We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

What's been your best 2v8 moment so far?

BlackRabies Member Posts: 933
edited July 29 in General Discussions

So far most posts I've been seeing are complaints of such so post here your best favorite moment you've had in 2v8 so far since it can be quite chaotic. I'll start.

As survivor on one of those small hills with a chest there's an injured Feng Mie close by to my left I wanted to open the chest for the goodies the moment my character kneels down to start opening the chest a hatchet from my right comes flying over my head and hits Feng Mei in the face and downs her. Wasn't aware of the Huntress was there taking aim at me probably the first time I've ever had a good laugh while playing this game.


  • satx3241
    satx3241 Member Posts: 102

    The moment I stopped playing 2 vs 8 was my favorite moment for that mode

  • Bravobro
    Bravobro Member Posts: 167

    As survivor: two Killer huntress and Billy try to hunt me 3 full min. And it was Not my skill: The huntress don't Work with the Billy. The Billy Sprint with His chainsaw and walk everytime the huntress in the way.

    As Killer: Game with huntress and my Team Mate was nurse. Everytime He will make the second Hit i Steak IT with shoots. You can See with No speak, He hates me for this.

    And in the Same Match i target a feng trow IT , she know IT,Dodge and another hurt Feng Sprint in the shoot. The First Feng Look for 20 second to the down feng and me. We both don't believe this. (I Hook the down and let the First Feng Go)

  • ColdCobalt
    ColdCobalt Member Posts: 50

    My best moment was when the hatch spawned 5 feet from me at shack, so I of course went running for it. There was a Jake not far behind me. I got within a foot of the hatch and got stuck in a trap and the Jake ran right past me into the hatch. He felt so bad for leaving me that he sent me a message apologizing afterwards

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,233

    my friend and I were playing killer together on red forest. 🌳

    He clocked Lara in the back of the neck, she went running in a frenzy far away, nurse (me) swooped in after just caging someone cutting Lara off clocking her over the head. 🤣

    she looked so confused on what hit her. 🤣

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,373

    The amount of crossmaps I've hit when my teammate has entered chase with a Survivor are just amazing. It's made me remember how much fun I have playing Huntress.

    There was that one time someone stepped in a trap and I downed them across the map with a Hatchet as well, that was amazing synergy.

    lmao i'm going to try that sometime

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 907
    edited July 30

    As s survivor two moments come to mind. First Scenario--2 gens left 3 survivors left and one is a bot. The bot is on deathhook. I am not, and neither is the 3rd survivor who is Lara. I get found trying to do a gen and tag teamed by Huntress and Trapper. They slug me instead of sending me in an attempt to find the Lara and deny hatch. Trapper camps my body and Huntress goes and finds the injured bot. Downs and slugs her then finds and downs Lara who isn't far from me. Killers must be on coms because Trapper stomps me the min Lara is downed. I come up across the map the very moment the bot picks itself up. The bot rescues me and we split ways. Now on death hook I can heal. I can't pick Lara up because yanno Trappersitter. Bot Elodie is downed and picks herself up twice more while they try and prevent hatch. Anyway. She bleeds out. Hatch spawns and I make it out. All that work and dragging out the game for nothing. The timing and location of the bot rescue was top notch.

    2nd game I have a key from the one and only chest search all game. I have no hooks so I try and do some last min saves for a Steve. Unfortunately I'm not considering EGC. I get downed taking aggro. Sent across the map far from the only door open. My friend comes for me on hook. Neither of us can make it to a door in time. Except hatch spawns behind me. I tell my friend to jump in and with about 20 secs left I open hatch with my key and leave too. Clutch escape. Also Steve dies anyway. :(

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,636

    i was playing killer with a friend of mine (i was a trapper and he was playing as hillbilly). All generators done and still 4 people alive: first one killed 10 seconds after the last gen popped thanks to a trap placed in a place where there was no pallets and windows (sometimes i place traps where survivors will probably run from a tile to another), the other 3 were going toward the exit gates… i got another one with the bear traps but he was still alive, in thre meantime my friend was checking the gates… one of the gates was near my position and i saw that was putted at 99% (a classic when survivors try to save someone before escaping) so i putted a trap here (since that survivor was probably doing the save in that moment since i didn't found her here, i guessed that she was still near my position, more or less…) just to eventually slow them down (hopes were low cause once fully healed nothing could stop them from disarming the trap and opening the gates instantly). While my friend was getting near my position (he was chasing the 3rd guy in the shack) i spotted the other two (both healthy obviously), i hit one of them that get the speed boost and ran toward the shack (problem is that my friend was here as well trying to catch the 3rd survivor so you can imagine what happened to her) while the survivor that did the save and putted at 99% the gate was running directly toward the switch… 2 seconds later i heard a satisfying shout… sended both survivors in the cages. The last one was extremely close to get the hatch but i coordinate my attack with my friend while he was sprinting with the chainsaw, oneshotting her before reaching the hatch… from a 4/8 to a 8/8 all in the endgame thanks to clever trap placement, couldn't be more satisfied😁

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,245

    As survivor: I was one of the last three survivors. One ended up caged, the other survivor was doing nothing (including not saving the caged guy, I found out), and I was on a gen. I got downed and left, and the killers found the final survivor crouching around doing nothing but collecting birds. Caged guy dies, hatch opens two feet away from me and I get to escape, and the guy who was bird watching gets bled out for a bit and then caged.

    As killer: I dunno, the matches kind of blur. There was one match today that went rather poorly, but we managed to down a David running at the open exit gate. Caged him, and then the only survivor left was a Claudette. I went around closing hatches, and I happened to find the third hatch with David caged about two feet away from it. And lo and behold, there's Claudette hopping the window right into me rushing for the save. Closed the hatch, stopped Claudette from rescuing David, his cage moved, and they both died. If I'd been a second or two later, David would've had the perfect hatch escape and Claudette may have been able to make it to an open exit gate.

  • pa4n
    pa4n Member Posts: 63

    Yesterday I was playing as survivor and both killers found me (wraith and Huntress). I guess they weren't that experienced cause i looped them both for like 15 seconds. Then i got hit by a hatchet and ran to another tile. The wraith assumed the huntress will get me. Fortunally he was wrong and she chased me for like 1:30 then she gave up and all gens were done^^….i gifted them a kill in the end.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,204

    Randoms as far as I know. There was an eigth but I guess I didn't get him in the clip. I was the good looking one.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,248

    The very last game we had (6 man swf) the killers killed everyone off. My friend was on the run, searching for hatch. She ran through a pallet loop and Huntress steps in front of her. Both stop and stare at each other. My friend turns around and Wraith steps up behind her, trapping her between the two killers.

    She turned to look between the two who nodded at her. Then she slowly hunkered down and lay her item on the ground. Both killers looked at each other, seemed to shrug and let her off the hook.

    She then opened the exit gates and literally escaped with one mm left on the clock. That was so fun to watch.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,279

    when 8 of us escaped but we all at one exit gate pretty funny.