Live Roadmap - August 2024



  • joeyspeehole
    joeyspeehole Member Posts: 85

    I rarely see people hiding the whole match anymore. After they gutting healing, the self care locker-hiding people disappeared. I just played against The Pig. They hooked laura, making me the last person. When they hooked the person, distortion saved me from being revealed to the killer. Regardless of that fact though, the killer was still able to find the hatch almost immediately. I had to sneakily open the gate to escape.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    The only things I can think off is removing the aura reading from the iri (or reworking it into something else) and changing any stun to only pallet stuns again (imo, the biggest issue was blastmine, headon is fine)

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    They are probably going to do the cosmetic ones tho. There is a space for it in the UI, and that space wasnt empty for survivors.

    They wouldnt do basekit unbreakable, but they HAVE to if they do finisher mori's. Hence they wont do finisher mori as basekit

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,446

    This perspective acts like aura reading perks are a given though. There are plenty of killers who don't use a single aura reading perk and therefore Distortion does nothing and its users are on equal footing with their team mates. A killer who feels they can only find survivors using aura reading perks will of course see Distortion users as selfish and unhealthy for the game. That doesn't mean they are. If a high proportion of Distortion users are getting hatch then perhaps it says more about the strength and abundance of aura reading perks than anything else.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,586

    Considering how badly they ruined Knight, I'm not looking forward to their "tweaks" for more killers I like, like Dredge and Nemesis.

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 550

    Please don't just make hillbillies useless again after they have been released from a long incarceration. The "just right" strength of Kare with the overheat system was one of the most stupid adjustments in the history of BhVR.

  • joeyspeehole
    joeyspeehole Member Posts: 85

    Is the main complaint about Ultimate Weapon that it doesn't disrupt the generator progress with people screaming near the killer every thirty seconds anymore?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,218

    Just have Distortion only recharge while in chase.

    This way you can't just hide all game, in order to get use out of the perk you have to engage with the killer.

    This also serves as a soft anti-tunnel skill too, as you'll likely have your recharged tokens ready after you've been hooked.

  • kitsch1
    kitsch1 Member Posts: 11

    Gotta love how they have neglected many of the bottom tier killers only giving a few minor speed buffs rather then just balancing the maps and making fun for atleast one side as many maps are flawed making it unfun for both killer and survivor

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,124

    Wasn't Genetic Limits slanted for an update?

    Did devs forget about it or did I change realities without noticing it?

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,234

    It might be in with the big perk change bundle coming in autumn.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580
    edited August 7


    • Finisher Mori was discussed, I think it's fine depending on HOW they implement it.
    • Skurchent and Unknown will be tweaks to their kits, probably to make Skurchent not be a bag of fifteen statuses and to make Unknown's staredown and UVX a bit stronger. The latter could be a shadow Ghostface buff because they seem to use the same code; Unknown has the same jank as Ghostface.
    • Hillbilly nerf. No way it's not. He's a bit overtuned and it's a little too easy to spam chainsaw.
    • Twins is probably getting something to make them worse at slugging and better at chase-down.
    • Leverage will be buffed. So will Blood Rush.
    • Hex: Crowd Control will become no longer a Hex, but something timed, since Hexes are weak (even with Drac's perk that guards totems) - or it will shift totems somehow like Face the Darkness.
    • Distortion's being nerfed, it counters way too many things and the Devs definitely wanna focus on chasing, which aura read facilitates, by giving Killers harder to counter aura read. It's also currently an unfair perk to Survivor teams, because one person will hide with it while everyone else gets slaughtered and tunneled out because the Killer can't find this person. This will be to discourage "ratting".
    • Pharmacy will be buffed to give better medkits.
    • Scene Partner will possibly be given a cooldown because it currently activates a bit too often.
    • Weave Attunement is either getting hard gutted (for no good reason, perk is fine IMHO) or it's getting a range reduction and/or shows the aura of any dropped item to the Survivors (the only change I think it SHOULD get). People really need to learn to deal with not relying on Items always being reliable, it's part of the game for items to be limited; nothing should be foolproof including items (which you can always, let's be frank, get more of anyway - we get showered in BP and we just had Masquerade and everyone still has scads of items from that).
    • Shadowborne will be reworked. I'd like to see it be a sort of Lethal Pursuer for Undetectable, or for it to show auras every time the Killer becomes undetectable. It could also be made into Distortion for Killer - now Survivor Aura read is not useful, and since there is so much of it… once again, no tool should ever be uncounterable. Surv aura read isn't an exception. However it would have to be limited if it did that, probably by recharging tokens per hook or something like how old Furtive Chase did.
    • Plague will get QoL, some power tweaks to make her better, possibly be made 115% speed, and have some items partially basekitted. I don't see her getting nerfed, but her infection may be changed the way Wesker's was to make her less frustrating and punishing to play against - especially for medkit users.
    • Cenobite is getting QoL, possibly some tweaks to chains and the box, and very likely some items basekit or partial basekit with some addons reworked. It's likely he will be made more rewarding to use, I think he could use a "lockon" or "seeking" feature for his gateways to be particular that tracks the Survivor. He's already tough to use and even tougher on console. He needs something. His chase can also be somewhat weak if you miss your chains, so perhaps that will be addressed.

