8 survivors

And still somehow i'm the only one doing a gen?
Ain't that the truth. I've been in a cage and had 4 people show up at the same time to unhook me! Multiple times!
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I had several games like that. No idea what the others who were not in chase were doing.
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One of my matches I died on my first hook because nobody came to rescue me. SoloQ is still SoloQ, extra players is not going to change that.
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One thing I've noticed is people aren't playing to the strengths of their role. If you pick Guide then stick to gens so others can see you and join.
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This is exactly what happened to me in my last game. I'm amazed that with this many survivors no one will unhook you. It's insane.
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Yea lost a match basically b/c of this. Just people goin for saves and repeatedly dying/getting caught so the pressure is always on the survivors.
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Mood. Experienced this a few times earlier.
I think a lot of people in 2v8 are just overwhelmed by all the stuff that's going on. Habits from 1v4 tell you to be wary of a terror radius when you really don't have to care in 2v8 until the killer is coming right at you, there's just too many targets for the killer to pursue. And the cages have everyone running all over the map without knowing who's going for the save. I find it very common that a horde of 2-4 survivors will be flocking to the same objective and wasting time.
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Yesterday i played a game as Jill (scout) and 3 other survivors were scout as well. We bascially knew where the killers were at all times…it was really helpful :) soloq is rough though…the other game i played as survivor everybody died in like 5 minutes^^
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It's still the solo queue experience except now you get to rage at 7 people not doing gens. I keep flipping between healer and gen jockey as one game it's people not touching gens and then the next it's people not going for hook saves. I figure it's people getting used to the mode and trying to work through the challenges.
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That's your survivor experience
Try to get one game in killer in less than one hour, and you gonna get gen rushing like never before
I was playing trapper, I don't have the time to set one trap and two gen where done
But playing survivor, and I'm the only one who do gen AND rescue … It's something3 -
Me and the Scout on gens when the other Guides are off unhooking one survivor.
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I’ve noticed this too. 8 Survivors and only one on a gen? If you’re going to hide and stealth all game, why not just pick the scouting class? Why pick the gen class if you’re not even going to do them?
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The only reason 2v8 works in current state is only because survivors are absolutely bad, full stacked 8 player squad would absolutely demolish any killers
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I don't think bad is the right word to use here. It's just solo vs comms again. The comparative performance reduction of solos is made drastically worse because there's too many objectives to accurately gauge what your teammates are doing, regardless of icons - or what you should be doing, when normally you can rely on your own game sense no matter what. It's way too easy for several survivors to group up unnecessarily or for everyone to assume someone else is getting that guy in a cage across the map, because there's just too much going on you don't know about.
If survivors are on comms, efficiency spikes and gens will fly unless the killers are playing an insanely tight game.
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Not exactly sure about that, just spreading out and doing gens and rescuing someone nearby will generally nets pretty decent performance
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8 survivors in the map and no one goes for the save.
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honestly it’s a little annoying just because it’s a limited time mode doesn’t mean you just stop playing the main objective of the match
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I been saying this for a while in 1v4 mode, people in my games don't like or want to do gens because apparently it's boring and shows no skill. That's why so many people loop and deliberately try to get chased. Which is why I go anti looping killers. When they lose and I suggest not looping they usually say "what else are we supposed to do?" Or "looping is the only fun skillful part of the game for survivors" 🤷♂️ your funeral, not doing gens won't help you win tho.
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It's either that or no one else uncaging people. Sometimes I feel like a mother with too many kids.
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One way or another these matches as survivor are miserable and it's getting worse the more I play. I'd rather have bots as teammates, that's how bad it is. The 400% bonus isn't worth spit.
BHVR should actually pad this mode out with bots. I want to play killer, but the queue times are too much. Meanwhile, survivor has me wanting to recommend this mode never ever return. There's nothing BHVR can do to force people to play as a team, not even encouraging roles works.
