maybe believe that". However no, you are also running no add-ons, so then I raised an eyebrow…
Benefit of the doubt, I watched the video, what popped in my mind was: -
- 0:20-1:45 - The Claudette kept mysteriously not making distance from you… she should be holding W and trying to break LOS, which she does, but she seems to keep doing this weird wiggle, and deliberately slowing down at points for you to keep up, then running to open topped loops… OK bad decision. At this point can chalk it up to not being sure what you're doing… but she starts throwing pallets, even though throwing pallets against Nurse is not smart, I'm willing to believe we have an average survivor here.
- 1:45-3:00 - Spent wandering aimlessly between gens for near 80 seconds with no pressure whatsoever.
- 3:00 - Kate can be seen in the bushes meandering back and forth for some reason and stays put to take a free hit… again chalk up to confusion why you're not using power.
- 3:15-3:30 - Kate took completely the wrong direction when she threw mid pallet and literally walked straight into you. This is just confusing, and doesn't make any sense for her to do, even if you were to use power… Claudette this whole time again just looks confused with what you're doing. She is dithering with Kate for some reason, and also misses the easiest stun of anyone's life at 3:22 and constantly wiggles back and forth to allow you to keep close… the only thing I can chalk this up to is being confused why you aren't using power.
- 3:30-4:00 - You spend wandering around casually breaking pallets and pick up Kate, who has been down now for nearly 40s with no-one trying to save. This makes sense if they are doing gens, but we'll get to that.
- 4:00-4:55 - You basically just wander back and forth not chasing or pressuring anyone here. You ignore Claudette still doing her weird movement, you ignore Ripley whatever she is doing, Claire makes a save and runs up the stairs. How have only 3 generators been done when you've basically had 0 pressure… you have never engaged more than 2 survivors across this 5 minutes…. and the fact that you have engaged 2 survivors was because both of them are wandering around in no man's land aimlessly literally applying 0 pressure.
- 4:55-5:15 we get our chase with Claire which lasts 15s as she throws the pallet and stands still while you cut her off, falls for the simplest mid game ever and then immediately runs into a deadzone; then for some reason even turns right back into you to fall at your feet…
- This whole time at this point I'm sat thinking to myself It's been 5 minutes where at least 2 survivors have been completely free to do generators absolutely uncontested. You should be on 4 gens done, with 1 gen about to pop even with the most brain dead of teams. The only possible reason why this might not be the case is everyone is confused what you're doing and messing around…. but this is being very generous.
- 5:15-6:20 - More aimless walking where you have zero pressure… Ripley randomly runs up to you and seemingly hasn't moved from main door all game…
- 6:25 - Claire goes to second stage hook… while completely uncontested for most of it… again if there were gens popping maybe it'd make some sense… but it's clear that isn't happening by this point.
- 6:25-7:20 - Kate is pre-throwing pallets that she can easily greed… at this point your cat should be out of the bag, and she is pre-throwing to buy time from you… she holds W and makes the kind of distance I'd have been expected Claudette to be making this whole time… only to for some reason try to play the event pallet, which I can only assume is out of boredom (if I'm being generous) cause she has miles on you at the point she drops.
- 7:35 - Gen progress… OMG! It is possible…. but you kick, which your 3.95 Nurse can't possibly catch back up… you shouldn't be landing M1s anyway, but any chance you had is gone here…
- 7:40-8:05 - We see some really weird movement from both.. again if you were playing Nurse some of this hesitation makes sense, but at this point the cat is out of the bag… and Ripley going to trade here just is baffling…
- 8:05-8:25 - Not gonna rag on you for missing the lunge, it happens to everyone sometimes… but Jesus this whole sequence was pretty painful to watch…
- 8:30 - Claire and Ripley… what the hell am I watching?
- 8:50-9:10 - Tells me where Claudette's mind was at. She stopped caring ages ago is the only explanation.
- 9-10-9:45 - Just Wow.
- 9:50-End - Who even cares any more?
The reason i bring all of this up is your first post:
"I wanted to show that any killer can be played well using an m1 playstyle and why strong killers who tunnel at 5 gens are not really
that skilled at the game and could improve by learning proper looping and map management techniques."At no point in this game did you show any proper looping and map management techniques… quite honestly watching this game was a little embarrassing… there are bad survivors, there are bambis, there are amoebas… and then there is this. It was shockingly bad, to the point I have no means of assessing your own skill… because you literally didn't demonstrate any… you didn't have to, the survivors might as well have just fallen on your saw…
This game should have been done at dusted at maybe 3 hooks 6 minutes in, and that's being generous with your average waste time soloQ team… suffice to say… I seriously question how much weight can be put being the argument that killers who tunnel at 5 gens are unskilled. I personally don't think tunneling is necessary to win, I believe it puts the game on a dice roll that can easily backfire into a 3 or 4 man escape against the right survivor/build… but if this is the counter evidence, we've got a lot of work to do.
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I'm gonna keep posting my games every day, feel free to call me a bad player or the survivors bad, none of my gameplay is going to look like i'm an expert comp player. It would be fun if the community for a change could enjoy interesting content but that's ok, I know it's only impressive if it's comp games or top 1% players and even than no matter what you say or show people only want to believe your mmr is low as if it matters.
I did this challenge for fun, I wanted 75% wins and I got it, what opinions people have outside of that is yours to have, not like me arguing is gonna change anyones opinions anyway right? :)2 -
I agree with your overall points and ambitions, but I don't think this really proves anything other than human players can sometimes be actively worse than bots. There were gens left untouched in areas you never went too, Survivors basically standing still in areas they had no reason to be standing still in, Claire literally ran right into you at one point despite having direct LoS for some reason. I'm sorry, but anyone who remembers the W key would've utterly cleared you here.
I mean, take 8:30 for instance. Both Claire and Ellen have ample distance and speed to just walk away from you but Claire ran straight into a tree and Ellen got back on the gen right next to you while in lunging distance and with literally nothing to stop you from seeing her.
This isn't a knock against you or your morals, but these survivors have made this match meaningless to analyze critically simply because there were almost no correct plays made from them this match aside from the initial gens they managed to get done without issue.
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It is what it is :)
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This is one of 35 games, I don't play nurse almost ever, my mmr is probably indeed low on nurse compared to other killers, but mmr works as a whole so I wouldn't say its minimum either. I will just post each game, I'm uploading them once a day, some games I probably went against jokers or babies, some games against experts who trounced me, and some games are evenly matched. No one needs to be impressed by this, or view one single game as my whole point. I did 36 games, I won a majority of them. I'm not a comp or "master" player and do not claim to be, but I had fun doing this challenge and recorded it all so I feel like it would be fun to post it. I still do think that learning skill based looping and playing would improve gameplay would high level killers or at least, there's not much skill involving with tunneling out a game as a powerful killer. But most of these games I did for myself and cause I enjoy the m1 playstyle.
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Seeing that nurse game made me realize that some people are quite literally playing completely differnet game. This might also explain some of those crazy post here on the forums.
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I wouldn't even classify those survivors as sentient, but yes its technically a 4k win with a Claudette who gives up and 3 players who don't know how to unhook while the killer is across the map. But data like this is an outlier among outliers I wouldn't touch this data with a 10 foot pole from a match like this.
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Here is the Artist game I did, this was the first game I played, I'm gonna post games in the order I played them as best I can.
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Here is the next game I played, the Twins, after that I will post my Huntress game tomorrow.
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This is the video of my 4k with Huntress