We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

2v8 Killer or survivor sided.

I've heard both sides say it but I'm genuinely curious what the concensus is. I don't actually know personally. I've stomped groups then I get stomped right back. It's so hard to tell because the vast difference between killer partners I'm paired up with. I got paired with a god tier nurse and 8ked at 8 gens. I get paired with a baby Billy and watch everyone waltz out the gates. I have zero interest in playing the survivor side so I'm especially interested in hearing about their experience.



  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,035

    I think it’s going to be perceived as more killer sided now as many killers have learned to team up and old habits have crept back in.

  • Ulfberto
    Ulfberto Member Posts: 35

    A well coordinated team of 8 survivors would probably stomp. But overall killer sided because most survivors in the current matchmaking are potatoes.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979
    edited July 29

    Not sure where it lies at the start but it seems to me as more survivors get picked off the more killer sided it becomes. If there are 4-5 survivors left at 2 gens the killers have won.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    My losses as Survivor are usually because my teammates are not doing objectives and seem to be messing around.

    On Killer there have been matches where we got crushed by Survivors even when we played well, so that makes me believe that if both sides are doing equally good the game is perhaps Survivor Sided..

    Though a good Killer Duo is probably really hard to beat as well.

    Despite that I usually seem to do well and win on Killer, but I used to be a Killer Main so I have more experience there.

    I think it actually does feel overall fairly well balanced surprisingly, I just think it really depends a lot on how good the teammates that you are stuck with are, which others have mentioned is very similar to 1v4.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,129


    But 2v8 just shows the big snowballing-potential we have in DBD. This is already seen in the regular 1v4-gameplay - if the Killer gets a Survivor out of the game early, there is nothing the Survivors can do. And if a Killer gets to 1 Gen with almost no Hooks, they will most likely lose as well (and maybe get a 1K and every Kill more is basically the Survivors messing up).

    2v8 makes this even stronger. If Gens are flying, the Killers have it harder, but if Survivors drop dead early, it is even worse than regular gameplay.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 883

    I feel like the 2v8 has diminished the snowball a bit. 1 tiny mistake can irrevocably wreck a perfectly played match and it's your fault and you should feel bad etc. Etc. But in 2v8, your contribution or lack thereof, isn't as significant as you are a drop in river rather than a drop in a puddle.

    With this Decreased amount in variation, I feel like killers need to be play consistently whereas the individual survivor has more slack. I

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Survivors, only reason it is working for now is the fact survivors aren't playing for win at all

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,501

    I don't think it matters. Ultimately it comes down to the strength of your team. You can be a cracked survivor but it matters little if everyone else is a potato. You can be a cracked killer but it matters little if the other killer is a baby.

  • aarontendo
    aarontendo Member Posts: 40

    Felt survivor sided day one. By the time killers figured it out by day 4 they're just murdering people.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    From my experience, hand holding killers win games 9/10. When the killers don't hold hands, the survivors win about 9/10 times. It seems like the point of the mode is to force survivors into unwinnable situations from the killer perspective, and the survivor perspective is to keep that from happening, although, it's not entirely possible to do that from the survivor perspective outside of ratting it out and not being the one that happens to.

  • Inosennatoki
    Inosennatoki Member Posts: 46

    There are only 8 gen instead of 10 so it is survivor sided.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,872

    Killer sided, mostly.

    On paper it should not be with faster and less gens but the fact there is no carrying to hook cant be underestimated as far as saving time. If the killers are on comms and are not morons, the matches are incredibly killer sided and if you get caught out in a 2 v 1 as survivor there is literally no counter if the killers are half decent.

    Plus I would bet money on MMR being off so the quality of survivors is not good a lot of matches I have had. Nobody does gens and they go down instantly every time.

    If the matchmaking RNG gods bless you and you get a team who understand that the killer(s) cant chase 8 survivors at at time and so they do gens rather than hide, then you have a chance.

    Again I will say, 400% bonus BP is not worth it to me

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,021

    I go with neither sided.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,228

    It's biased towards whichever side is the better side in that particular trial. Since every trial is unique, you could have one trial where everybody escapes, then the next has the killers decimate the survivors.

    A mixture of map rng, and player skill and knowledge, determines the way the trial is going to go.

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    Realistically? That would be me. That's why I asked the question. Thought that was obvious. Come on tat, you can do better than that.

