So who's your least favorite survivor

This by lore and cosmetic lore not by players who play them or anything like that. For me I won't lie...Sable I just don't like her. I get she's supposed to be goth and basically not care about stuff but looking at her new cosmetic I read the cosmetic lore and sweet baby entity does she just seem like a buzz kill. I know we haven't gotten our tome lore for her yet but I beg that it has some form of redeeming quality to her. So I'll ask just based on lore and cosmetic lore who is your least favorite survivor. Reason I say survivor and not killer is because some killers are supposed to be hated so you know.
It's a toss-up between Feng Min and Mikaela Reid. I don't like either of their aesthetics or their backstories, and they're constantly getting cosmetics over other characters, and most of those cosmetics don't even look good to me.
Sable is like Mikaela but she goes so much further with her mystical hipster goth girl gimmick that it loops around to hilarious and endearing to me. She's lame, but in a funny way, and that makes me like her more than Mikaela. If she gets a Tome, I hope it doubles down and makes her even cornier.
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Maybe Vittorio? I think it was an interesting idea to have a survivor that's been in the Entity's Realm for hundreds of years, but he seems a little too well adjusted. Maybe if he was like a completely insane looking old man, it would be cooler for the greater lore purposes. Instead he's a thirst trap.
And his outfits, don't get me started. There's only so many times you can say "it was unfamiliar to him, but he found this garb from the fog". Vittorio has maybe 2 things that might pass as medieval or renaissance themed, and that's a shame.
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Male Survivor: Probably Jonah. I'm sure he has some good cosmetics in the store, but his default makes him look like a member of Smash Mouth and that is deeply uncool to me. The Guy Fieri look is just not my vibe at all.
Female Survivor: Easily Feng. I love her cosmetics but oh boy, I cannot stand to listen to her when she's injured. Where was 100% Iron Will when you made us play as her in tome 17, BHVR?
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Haddie. Not sure what they were going for there with her but she easily became the most forgettable character for me.
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Everyone besides RE
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Male: Jeff
Female: Feng
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gasp as a Jeff main I'm insulted of you to such monstrous things. But I would want to know why you dislike him since you did catch my eye.
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Haddie … she's not my cup of tea. also the DnD girl and boy... for me it's no no no
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Elodie, she is absolutely hideous imo. Haddie isn't far behind either and they are the last two I have to level up as I have avoided playing them as I cant stand looking at them
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Female: Feng. I cant stand how she sounds injured… she sounds like squeaky dog toy. I also dont find her looks very appealing.
Male: Hmm..this one is hard but i'd probably have to say the newest bard as male don't really appeal to me, Also i'm not huge fan of Ash so its a tie between these 2
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Male: Alan Wake. I just hate his "voicelines" and the stupid screaming.
Female: Jane. Hated her since day 1, she looks dumb, she sounds dumb and I highly dislike her.
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Renato & Thalita. Was never a fan of these two, especially Renato.
Haddie: Base Haddie we play as is the inferior version of all the different versions of the character, it should have been Tome Haddie instead that we got.
Post edited by Smoe on1 -
Male : Felix
Female : HaddiePost edited by Jacknalls_Paw on0 -
It's a close tie between Sable and Feng.
- Sable because whatever potential the character had was ruined by the amount of toxic maidenless players flocking to main her. All I associate her with now is tbagging at the exit gate and sore winner behavior.
- Feng because I despise esports players with passion and thus I find the concept of the "professional gamer" being athletic and tech-savy enough to jump over obstacles and keep running or fix a gen is utterly ridiculous. Also, a huge toxic player magnet, with the most horrible ones always wearing that cutesy bunny hoodie. The very definition of the Umbridge effect.
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If I go by pure looks since I don't really read the lores…
Male: Vittorio. He was just designed to be "Daddy Thirst". As soon as I saw shirtless cosmetics, it settled it.
Female: Probably Jane. She has nothing interesting to me. Her cosmetics are bland.
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male: jonah/vitt
female: thalita (shes a good survivor, i just dont really care for her)
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Male: Nick Cage on account of how much I hate having real people be in games like this. If we don't count that, then maybe Yoichi since I have to constantly remind myself he even exists.
Female: Sable is objectively the worst character in the entire game. She's a beyond shallow, empty character whose only saving grace is having a good design. However, I, despite thinking she's a fine character in any other situation and would even rank her somewhere in the middle otherwise, REALLY hate the hypocrisy surrounding Ada's inclusion and popularity, considering she's EVERYTHING people call Jonah, but it's actually true in her case and she catches ZERO flack for it because… hot woman?
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Probably Feng, just out of cash cow grumpiness and the way she sounds like a squeaky toy. I like her lore, but you can only watch her hog cosmetic releases for so long.
