Why the new 2v8 mode is total trash.

Hillbilly has no power
Trappers traps are bugged. You can't pick any up at times.
I haven't seen Bugs rule a situation more than the last time I watched Loony Tunes.
Please fix your game BVHR. We all know that this game is survivor sided, but at least make it more enjoyable to lose as killer like you want us to.
In 2-man KWFs Hillbilly is insanely strong.
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HA! So strong as a simple M1 killer with no power? Nice one, guy.
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If you coordinate with your teammate you can give them one-shot potential on-demand.
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how about be more fair? this is their first go at the mode and I totally understand why did they some restrictions for things maybe down the road it’ll be possible to just have normal kits in 2v8
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the trappers I’m going against all seem to be doing fine.
The mode has had 400% bonus for the survivor side all day. Says a lot.
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The mode is way too survivor sided and barely any fun as for a killer ( unless you 2 man pre-made ) :
- Too many gens to defend and no gen defence.
- Too many pallets and chests means survivors have way too much resources, on top of perks.
- Most of the time killers have to spread out in order to cover more area which means half of killer perks that require them to ''work together'' often does nothing. The remaining 2 perks are not enough.
- Only mobility killers stand a chance. Killers like trapper are almost useless and Nurse requires way too much effort to be useful.
The mode is chaotic but unfortunately it's often a double-stress session for killers because they can't commit any chase for longer than few seconds or they risk losing 2 or 3 gens per down. It's almost impossible to keep up unless survivors suddenly stop doing gens and begin to throw. Unfortunately after watching the 2v8 videos and playing 2v8 myself my suspicion was confirmed and balance is way too shifted towards survivors and tools that killers have are counter-productive instead.
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So then its okay to take away a killers power IF his team mate can make up the difference?? You're a joke.
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I have to admit I was initially really confused why they took Billy's instadown, but in practice, he's still actually good.
He has the best mobility out of all of the available killers, which matters a lot more with the increased size of the maps. He has a LOT more curve potential, which lets him get easier hits. He also has the ability to quickly chew through pallets.
His team skill has some potential for well coordinated teams.
I think it'd be too much if he had his instadown in this mode. Maybe give him Deep Wound on chainsaw hits instead (when he hits a healthy survivor).
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I mean it's basically the reverse of normal DBD. Solo-queue killer is on the weaker side, but 2-man KWFs can absolutely slay.
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It creates some very unfair situations.
Not sure if i like it that much.
Got double teamed and immediately downed by Huntress and Wraith right after getting unhooked. Not the slightest chance.
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This isn't even remotely true. While it's true that you don't want to be hugging your teamate all game, you ARE gonna have opportunityto provide assists. The powers have also been tweaked, so playing as Trapper for example feels WAY different than normal. So far I've played 3 survivor matches and 2 killer matches as soloQ (Wraith and Trapper) and EVERY match was a win for the killer team.
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My first match (that was just before) was actually as hilbilly because i wanted to know if there are any upsides.
The map traversal is nice if you need to cover an area you know there are people around, also you can catch up quite well because there is no perks.
I still think the instadown removal is overnerfed af. But at least he has SOME upsides.
As survivor i havent seen any wraith either btw, its been trappers, nurses and huntressesseses.. Is the uncloacking that bad in 2v8?0 -
Don't play a support killer in a team-oriented game mode if you don't want to rely on your team mate.
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lol. Thats due to the fact for the first time in 8 years you can que with a friend as killer. Ofc people will use that rather than playing survivor, has nothing to do how strong or weak either role in that mode is.
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No, Wraith feels great. I mostly stay on the opposite from my teammate side of the map to pressure gens by hit'n'running. And only when there are 1-2 gens left we sometimes team up of we are close.
Well, sometimes huntress can help me in chase if they see an aura of a survivor chased bt me, but that's it.
Been playing whole evening. Yet to lose at least 1 match.
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That tactic won't be effective at all in higher levels. The survivors will constantly run over the killers if they decide to always do that.
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So were my first games. Then next games it became clear that unless survivors decide to throw, there's little killers can do because 1 down can now cost 3 or more gens unless killers spread wide, in which case they have no synergy perks working.
I'd rather have those perks replaced with something that does grant a slowdown. Killers desperately need it in this mode because gens fly way too quickly.
For reference gens get done in 35 - 40 seconds if there's a guy with gen repair class so all it takes a group of 2 or 3 survivors to slam gens while the rest do keep killers busy.
The only moment when killers shine is when they sandwich a single survivor. Ironically this often does cost 2 or more gens in the process. Additionally caged survivors often end up teleported near other survivors so there isn't much gained from spreading hooks by any means. As killer, you need to get as many people out as possible asap and pray that survivors create a circle of generators that 2 killers can effectively patrol and defend. If not, there's nothing much you can against 3 gates and 2 hatches.
Post edited by Green_Sliche on0 -
This i s the best mode EVER! finally i get killers friends coop!!!!!! claps claps !
the combos are insaneeeeeeeeeeeeee
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They shoud reduce pallet or window and increse generator to be 10.
This mode still are survivor sided.
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The ONLY match I've seen where survivors dominated was due to exploits... Im gonna have to see some proof of survivors playing legit slamming out gens before I really put much stock into the idea that killer is the underdog here. My own experience is the polar opposite.
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I haven't lost one game tonight, even as Trapper.
The closest I got to losing was with 1 gen left. I need to say I wasn't even playing that well. (We all have good and bad days : this was a bad day.)
Usually the survivors start strong but once the "hooks" start to pile up, their speed crumble.
Taking into account tactics will improve, 8 gens was a very good choice from the devs.
From the few times I was able to speak with survivors in the chat, everybody is loving the mode, win or lose.
I'm having a blast.
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I'd win all games with an uncomfortable margin if they had ten gens to do.
Eight gens is almost too much.
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I just had a match where my soloQ Trapper teammate was AFK for like the first 3 minutes... We still won with only 1 escape via hatch.
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I am LOVING 2v8 SO much fun <3!! I dont care about the bugs. Thats temporary
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i agree. billy is likely most misunderstood killer in this mode for how good he is.
it is definitely possible to win as killer but it is not a free win by any means for KWF.
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Billy seems kinda meh and I normally play with him a lot. Too many pallets and no one hit potential just messes with his flow. Also I run double turn addons a lot and his map traversal feels kinda bad on cluttered maps.
Huntress is fun and 2v8 is a really nice training ground if you plan on getting better at Huntress like I am at the moment.
Nurse feels pretty strong if you can land 80% of your blinks.
Trapper was actually quite fun because I had a good teammate and we worked pretty well together. Good trap placement really shines mid game and can start a snowball kill chain.
Haven't tried Wraith yet.
Huntress & Nurse seems like the best combo to play for wins. The games I lost badly were against this combo.
All in all it's pretty fun. Probably won like 3 out 5 games as Killer and 50/50 on survivor.
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There's really no need to start name calling. It's just rude.
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I kinda wish killers had more of an incentive to stick to getter tbh, but the maps are way too big for that. But smaller maps with that many folk would get straight out claustrophobic lol.
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I've played 3 matches as Billy (queues are horrendous) and I personally don't mind the speed limiter base kit, you can still help your teammate.
Trapper was EXTREMELY bugged for me, when I picked up some traps, they remained on the ground and sometimes when placing a trap while carrying many, they all disappeared from the inventory (was using Naughty Bear skin, in case it has something to do with the glitch)