We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Trolling and griefing in 2v8 is insane

CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,242

Today, I did my fitst SoloQ Killer match. The Huntress teamed up with a Sable who lead her to everyone. I knocked the Sable down but The Huntress refused to let me cage her. I was almost happy that my game crashed with dedicated server not responding, which it did.

Then, I went into SoloQ Survivor where The Huntress played alone as The Wraith just rang his bell and allowed everyone to do the generators. I can't imagine how angry that Huntress had to be after waiting so long for a match for that to happen.

Those are just my experiences today. I've seen more this week.

Have you all noticed an uptick in bad player behavior in this mode?


  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    I've stopped playing the mode, but this doesn't surprise me. It's how dbd players are, they were bound to show up in the 2v8 eventually

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 998

    I had a Huntress and Wraith let everyone go but me. Not sure what was up with that.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,279

    my partner say it feel like killers are giving pay back or something in this mode all in all killers are ruining it.

    we can't have nice thing because of players.

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 998

    Even if you got the blind, that wouldn’t be a valid reason to tunnel you out IMO.

    I have no idea what I did. They were nodding with a Sable but as soon as they saw me they chased, downed, and caged. Maybe they like Sable but not Bill.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,228

    Although I had a break from 2v8 fairly early on due to a few games where excessive slugging became prominent, I did dive in for a couple of matches and they were fun.

    Regrettably, there shall always be players who attempt to ruin it for others. As 2v8 continues, those people will start to find ways to either act like wazzocks, or "optimise" their role. However, there will be many others who will try to play this mode for the better.

    I'm hoping the devs are able to take onboard feedback regarding bad behaviours, and then use that feedback to make the mode better when it next comes out.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,245

    Even if you got the blind, that wouldn’t be a valid reason to tunnel you out IMO.

    Nice to see someone say that. I come across the blinds-are-an-affront-to-me-and-my-ancestors mindset so much that it seems standard to me. I got three blinds in one match and when the two killers downed me (I was the last survivor) they stood over me ringing their bell and swinging repeatedly as I bled out (totally worth it, I needed those blinds).

    I have no idea what I did. They were nodding with a Sable but as soon as they saw me they chased, downed, and caged. Maybe they like Sable but not Bill.

    Ugh, I hate matches like that. I'm either a nice killer or I play for real, it's not cool to target one/some and be nice with others. I might chase and down if the survivor isn't meme-y in return (nothing personal and I try not to be too aggressive, but it's either that or ignoring them and hey, it's points), but killing is off the table.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 639
    edited July 31

    Truth be told, I can understand that mentality. After years of bullying, the bullied are getting a payback. And the bullies cant stand that.

    I'm not saying that all players are, but both sides do have their fair share of petty people with crappy attitude. But truth be told, the funniest thing during this event is that those who usually loop killers and t-bags at every vault, cant do that so easily anymore if both killers are on them. And they are losing their marbles because they cant harass killers anymore

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,279

    they get payback on tho who don't bully the killer and making the mode not fun anymore i'm so done with this mode.

    hope killers enjoy even a longer wait now.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    I had the audacity to juice a wraith for 2 minutes straight and eventually went down, just for me to be humped for 2 minutes straight. I desperately tried crawling to the Huntress, so she could see the injustice and to get her to put me out of my misery and she ended up blowing my back out too, I ended up dying unfortunately. Turns out they were a duo, so there was never a chance of her finishing me off.

    I usually don't care about being bm'ed honestly but it did feel bad for both killers to do it.

  • wsm10
    wsm10 Member Posts: 28

    This is the exact mindset that has made this game miserable for at least the last three months for normal survivors like me. I'm tired of hearing about killers having to "endure" tbagging. PUSH THEM OUT THE DOOR, OR DOWN THEM. It's only that bad because they either let them do it, or if in chase, don't either get them or leave the chase. Whereas anything a killer does, there's no getting away from it without being penalized. It's 1000% not comparable, and I'm tired of killers acting like there's nothing to be done about it. You decide if you deal with it, while survivors just endure & waste their time reporting them.

    Players need to stop the circle of toxic & obnoxious behavior from others by NOT DOING IT. It's really that easy. It's done to tilt you & ruin your game; don't be that way for people who had nothing to do with previous matches. You're also giving the bad actors on both sides exactly what they want doing it yourself & letting it affect your future matches; be the bigger person.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,501

    The first couple days were alright but then it did get a bit silly. I'm back to normal mode and it feels so weird seeing killers who aren't Huntress, Wraith, Trapper, Nurse and Billy lol

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 672

    Had 1 match that a Nurse & Huntress KWF just slugged everyone and wouldn't hook. Everyone pretty much just afked and didn't play along with their childish game. Apart from that most games on both sides have been fine. I've probably played 2-3 hours each day since 2v8 started.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    Same. It’s also kinda awkward because they respect pallets a lot now. Lol

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 817

    This implies there are no methods for Killers to "bully" in 1vs 4, which isn't true. Examples could be tunneling, bleeding people out, humping ...

    Also, I think bullies are bullies regardless of who they play, they are not going to switch to the other side and turn nice suddenly, so that is another reason why I don't believe in the "It's just players getting revenge"-explanation.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 639

    I'm not saying majority of killer players are "getting revenge" against survivor players. Probably 99% of them are there just to have fun with a friend or a significant other.