Lorewise I think Jonah's the biggest miss for me, if only because the part of his story where he Accidentally A Warcrime is really frickin' interesting and that got, like, no attention compared to his obsession with numbers, which is not something I can engage with at all. They really could have worked the guilt-stricken driven-to-madness angle leading him into the fog and they just… didn't? It's lightly implied but not worked with? Dunno. Like Skull Merchant, I struggle to connect who he's meant to be as a person.
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I am sorry, but I've never not once, either side, met a Kate who wasn't extremely rude and liked to BM. Not once.
Kate Mains, please do better. Kate's lore says she spreads joy and hope; you're being the opposite.
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Male: I find Jonah’s cosmetics to be very underwhelming and he’s sortve forgettable as a character tbh. He looks so out of place in my opinion. He just is kinda goofy lol
Female: Probably Haddie. Based on her lore with sensing suffering and being invested in exposing the cult I thought she would have more to offer but frankly her perks and cosmetics just…are disappointing.
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Well, I think he's the ugliest male survivor we currently have in game and his injured/wiggling noises are imo the most obnoxious and annoying ones.
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Jeff's noise is part of his charm. He's sort of like using No Mither but for trying to avoid Killers.
Meanwhile in the Fog Dwight shouts:
'Damn it Jeff, can you go to the other side of the map? Your breathing is too loud for us to hear the industrial strength, backfiring generator!'
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Male: Jonah
Female: Yun Jin
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Steve, looks annoying sounds even more annoying
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Accidentally A Warcrime
iirc an accident during war isn't considered to be the same as committing a war crime since ######### happens during war sometimes and that it needs to be intentionally done first before it becomes one.
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It's not like Jonah did it himself anyway, he's just a data guy, someone else ordered the bombing.
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Vittorio because he's the type of pacifist that would let a village get slaughtered as long as it meant he could keep being a pacifist. Easily one of the dumbest survivors.
Jane is probably second for probably having the worst tome out of all the survivors.
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Male: Gabriel I don't get what they're trying to do with him his cosmetics are bloody hideous and he has no personality i don't even have a stereotype for people who main him he's like the male version of haddie just bland and boring
Woman: Haddie all her cool cosmetics are ruined by having a dumb backpack on and she's just not that interesting I also don't see the point of her, investigation? Isn't that Zarina's role?
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It's not even that, it's that even though Jonah had no way of knowing the messages were decoys nor had any intentions of wanting to hit those civilians, people still blame Jonah for it despite the fact that it was clearly the rebels in his lore that created the decoy message to specifically and intentionally hit civilians to begin with.
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I blame Pixel Bush honestly for his video where he completely omits important parts of his backstory and makes up random stuff.
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Zarina's an investigative reporter, Haddie's a paranormal investigator. Very different types of investigation. Think journalist vs survivor action hero.
Can't deny the backpack curse, though.
I mean, I speak facetiously but I do understand that, and I've never been a part of his hate squad. I find imperfect heroes fun anyway. My point is that he's clearly wracked with guilt over it and it's the inciting incident for him to leave, but his lore focuses heavily on uninteresting specialized-technical parts instead of exploring the interesting, emotionally connective parts and it makes him difficult to get a grasp on.
There was a period where whoever was in charge of writing the character lore got way too caught up in the weeds and we got some lore blurbs that were nigh on difficult to read as a result. Skull Merchant is the worst offender, but I consider Jonah another, and Thalita and Renato too. (I see a lot of Gabriel hate because who even is he as a character, but personally I think his lore is very well written as a horror piece; it escalates well and focuses on exactly what it needs to.)
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Pixel Bush is legit the worst lore content creator, between things like-
- Blatantly chooses to omit or ignore important parts of a lore while acting like said lore itself got retconned when it doesn't match his own headcanon. (Nurse's lore and how he ignores the dream part despite it being an important symbollic bit of her lore, as well as acting like her tome retconned her existing lore because it didn't fit the popular headcanon of the mercy killing nonsense, despite the fact that Nurse's base lore was already incredibly barebone and vague to begin with as it was originally left up to interpretation before the tome was added)
- His inability to seperate his own political bias from a story when talking about lores as well as going off by his own feelings about the lores rather than staying factual about them, all the while twisting the portrayals of the lores to fit his own narratives of them regardless of how accurate it is or not. (Jonah's lore in general and partly applies to Nurse's lore as well)
- Starts pissing and moaning when specific side characters are treated like side characters rather than being treated to the same level as the main character because of arbitrary reasons. (Gabriel's lore with Sarah.)
- Creates his own fanfictions whenever he stumbles upon a lore he doesn't like and then presents it to the audience as something to be taken as canon over the official lore or that it's closer to fitting the source material than the official lore when it obviously doesn't. (Pyramid Head)
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I will half agree with you on that, as his base lore did feel like it was trying to bite off more than it could chew.
With that said, it just opens up more oppotunities of going into depth of the less explored themes of his base lore in the tomes, especially the bombing and Jonah's personal guilt over it which yes, i too would say it probably more interesting than the math part to a certain extend.