What killer do you hate and why?

SO I've been exploring this interesting community and I've realized that alot of people hate alot of killers. So I wanna know your guys thoughts on why you hate a certain killer. For me, I hate legion and plague, cause it's a heal you lose, don't heal you lose. Either way you lose


  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Legion. By far the most annoying killer in the game. His power gives him complete control over everything and forces survivors into endless altruism.

  • CrackedShevaMain
    CrackedShevaMain Member Posts: 585
    edited July 2024

    Legion- Boring and obnoxious mending sim.
    Onryo- Obnoxious spam teleporting and slugging
    Trickster- Obnoxious spam knife throwing with no counter since his buff

    Skull Merchant- Obvious reasons

    Honorable mention- Doctor. Obnoxious spam shocking with no counter as his shocks stop you from doing anything including throwing pallets, vaulting, hook saving, healing, gens etc.

  • BlueDragonHatch
    BlueDragonHatch Member Posts: 12

    You do know you can mend yourself, right? you don't need an ally to cure deep wound

    Trickster - Just spams their power and you die, no skill, no fun chases, no jukes.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    Doctor and Plague are my least favorite killers to play against. I just find both annoying and obnoxious.

  • kosaba11
    kosaba11 Member Posts: 119

    Ahem -

    Clown - As much as I like him as a character - I like clowns - I haven't played him since I've experienced how unbelievably unfair he is. His drugs making you slower and unable to vault or pull a pallet, when Clown is already faster than you, just isn't fair. And the counter? Pray he misses - that's not really a good way to make a character.

    Freddy - He's nowhere near as weak as people say he is. The fact he's able to teleport to gens, by itself, is already a BS ability. Not to mention the fact I have yet to face a Freddy who wasn't toxic.

    Xenomorph - She has a similar issue that Freddy has, with the added annoyance of having a longer range and a speed ability that doesn't inhibit her ability to hit you. Plus, those little turrets of hers don't really do anything.

    Leatherface - One hit downs are not healthy for this game, whatsoever. Not to mention how toxic his mains tend to be.

    Deathslinger - Where Huntress's hatchets at least feel avoidable, Deathslinger's shot doesn't. Not to mention, yet again, how toxic his mains tend to be. And, this is a personal pet peeve, when it's Deathslinger, I'm always spawned next to him, and either spend most of the match trying to run, or I get tunneled out.

    Michael - Really, my only issue with Michael is my same issue with Sadako and Pyramid Head - a killer being able to kill you, without hooking you - regardless of whether they need an add-on or not to do it - is not fair. Other than that, a Michael without the add-on is actually not that bad to face. And Sadako can be pretty scary, so she's pretty fun to face in my opinion, even if I hate her insta-kill move - though I relent that with her it more comes down to user error than anything.

    Wesker - I don't hate Wesker, but Weskers sure as heck hate me. I don't think any other killer has had some sort of grudge against me as Wesker has. I dunno if it's who I play, or the aura I resonate, or just my user name, but every time I face a Wesker, these S.O.B.s hard target me, and I don't know what I did to them. He'd be fine to face if each one of them didn't put me in their crosshairs every time they see me, whether they're already chasing someone or not. Don't me wrong, this has led to pretty funny moments - like when my friend was running from him, and as she warned me, I get pinned against the rock I was walking in front of. But no - Wesker mains, ######### did I do to make you hate me so?

    Blight - Do I even need to say anything?

  • Assassin97
    Assassin97 Member Posts: 35

    Freddy is as bad as people say, he is basic M1 killer with terrible addons and virtually no chase power, sure he can TP to gens, just pre leave the gen and learn to play the map, if people are getting hit by Freddy teleports that's on them bro, It has very telegraphed channel animation and it has 45 second cooldown, which is literally half of a gen, not to mention he loses the ability gets weaker as the game progresses because he can't TP to finished gens, he teleports to one gen and if your team is smart, they're off splitting other gens anyway, he is VERY limited in what he can do and everything he does is very easily countered. There are so many other killers that can do what Freddy does but 5x more efficient, blight does it for free and his rushes have a 10 second cooldown, Billy can get to gens just as fast and instant down, you might find Freddy annoying, but he is not at all strong, not even sometimes, unless you're playing babies as Freddy, Freddy sucks.

  • Assassin97
    Assassin97 Member Posts: 35

    Personally, I dislike Trickster, there is just something about being pelted with knives that's annoying, I don't think he is very good, but is quite annoying imo.

  • ColdCobalt
    ColdCobalt Member Posts: 50

    I am biased as a clown main, but I think he's fair. You can still pull down pallets when he gasses you. You're just slowed down. Remember too that he is one of the strongest 1v1 killers in the game, but he has literally nothing else. No map pressure, no remarkable mobility, nothing. A big counter to him is to pre drop pallets and either run to the next tile or try to mind game him. With all that being said, I can definitely see him being one of the most annoying/hardest characters to go against.