    But what I've read in these discussions, to me, it seems that most survivors that hate this mode, are usually the ones who like to bully killers in normal mode. And they can't stand it now that the roles have somewhat reversed. I know, it's subjective but that is what it looks to me.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 817

    I did not take your comment as "the majority of Killer players is taking revenge", but as "the majority of Killer players that bully do it because they are taking revenge" and that is the statement I disagree with for the reasons I said in my other comment.

    Again I believe that people who bully do it, because they enjoy making others miserable. Bullying is easier in a group so I think that is why you see in more from survivors in 1vs4, but I'm sure some of the bully survivors switched to Killer in 2vs8 and continue their bullying.

    I find the connection you draw between disliking the Mode and bullying Killers weird but maybe I missed something discussions.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,248

    The very last game we had (6 man swf) the killers killed everyone off. My friend was on the run, searching for hatch. She ran through a pallet loop and Huntress steps in front of her. Both stop and stare at each other. My friend turns around and Wraith steps up behind her, trapping her between the two killers.

    She turned to look between the two who nodded at her. Then she slowly hunkered down and lay her item on the ground. Both killers looked at each other, seemed to shrug and let her off the hook.

    She then opened the exit gates and literally escaped with one mm left on the clock. That was so fun to watch.

  • scottydoggie
    scottydoggie Member Posts: 37

    Honestly? The only few situations I’ve come across are team mates leading the killer over to others, and team mates not doing generators but I assume it’s because they want to get as many points so they’re opening chests, prioritising unhooking/healing & cleansing totems.. the 400% extra BP is just too delicious and people want to get as much as they can

  • Philscooper
    Philscooper Member Posts: 48

    i love how killers used slugging as an excuse to things like : sabo, flashlights, struggle builds, gen-pressure
    yet its clearly very prevelant in 2v8 when you got almost no reason to do

    its the community making slugging so obnoxious,
    not the survivors trying to survive
    at this point they should just give survivors basekit for everyone regardless of hook-stage
    make it 45-60 secounds and you got no problems

    give a longer speedboost and better recovery if the killer is just humping your corpse in a ######### event mode
    but only activate after a delay of about 10-15 secounds

    that way the tryhards wont cry about "unable to slug for pressure or more downs" you still can
    but cant just slug for an eternity without getting punished for it

    especially when behavior made is a ######### load easier for killers to cage survivors in this mode

    again, this mode is supposed to be fun for everyone, not a comp festia where you slug everyone

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,228

    That's what we like to see in the fun mode: just funny moments! I mean, sure if they had killed them then that's fine too, so long as they played respectfully. However, those moments are always amusing and should be lauded as positive examples.

  • stanheights
    stanheights Member Posts: 18

    i’ve only played survivor but i’ve had so many troll teammates too :( it seems like in 1/3rd of my games im getting at least one teammate that trolls and tries to get everyone killed (ie dropping every pallet upon spawning in and repeatedly fast vaulting near teammates). i haven’t really had any problems with killers; it’s just bad teammates driving me away from the game mode.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,501

    Well you probably figured the reason. Many killers prefer female survivors over males.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 907

    I have seen a slight uptick in camping behavior from mobile killers like Billy and Wraith. Now that enough matches have been played for players to recognize patterns in the cages a Billy or more often than not Wraith will race to the other side of the map to meet an newly uncaged survivor. If I'm the survivor trying to save and notice this happening I won't save but take chase and let the cage respawn. Unfortunately, soooo many survivors just unhook anyway, because yanno, points.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,242

    Yup, I played several matches in the early hours of this morning. 2 out of every 3 had a troll survivor doing that. It's insane.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,279

    killers know where cages go pretty much most time tunnel why I'm done with this mode it could end not care if it ever comes back.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,824

    I haven't noticed people being worse than usual. I had one Killer match where my teammate tried to slug the last person for some reason, so I sent that person to a cage. I've seen some people teabagging killers who are obviously very new, which sucks. I had one Survivor teammate who I think was blowing skill checks on purpose to sandbag people… but these are a handful of players when every match has 10, most of whom behave normally.

    TBH, I think it's harder to grief people in this mode because there are so many players and because Survivors get sent to secret cages on the other side of the map.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,242

    Today was hilarious 😂

    I absolutely loathe trolls but I decided to just use 2v8 as a bloodpoint farming event and I have fun no matter what.

    I had a Lara run into the Killer Shack where I was working on a generator. She joined me and consecutively missed every single skill check until the killer came.

    I had a Meg instantly spam herself in and out of a locker at the start of a match where 3 of us were working on a gen.

    I had a Kate get mad at me for rescuing 2 teammates just before she could. She decided to follow me around, slam a pallet wherever I was working on a generator and spam vault it.

    These all just happened in the last two hours.

    It's not even bothering me anymore and sometimes I just start laughing.

    I bought this Dwight skin and have been wearing it all day. Silly outfit for Silly games 🤪

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,242

    Sable went down in a corner in that little garden or whatever this place in the picture is behind crotus penn and fell head forward towards Huntress. (photo for reference only, this is just where it happened)

    The Huntress just spammed m1 at me and shook her head no over and over.

    I couldn't make Huntress move and because there's no collision between the killers, Sable was safe under her as I couldn't get close enough for the cage prompt to pop up.

    The only reason I was able to knock Sable down was because she accidentally stepped in one of my bear traps 🐻