  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 333

    just like the main game it's swf sided good job bhvr just a little ping system would be too much info

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,447

    The gen count didn't double and gen repair times were reduced. Ultimately the mode is survivor sided, but it's way more influenced by the terrible matchmaking that plagues normal solo queue, but now for 8 survivors.

    Plus it's also easier for 2 strong killer players to duo together than it is for a full 8 man team.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    It swings wildly depending on the map, combination of killers, SWFs and KWFs (it's gonna take a while to get used to this acronym) as well as the survivor classes. It can really go either way.

    I'd say, that both sides have some things that are overpowered. For example Nurse. Why did she have to be the killer to receive the most buffs? She is the strongest killer in the game anyway. There isn't much point in trying to delay her, when her lunge is that long and she can make up for any mistakes she made anyway. And 3 blinks only make this more ridiculous.

    On the other hand, survivors have the scout class, that can reveal both killers almost constantly. I had a match against a Huntress and Trapper duo and we all saw them for the entire game. Needless to say, they didn't stand a chance. The escapist class is just as strong against everyone but Nurse. If a Trapper is chasing after you and you get that SB, they will almost guaranteed have to give up on that chase.

    So both sides are busted and 2v8 is both balanced and unbalanced. In other words; it's pure chaos.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Except they literally made auras visible for teammates in both survivors and killers, they are doing absolutely ridiculous amount of information when we compare it to basegame

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,294

    There are some broken synergies for killers - but it's not like they're particularly prevalent so they don't bother me too much. One being Wraith and Billy combo where Billy causes exposed and just blocks paths while Wraith downs (I don't know if the other killers can work like that too; so far I've only seen it with Wraith and Billy). Then there's sometimes Huntress who has a clear shot of six gens standing on a hill / in the middle of the map which just leads to annoying and drawn out matches and I usually just skip those. If both killers catch on they literally ignore all gens except those and once the map has shrunken that much it's rather easy for them. Then there#s the pincer ganging up with the aura reading that can feel terrible cause there is literally absolutely nothing you can do as a survivor. And the last thing that can skew balance: it's not that difficult to predict where cages go. On the survivor side some survivors use this as a "shortcut" to the exit gates; it's better to go down far away from the gate than close to it. - On the other hand I've seen an increasing number of killers beelining to the area the cage is gonna appear and have seen more endurance hits out of cage yesterday than the previous days.

    Those are… isolated issues, at the moment. so not impacting balance, imo. But let's see if it stays like this or if it's gonna be more widespread.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,703

    Soooooo, everyone is aware that all the Nurse “buffs” still makes her weaker than she was before the addon nerfs, right?????

    Because allowing Nurse to equip pre-nerfed range and recharge addons, would make her way more powerful than these 2v8 “buffs”, which are mostly low rarity post-nerfed addons.

    Nurse’s map traversal speed is still garbage in 2v8, and the maps are huge.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Are the killers a good team? If yes: Killer-sided.
    If not, are the survivors doing gens? If yes: Survivor-sided.

    This game mode is based on efficient teamwork and skill. Whoever does that better is who is gonna come out on top.

  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 193

    It's literally a game of being efficient. If both sides are efficient, it's a pretty even game. If not, it's sided towards whatever side is being the most efficient.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715
    edited July 30

    That is completely besides the point. She basically has no counterplay in chase especially with the extemded lunge and a free 3rd blink for being near the other killer as well only makes it worse considering that she has all of these effects at once, which she couldn't achieve previously because a killer only has 2 addon slots.

    Also, the addon nerfs happened for a reason. She remains the strongest killer in the game and yet she is also by the killer with by far the most buffs in 2v8 and the only killer to have a "team" skill that doesn't benefits her team mate. Compare that to what they did with Trapper. Why couldn't Trapper get haste for 5 seconds and 100% extra setting speed? Why not give him aura vision when a trap is disabled? Or give him haste for that as well. Same with Wraith. Why wasn't his lunge extended? Why wasn't his breaking speed increased? Why doesn't he get more speed while cloaked to make up for bigger maps (9% doesn't cut it). Billy's insta down had to be removed from the chainsaw because that would have been too strong (according to the devs). To compensate they gave him Spiked Boots and Low Kickback Chains base kit for maps that have so much clutter on them, that you don't get to use them anyway. And on top of that he has a team skill, that is worse than his normal power.

