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What killers do you refuse to play as?

jamally093 Member Posts: 1,744

So I was thinking of killers I haven't played as in a good while because I just don't want to play them not even for casual gameplay what about you dear reader what killer's do you not want to play as even if it was casual.

Nurse: Her power is just really hard for me to master plus with how matchmaking is I highly doubt I'll even get a single hit using it.

Skull merchant: Minus her Adept, any archive challenges, unlocking her perks and that one achievement that requires to hit claw trapped survivors I don't play her since well most people overall dislike facing her. To me she's not bad since I would use her for the purpose of an anti-loop killer but I've had survivors DC or let go on first hook because of some Skull merchant who still try pulling all the chess moves in the book so I don't play her because I don't have a challenge or any way of knowing new perks to use on her as everyone just doesn't want to face her.


  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    Wraith, Clown and Doctor. I find their powers to be too simple for my liking and doesn't make playing killer feel all that engaging for me.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,212

    The 3 of us only actively avoid playing Nurse unless we need to. I get dizzy from the warp effect, one hates repeatedly looking down most the match, and the last combines both.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,992
    edited July 2024

    Dull merchant and wraith both bore me to sleep

    Hillbilly's and hag's constant breathing/gurgling noises drive me insane, so I don't play them either

    Edit. forgot to mention trickster. I just don't like his entire theme and his giggling is annoying.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,302

    normal hag is the most boring killer ever. Can't chase anyone and u pretty much just waiting for traps to go off. The hag literally a camper by design which is a very tedious style of playing. I prefer way more chase interaction compare to playing a positional game.

    (water shoe is the only fun version of hag)

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 531

    Hillbilly (I hate how he controls), Nurse(I'm just not interested in her power), SM(don't feel like playing against bots), Twins(I hate having my power being held hostage), and Trapper/Hag(I hate trap killers).

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 841

    Skull Merchant and Hag. Neither is fun to face, and I’m not about to inflict that on other players.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,181

    Skull Merchant, because she's absolutely insufferable to face and I refuse to play a killer knowing the overwhelming majority of survivors won't have fun.

    Oni, because he's just not for me. I don't have anything against him and I'm fine with facing him, I just don't enjoy using his power.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,762

    I have not bought Wesker's chapter and I definitely never will. A poorly designed killer that should have never been added to DBD.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,907

    I mean, if I don't play certain killers it's nearly always because I'm bad with them and can't be bothered to learn 'em, or because I get bored playing them.

    As for outright refusal to play as them, that honour goes to Nurse, and Nurse alone.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,192

    There are several killers I rarely touch, but more due to having to use a controller rather than their gameplay or powers.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,435

    Nurse because I get headaches/migraines from her fatigue state. I hope one day they rework her to give her 1 blink with a cool down and no loss of camera control and screen darkening. They can revamp all of her add-ons to change up her abilities like how Daddy Myers add-ons do for him.

    HillyBilly and Oni because I can’t be bothered to train myself to properly control them. It’s difficult and annoying and would rather play a simpler killer.

    Pyramid Head. The controls for his power use are what I can only call the opposite of intuitive. Yes, I’m lazy when I play this game, I can’t be bothered.

    Freddy. He’s just a snooze fest. He’s simple, but his abilities are unimaginative and bland. He isn’t what I’d call weak or anything, just so forgettable and I hope his rework does him justice.

    Trapper and Hag. I love them both but sweaty SWFs made me never want to play them again since they easily disarmed my traps and made me feel so helpless. I’ll still do basement Trapper for challenges but that’s it, I don’t really like camping and denying unhooks unless I absolutely have to.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    I don't know if "refuse" is the right word but I would say that my least favorite characters to play as is Nurse and Blight. I don't care how strong they are. I just don't enjoy playing them.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Skull Merchant because nobody wants to play against her. Nurse because blacking out and looking at the ground every time I need to move much less hit someone is excruciating. Deathslinger because I am hot garbage at aiming and his hitboxes and power are much less forgiving than the other ranged killers, whom I can get away with.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    Trickster and Bubba, for one normal reason and one uncommon reason.

