idk what`s happening but i face this bs 5 times in a row. i start a match with survivors with green ping, everything is okay and during the match they all suddenly DC (in post-match i see they all got 0 points, while i get BP).
If anybody knows ######### is happening, please help me!
Maybe a little bit of context. What killer were you and did you find anyone? Was anyone missing? If it was on you, I don't think you'd get BP, but did your internet go out or anything?
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So, i was playing only plague. They usually all dropped when I found one of them and started the chase. In the last match they all dropped in the middle of the match, when 3 gens were already done and I wasn`t chasing anyone.
Should mention, that It all is similar to that bug, when a survivor did many flashlight clicks at a time and all survivors dropped.
When I played as a survivors (against the pig, although) after I escaped I got notification that "Lost connection to the host". I think, that the problem could be on my side, yet I don`t know how to make sure that it really is.
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Has this occurred with any other killers or just the plague and was there anything leading up to them all disconnecting? It sounds more like a bug to me. Are you losing connection on multiple games or has it been an on and off sort of thing? I would say to check your connection with other sites. When I google "Internet Speed," it shows me how well my Internet speed is. Other than that, I'm not too sure.
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Often, when you lose connexion the game act like everyone but you disconnected.
That part of the reason why survivor pull the plug instead of using the quit option.
Your connexion might have failled you a couple time
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Info from speedtest. I think something really is wrong with my connection, but i don`t know what to do.
I haven`t played any killers but the plague since yesterday. This bug appeared only today.
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You should try playing another killer or even survivor to see if the issue is plague related.
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Just played as a spirit and nothing wrong happened. Match ended without this bug.
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Where you using her power when you got disconnected?
Maybe the sfx of her power might be what cause the problem?
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Mind you the disconnection might still have just been coincidental
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IDK. Just played as a plague once more and this bug didn`t happen.
That was weird
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Speed test should have told you if it was fast or slow. What did it say it was?
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Everyone might be rage quitting when they see the plague, which would be funny as #########
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People do dc against her.
But 4 people at the exact same time?
In 5 diferent game?
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Nah, survivors just like to DC, 5 times might be a "lucky" run
Do it 10 times in a row and then sth is fishy
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I don't know what platform you're on, though I would suggest restarting your game. On Xbox, if you turn the console off without closing the application, this issue happens.
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PC, I restarted my computer and I think the problem disappeared, although i`m not sure
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You are only unconsciously cheating if you are dowloading hacks in your sleep
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You're not unconsciously cheating, and your internet is definitely not acting up, survivors are likely leaving due to how effective The Plague is right now. If anything, some might call her "OP". It's a little hilarious you thought this was a bug though, the exact same thing happened when the Legion got released, since he's considered "Unfun" to play against.
Long story short: Survivors are not leaving because of a bug/Internet issue, but they're leaving to avoid facing the Plague. Only SOME will stay the entire match without Dc'ing. I know this because the EXACT SAME THING happened to the Legion when he was officially out.
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STOP using legion, and you will be fine!
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I always have the WIndows console open, and continiously ping any address (usually Google). That way I can safely check if any lag spike was on my end or the other one's end.
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Cant stop, wont stop
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the hell are you talking about, i wasn`t playing legion. stop abusing this "joke" you look pathetic
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How about no?