    So overall, the strongest killer in the game received the most and the strongest buffs for 2v8. Does that sound right to you? To me it doesn't.

  • Grogmeir
    Grogmeir Member Posts: 3

    This one is easy. Whichever side I am playing on is generally about to lose.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,819

    I don't think it's either honestly.

    I've had great games on both sides, and the lack of meta perks helps with that. The killers feel alright to go against (though I'm still not good against Wraiths, skill issue) and survivors can't just slam out gens unless the two killers get sloppy.

    I'd also like to point out I've had WAY less toxic EGC in 2v8 now. Returned to 1v4 today and my first match I'm accused of camping because 1-2 survivors pressure my hooks as soon as I hook someone. Thank goodness for the entity-claw mechanics in 2v8 because of that reason alone.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,703

    Nurse isn’t the best killer in the game, for the vast majority of the player base. This is why having tier lists based off of the top 0.00001% of players , is dangerous and misleading to this game.

    This is why there should be tier lists for the various MMR brackets, so people can show that at most of the MMR levels, Nurse isn’t anywhere close to overperforming at all.

    Nurse didn’t receive the “strongest buffs”, because the much larger 2v8 maps, are a giant nerf to Nurse. And the “buffs” given to Nurse for 2v8, don’t even properly compensate her for the much larger maps.

    It’s very sad that so few people understand how map changes can be buffs or nerfs for certain killers. It’s like when the maps changed to have way less low-walled loops, and have much more high-walled clutter… it was a huge nerf to Huntress, which is why she was later buffed. But a bunch of people complained, because they didn’t understand at all why she was buffed.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466

    have you seen some of 2vs8 loop design in the game? Some of setup are so strong for survivor that you can loop killer for like multiple gens… in a 1vs1.

    an advantage that nurse has over other killers is that she doesn't care about loop design in 2vs8. She doesn't need to stick with other killers to be relevant. She is just be a lone-gunner killer that consistently downs people.

    escapist is really strong even vs nurse. the sprint burst has 20 second cooldown and allows survivor to just pre-run constantly. if a survivor in chase, you can stay out of radius of scout and as soon you enter radius as nurse is blinking, you can sprint burst mid-chase.

    I'd say game mode is relatively balanced. Maybe it leans a little bit more into survivor if all 8 survivor are really good but with current matchmaking and huge bloodpoint incentives, you are getting very random teammates…. lots of which not experienced. as a result, it may look like killer is stronger. the experience of survivor likely plays biggest role at the moment. killer can chase weak links in 2vs8 mode and ignore the strong-links. when everyone is strong link, the game probably more skewed towards survivor.

  • HouseOf1000Corpses
    HouseOf1000Corpses Member Posts: 12

    I feel like it all depends on who’s in your game. There’s not enough players to get a full 8 survivors a lot of the time so I usually end up with a bot or two. I know it’s hypocritical since I’m also new, but you also end up with a high number of new players that just run and hide instead of popping gens or actually doing anything helpful. If you’re lucky enough to get a high number of good survivors, then I’d say it would probably be survivor leaning, but if you get a few bots and/ or bad players, it’s pretty easy for killers to dominate. Personally, I know I’m a pretty ######### player, but I rarely make it to even see all the gens get popped because only two people do saves and they’re on the other side of the map by my second stage. That’s just my experience, though.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    100% killer sided

    Killers could slug from the start instead of doing anything, survivors cant pick themselves up untill they are dead on hook. Survivors cannot rush gens without killers being able to do something about it.

    The hardest time you have as a killer, is if all 8 survivors spawn next to a generator and no one else there, so you could in theory lose 5 gens within 90 seconds.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,716

    When both are good, I don't think it's anyone sided (although … survivors can still genrush if they want but tunneling isn't really working to counter it)

    That has changed since yesterday as far as I'm concerned. No more chaos : only rushes asking for hard plays.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    That's good, now the mode is officially survivor sided

    All they need to do is just not down within 10 seconds (which is pretty easy with escapist and scouts), and stick to gens, no amount of killer pressure will really counter it

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    That claw mechanic needs to come to 1v4. It’s the best anticamp we’ve seen. It kind of functions like P-head’s cages so it’s still predictable enough for killers to prowl if need be b it denies their ability to outright camp and proxy camp without repercussion.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,819
    edited July 30

    My only concern with it is if it actually just sends a nabbed survivor to someone instantly. It feels more fair in 2v8 with so many targets and two killers, but in 1v4 (especially against low tiers) it means a lot less pressure you can apply.