    Trickster just feels off after his changes, either weak or too strong. Not my cuppa tea.

    Bubba, meanwhile, I dislike the UI for his power. The red meter doesn't fully deplete before you can use another charge, and my brain autotimes that stuff off of visual feedback, meaning when I press M2 to increase my chainsaw time and it doesn't work despite seeing the red bar still up or my brain thinking that red bar is still up, it just doesn't feel good to me. Might be a very strange take.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,528

    My least favourite killers to play are Hag, freddy, clown, plague, deathslinger, twins, trickster, artist and singularity. Sometimes I can play them for daily but often after I have tried to get new one or for challenges but that's it. Hag is probably the only one I totally refuse to play.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,060

    Trapper by far, I just hate him. He's so increadible boring to play as for me, I like to play killers where I can flick or do fancy throws, I just don't like his ability to set down a trap and then being the most basic m1 killer imaginable xD

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,172

    Blight, I never got the hang his bump logic and don't have the patience to learn every surface on every map where he just slides off of instead of bumping or every corner he can get stuck on.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 748

    Ghostface, Plague, Twins all 3 put me to sleep.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,133

    Dull Merchant. I would never inflict that misery on people. Not to mention she just feels so brain dead to play.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,497

    I absolutely hate to play as Nurse. Of course, I am not good with her, because I have not learned her power, but I also think that she is too strong. A player with 1k hours in Nurse can pretty much destroy every team, because they are just like a clockwork down engine, that ignores half of the game. While I regularly rage about the state of the game and all the busted survivor stuff, I also think that Nurse isn't good for the game, so I basically have no interest in learning her.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I willing to play basically any killer except Pinhead and Pyramid head.

    I don't think they are bad killers, but I am just terrible with their power and can't be bothered to learn them. They also doesn't have good skins / lot of them for me to try create combinations. I want to play Dead By Fashion with my killers...

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 291

    chucky. I would rather play perkless trapper then play chucky. I just can't use his dash and playing him feels like dogwater. Skill issue sure but i got no problem playing blight or twins

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Skull Merchant. I can't stand her.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,065

    Nurse: Her power gives me nausea and I'm so terrible with her I'd have to play 50 embarrassing matches before I learned how to be half way decent with her.

    Spirit: Sound is a big aspect of her power and since I don't like to use headphones when I play, I'd be at a big disadvantage.

    Ghost Face: I've played against this guy so many times as Survivor and I'm honestly just sick to death of him.

    Trickster: I used to enjoy playing this Killer, but I think he lost some of his character and now has very little counter play after his buff. Survivors never loved going up against this Killer beforehand, so the chance of someone DCing is higher and that doesn't feel good.

    Hag: I don't like that she's 110. Also, I much prefer Trapper anyway. He's my go to set up based Killer.

    Skull Merchant: I think I would probably enjoy playing this Killer, but her reputation and high DC rate puts me off spending the shards to buy her.

    Doctor: I don't enjoy facing this Killer in my Survivor games for sensory overload reasons. But that's ok, because that's part of his design. I just don't like it.

    Clown used to be on this list but since they lessened the visual effect of his bottles I don't hate him anymore. I am terrible with his bottles though, so if I do play as him I just put on the VHS and confetti add-ons and meme around. He's also really disgusting and I feel icky playing as him.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,221

    I will play any I feel like but the ones I really don't enjoy playing are probably Billy, SM and GF

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,742

    Twins, Skull Merchant, Singularity.

    I won't buy them.


    Their perks suck and I'm not a fan of their powers.