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 637

    when I see him striding towards me, forget the gas, I become a headless chicken without it lol

  • ColdCobalt
    ColdCobalt Member Posts: 50

    It definitely is not a pleasant sight to see the fat man in a clown costume heading your way 😭

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 637

    lol having said that, I do agree with your statement that I think his power is fair and balanced! I’ve never gotten downed by him and thought it was cheesed - usually my own lack of looping ability 😅

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 93

    I swear I see one of these thread each time I open that forum lol. Anyway they are kinda fun so here is mine :

    • Ghostface for his awfull reveal mechanic. That dude can be right on the midle of my screen that the game still considers that I don't see him well enough.
    • Wraith and clown. Not that strong but their powers feels cheap to face. Their counter play isn't really fun, which is why I dislike facing them.
    • Plague : no heal allowed, i'm not fan. I don't mind the extra interaction like Nemesis vaccine or Wesker spray, but plague remove completly base healing and using fountain makes her so deadly that it is better to stay injured. Also you get infected for doing your objective (gen, rescue...).
  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 193

    I gotta go with Legion. As fun as it can be to play as them (fast is fun, and doing survivor things like vaulting pallets and windows is fun too), they literally just make you mend all game. They aren't the strongest or weakest killer, but they are definitely the most annoying in my opinion. Heck, I don't even play them because I don't like playing against them.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,164

    Skull Merchant. For obvious reasons.

  • Gastongard
    Gastongard Member Posts: 156

    Plague, but just because the ugly effect occupiying my whole screen when im infected.

    Vecna, I feel hes super OP and really unfair to go against, I havent won a single match against Vecna playing in soloQ. In the lattest matches I just killed myself on hook.

    Chucky, his power most of the times feels unmisseable

  • Manslaughter
    Manslaughter Member Posts: 42

    Nah actually, I love blight. I don't understand the hate on him. Please elaborate

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,036

    Trickster and Huntress are both incredibly exhausting to face just because their ranged options just feel bad to dodge now since they both have so many in their kit, with Trickster just not being fun all to face, and then you’ve got huntress who throws microwaves at you that sometimes you wonder if you got lucky that you actually dodged the microwave

  • GRIG0
    GRIG0 Member Posts: 320

    SM, Clown, Nurse, Trapper and Hag.

    I have yet to find a fun match against them whether I lose or win.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    I dislike Trickster quite a bit. His base design is… fine, I guess, but there's two problems with him. One is that everyone runs bouncy knives - understandable, he's horribly map-dependent without them - and that makes counterplay pretty rough on indoor maps. Two is that he's very good at camping and tunneling while not being that great at hunting people down and chasing them, so virtually everyone who plays Trickster proxies hook and unloads main event into the unhooker and through basekit BT. I'm rarely going to get a fun match when I hear his lullaby.

    Skull Merchant is also very unenjoyable because my teammates don't understand how her power works when they aren't killing themselves on hook immediately, and because again, pretty much everyone who plays her is the kind of person that revels in the fact that every survivor heaved a collective groan when they saw who they were going up against.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Yes I'm very well aware you can mend yourself, and he still forces survivors into endless altruism. In the time it takes to mend yourself Legion can find and deep wound the entire team or even down and hook someone. Legion can do this the entire match. Its the same problem with cenobite's chains. He forces survivors to find and solve the puzzle or you cannot progress the match.

  • bluesidesoul
    bluesidesoul Member Posts: 53

    Clown - Lose-Lose situations across the board. You drop pallet, hell just bottle you and bloodlust. You run? He bottles you and catches up.

    Alien - Turrets that don't work half the time, tail attack that you can barely react to so it creates situations where you run to window to either get hit with tail or get baited to try and juke and get hit with basic attack instead.

    Skull Merchant - Drones that give her free hits because if you crouch, she'll just catch up, and if you run normal, you'll have health state taken away. Plus WAY too many status effects.

    Spirit - I like her kinda, but hate that once you get injured, you're basically dead against any good spirit.

  • BlueDragonHatch
    BlueDragonHatch Member Posts: 12

    I get your problem with legion, but as bullshit as cenobite is, I think he's fun to play against. You can see the puzzle's aura, so finding it isn't hard, its just timing solving it to when he's busy and can't teleport or accepting the chase.

  • Linkdouken
    Linkdouken Member Posts: 342

    Skull Merchant. I cannot say I'm an expert on how to deal with her, but I know enough and still I find her irritating. Drones stacking on drones, she's almost always undetectable, can interrupt you when you are trying to disable drones which gives you auto broken status, she gets haste, can track you most of the time.

    Really not fun and hard to counterplay

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    A fair passive power is Freddy's dream world. It adds extra obstacles to the map but it doesn't prevent you from progressing the match entirely. Cenobite's passive power literally stops you from playing the game and forces someone to find the box and solve it, which puts that player at risk of being forced into a chase with the killer just for doing something they had no other choice to do. You can't ignore cenobite's passive power. With Freddy you can stay in the dream world the entire match if you so choose. Several killer powers are far from balanced.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763


    Horrible design that should have never been added to the game.