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2v8 with 7 bots would make killers extremely difficult to win for sure, they heal, do gens, and chase all with pretty decent efficiency, not wasting time
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So its Survivors fault alone they refuse to do gens
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I keep seeing these posts about the mode being too survivor sided and here I am, wondering why I'm the only one that can do a gen. Last few matches we've gotten maybe three done.
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There's 2 problems that cause this. First is the devs' idiotic challenge, the first of the event tome, to get 4 uncages. That means that until most people complete that challenge, everyone's gonna be fighting for the uncage. That's why you've got 5 people running around the map trying to get saves. And second, the survivors all spawn in groups of 3 or 4 like they do in the base game, which means many instances of 3-4 survivors stacking on 1 gen, which can lead to that specific gen getting done faster, but also leads to all of those survivors getting disrupted at the same time if the killer shows. So it's contrary to what we reasonably predicted, which is that a 45-60 second chase in the first encounter with the killers would lead to 6 gens being done. But survivors aren't spreading out like that, they're don't even know their objective sometimes, and they're not putting out that long of chases. When they do have such a chase, it's in the middle of the game, which can change the course of the match but it usually happens when 3-4 people need to be uncaged, in which case it doesn't even matter that much.
But I believe playera will get better and we'll see just how strong survivor is in this mode. I've played plenty of matches, and very few were 0-escapes. The average I'm noticing is 5 survivors escaping, and we'd probably see more than that escape if there was just a bit of coordination. 2 killers who know what they're doing in this mode, like tunneling 2 out at a time or (you know) not getting 360'd, are gonna be strong. And they'll be even stronger if they're killing with a friend. I'd recommend that survivors queue up with as many decent-playing friends as they can, and select almost exclusively the Escapist and Medic classes. The other 2 classes are alright, and you could do with maybe 1 of each, but they're not that great.
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Killers don’t struggle with bots in the regular mode. It’s not like bot AI is based on the Seal Team 6 SWFs you’re constantly facing.
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Worse: all 8 survivors still alive when the gates power, 3 survivors at the gate near you, with the 2 not opening it having nothing to do, and no one bothers to come get you from the cage.
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Killers don't struggle with bots in the regular mode because regular mode has less target, smaller map, limited resources, more gens and much weaker perks for survivor while having much stronger perks for killers
2v8 mode is innately lot more survivor favored because developers are overestimating the strength of killer teamwork, bots who just do gens would absolutely wreck majority of killers
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After playing enough killer matches it seems many survivors are either new or just brains are shut off cause they can't even do basics like looping healing gens
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they don’t struggle with bots because this game’s AI is pretty basic.
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And I'm stating even the basic AI will be vastly stronger than current generic survivors in 2v8 modes, I don't see anything contradicting here
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this pretty much how I been playing in solo and I had 8 7 and 6 man out survivors is not as hard people are saying it's just others don't know what your doing you don't know what others are doing at all times so at times so some survivor will waste time saving when 2 or 3 are on the way do the same
also same with gens you don't know when you go to it that there 4 or 3 survivor on that gen already.
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I wish survivors would pay attention to their role. I went over to a couple on a gen to get healed. The guide let go of the gen and healed me while the medic kept working.
It's a common problem. Very few play to the role they pick, and I swear half the survivors picking medic do so to run at injured teammates while in chase, and no one wants to be guide because everyone runs at the red gen auras in a chase. People do the same "lone wolf" garbage playstyle they do in 1v4.
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Yeah I often look at the player icons and think why are there only 2 people on gens lol. I mean 3 gens should be popping in the first 90 seconds if they don't I know it's probably going to be a loss.
It really does highlight the main issue with solo queue, which is survivors just not knowing when to do gens. Like there's literally gens all over the map it takes you a few seconds to find one there's zero reason that 6 people shouldn't be on a gen a few seconds after the match starts, but here we're are playing games with only 2 out of 8 people sitting on gens for 50% of the games 😂
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2 vs 8 mode amplifies the biggest issue of playing survivor. The majority of survivors either don't play this game with escape as their objective or they have no clue how to do so.