    Also Freddy in his current state. The man needs a dework.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 339

    I can't make myself play as any Killers with very realistic serial killer vibes, like Trickster, Huntress, Doctor, GF, Cannibal, Clown, Pig or Legion. I'm fine with playing as demons, monsters or people who never wanted to end up like this and kept trying to do their best only to be let down by humanity again and again. But the thought of playing as someone who could have been a true crime story material in our real life is enough for me to not even look at a certain lineup of Killers.

    Also Nurse because her fatigue makes me dizzy.

  • KFChris18
    KFChris18 Member Posts: 122

    I cannot play Trickster if my life depended on it. Something about his knives just makes my brain shut down.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 827
    edited July 2024

    May I ask what you dislike about Weaker? I'm curious, since he seems to be so popular generally.

    About the original question: There are quite a few Killers I don't play, mostly because I suck with them, bit I refuse to touch twins. They are the only Killer I haven't put any points into, I hate their design, their lore and their power.

    Post edited by SunaIIanu on
  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 193

    Legion. Everyone else I'm perfectly fine with. I have just always hated going against them and it's gotten to the point where I feel bad if I do play them, so I just don't

  • Grumblephant
    Grumblephant Member Posts: 93

    Easy question. Any Killer that has that stupid "head shake, vision darkening" effect. It makes me feel sick, so like Nurse, Blight, Trickster, Legion.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,255

    3. Hillbilly: Never been good with him, his rework made trying to control him even more difficult due to Overdrive, and I REALLY don't like the idea of having to change my key bindings to make him even remotely playable.

    2. Singularity: I think my attempt to showcase Singu to my nephews perfectly illustrated everything I hate about him, when a Nancy-bot was about a quarter-covered by a bush and was somehow completely undetectable. Not to mention how much effort needs to go in for the same result I could get by putting a tenth of that effort into Nurse. Funny how he used to be #1, and then I tried playing who ACTUALLY is number one…

    1. Blight. I've NEVER felt worse playing any game than I have when I play Blight. From the stupid bump logic that feels so completely arbitrary 90% of the time, controls that feel as clunky as Hillbilly's, and the many, MANY blatant exploits "techs" that were ENCOURAGED to be used in order to make him remotely playable, and my attitude when playing him just becomes REALLY toxic. So I'm only playing him when I have a stupid challenge to do… and not willingly.

    The worst part is I used to enjoy him, and I have no idea what happened.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Cenobit, Unknown and Hag.
    Cenobit and Unknown both feels like using power punish you more than reward, extremely clunky and inconsistent killers.
    Hag is just Hag, killer which doesn't fit in current game.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,063

    Nurse: seems like a lose/lose scenario. It takes a number of games to get good with her, where you are going to be dominated, but once you are really good with her the game becomes easy.

    Plague: I don't like versing her, so I won't make any other survivor endure that.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 736

    Lots of Skull Merchants mentioned in this thread.

    I don't have her yet, but I'd bet even I wouldn't play her. Second one is Knight. Hate him with every fabric of my soul

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,640

    We know the obvious pick so i won't mention her, however I'm pretty bad as Doctor and I don't think I have touched him since his visual overhaul a couple years ago

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    Chucky, most boring killer in the game. I can't think of one interesting thing you can do with them.

  • ColdCobalt
    ColdCobalt Member Posts: 50

    Knight - I love his aesthetic but I find his power to be bland and clunky to use. Might very well change in the patch he's getting soon.

    Trickster - Just don't like his aesthetic at all and find his power so boring to play as and against.

    Blight - I suck as Blight and find his power so goofy to use.

  • ImWinston
    ImWinston Member Posts: 257

    the worst "Karen" in the universe ...skull merchant🤢

  • BoopDaDoop
    BoopDaDoop Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 18

    I have at least p8 working on p9 on every killer except I don't even own skull merchant I can't play her if I wanted to which I really don't. I'll play practically any killer but I'm not wasting 5 dollars for a killer I'll play once.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,996

    There are a number of killers I don't enjoy playing as, but the top 3 would be Nurse, Twins, and Trickster.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 1,057

    Nurse, Skull Merchant, and Knight.