    That, and map sizes. Small maps could also be an issue with it.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,727

    I think the average queue is slightly more survivor sided. I've played about 20 matches or so and escaped in more then half of them. Quite a few where we lost were just bad teammates not doing gens or messing around with the broken map to go outside the walls. Also had some matches with really bad killers that were a curbstomp.

    I only had one match with a really really good Huntress/Nurse combo. Only two gens got done with everyone dead and they were insane with their Blinks/Hatchets. Both p100 streamers but I can't remember who they were; not big names.

    I had a few decent games where both sides put up a fight and it felt good.

    At a high level I really couldn't say which side it favors. I'm way too casual to have any opinion on that sort of thing.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    Its hard to tell as the ques take soooo long me and my friend only played like 3 matches and i played 2 or 3 on my own. So i have about 6 in total. where 1 of those matches i stomped with random killer mate, the other was a close call and then again we struggled HARD to keep up with gen speeds when i played with my buddy, resulting in 1 last second 6k scenario and 8k. So while its not down right impossible to win, killer in this mode really doesnt feel very diffrent than in the other mode right now, as you are competeing not only against people but also against time, which is even worsened without gen regression.

    I played dozen games on survivor as the que is pretty mutch instant, even faster than normal survivor que, ive escaped way more often in that mode than i do usually as survivor and even then my escape rate is around 40% which is good enough for me. But it felt way more in 2v8. Which ofc has to do with the faster gens as there are more survivors, 3 exit gates and 3 hatches. So naturally its easyer to escape compared with the other mode. As far as killers are concerned i have had mixed matches. Got stomped immediatly by some, while on other matches i could take on 2 killers on my own for quite a while. I think this is the lack of mmr displaying, which is a good thing and interesting to notice since it felt way more chill on that side.

    So overall i wouldnt say the mode itself is survivor sided but time management is, just like in the normal mode, definitly more forgiving on the survivors end.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,504

    I think it's pretty balanced killers probably have bit of advantage but really because mmr is off. But I feel 2 good killers can hold their own agains't good survivors too. I think I escape in this mode more because I face newer killers a lot. I win most games on killer and maybe I have escaped slightly above 50%. Mainly I play swf on both sides.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    I didn’t think about map sizes… or instant saves. But neither of those things seem to happen with cages so maybe it could still work?

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,819
    edited July 30

    Cages are notorious for that though. Most Pyramid Heads have to be very careful about sending survivors into cages depending on where other survivors may be, or are known to be otherwise they get saved immediately. It's also half of why tunneling the uncaged survivor is popular as well, and that would be even worse if the replaced hooks give off-hook benefits/perk activations as well.

    Heck, I think Deliverance would need a total rework as well in that case, which isn't a major problem.

    Edit: Oh also if pickups were removed for this system flashlights and saves are now a moot point or completely removed, meaning more perks related to being picked up would need changes too.

  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 333

    a ping system in which you can tell what you're planning to do to your teammates is far more useful and not the same as knowing where your teammates are. compared to the basegame sure it is an improvement

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    I mean you’re right on all accounts. It would maybe not work as well for 1v4 for a myriad of reasons. That’s unfortunate because it’s actually a cool mechanic.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,819

    I honestly wish they went with that at the game's inception before everything else has been tacked on.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,703

    If Nurse decides to just go solo, that mean her teammate is going solo too. That isn’t good for the killer team.

    And this whole thing about “Nurse doesn’t care about loop design” is misleading. Nurse cares about line of sight blockers, more than any other killer in the game. Her mobility is also really garbage if she’s stuck floating around trying to figure out where to blink, or if she is making short or mid distance blinks that don’t end in a hit.

    The biggest issue with Nurse in 2v8 is that many survivors don’t seem to be aware that the game alerts them if they are revealed… and if they are revealed, and they hear Nurse charging a blink, they should assume Nurse might be going after them, and should be moving unpredictably.

    But when I see a Nurse streamer, look at a revealed survivor hiding behind something, and the survivor doesn’t move at all and gets hit with a blink attack… that doesn’t mean Nurse is overpowered. It means the survivors don’t really understand the game mode mechanics.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    It's survivor sided when they are actually doing gens, which is maybe 5% of the time. Most survivors aren'tdoing gens in every match.