    I overall think these will all be good, healthy changes - and this is just what's shown here, it's not a full roadmap as Mandy said.

    Post edited by VantablackPharaoh91 on
  • Tipsy
    Tipsy Member Posts: 42

    I understand why Skull Merchant and maybeee Twins but the rest of the killers are in a good spot. Yes Billy is S tier but only very very small amount of ppl can push Billy to that level.
    Also a lot of the perks listed were recently changed and I feel are in good spots for their niche such as Weaving Spiders, Crowd Control, and Shadowborne.
    Bloodrush is scary perk to adjust, can very easily become over powered.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 862

    Pharmacy will be buffed to give better medkits.

    All medkits are exactly the same. As long as they don‘t revert their medkit nerfs from over a year ago, that buff won’t change anything. A purple medkit is as fast as a grey one on self heals, which is dumb and the altruistic healing is maybe 15% faster, which is nothing.

    Scene Partner will possibly be given a cooldown because it currently activates a bit too often.

    Why would they nerf scene partner?

    Agree with your weave attunement change, but like I know the devs, it is doomed already. The only thing I really dislike about this perk is that it encourages killers to use franklins, which is such a annoying perk.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580
    edited August 7

    RE: Pharmacy giving Medkits - Just have them have addons and a tier upgrade potentially in the medkits it gives. Other perks already do this.

    RE: Scene Partner - BHVR has made weird nonsense changes before, so I'll turn the question around here… why would they BUFF Scene Partner? It's in a fine spot and needs nothing.

    Post edited by VantablackPharaoh91 on
  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 537

    What do the Freddy main community want from Freddie the most? Completely new power/rework or tweaks to number for existing ones?

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    Sure could have fooled me, she feels intolerably sluggish to me.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,601

    Everyone agrees that we need an actual rework, as tweaks to numbers wouldn't be enough and it wouldn't fix his problems.

    But we don't always agree on what exactly should be done. Personally I want his original power with some QoL improvements, but others have suggested entirely new ideas.

  • CammyChameleon
    CammyChameleon Member Posts: 248

    My Personal Suggestions for Unknown As A P100 Unknown Player

    Weakened State Duration Increased From 10 seconds, to 12.5, or possibly even 15. (Right now he suffers the same issue that trickster did after his initial rework where the 10 second laceration was just to few for indoor maps. Unknown is the same, however it's outdoor maps that effect him more, which is much more prominent since most maps are outdoors)

    When UVX Travels through a survivor it should weaken them, however it should not cause a health state. (This will reward a direct shot that is most likely harder to hit, but also allow it to feel more impactful.

    Other than that I think he is pretty cool, some of his green addons are a bit repetitive like multiple exhaustion add ons and the foot print add on just does what the 50% cooldown reduction on pallet break add on does, but better. I think one of these could be reworked into giving him one extra clone on the map as a green add on. That would be much more interesting. Or rework the purple exhaustion add on to that because honestly that one is really bad.

    #Please stop making blindness and exhaustion addons purple rarity/or at all because they just aren't very useful and if you do need them there are a lot of perks that help with it now.

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 308

    I'm not sure what more can be done to her at this point. She's already been nerfed heavily several times.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 862

    They could make her lounge shorter and make her tokens recharge slower

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 308

    If they do that, survivors would actually make more distance from just holding W then Nurse can keep up with both blinks

  • Dionysusdog
    Dionysusdog Member Posts: 154
  • Dionysusdog
    Dionysusdog Member Posts: 154

    Only the survivors have fun with windows of opportunity. That isn't a good reason to nerf it.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 862

    Oh well, I did not get that you were replying to me since I got no notification.

    Shure pharmacy would be better, but still not much better. The addons of medkits are also as lack luster as the medkits are.

    Honestly I have no idea what they will do to scene partner, because I think it‘s fine as well, but it will definitely not be a nerf, why should it be. Maybe they make that the perk deactivates when crouching, so it doesn‘t reveal you when hiding or they do something else.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 862
    edited August 11

    Not really. Right now the nurse can catch up almost immediately without any problems and that wouldn’t change much through 0,5s longer recharge speed of the tokens. Survivors would finally actually get rewarded with a tiny bit more distance for successfully outplaying nurse. She would still catch up almost immediately tho.

    Personally I would prefer if they bring back light burn for her.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,284

    could you tell me what "blurry photo" is?

    i dont even know what killer its for

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    It's an addon for the Unknown. I believe it decreases teleportation cooldown, but I'm not an Unknown Main so I have no comment on how much it works or how useful it is.

    But if it's a "must-run", then I agree. Partial basekit it. No addon should feel like it's "run this or you suffer/lose" for any Killer.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,284

    thanks for telling me ill try it out later today and tell you tomorrow if it makes me better

  • Revvium
    Revvium Member Posts: 92

    I'm hoping Trickster finds his way on this roadmap soon, very excited to see what the future has in store for him. He just doesn't feel the same after his rework back in December. Very excited however to see changes to a bunch of perks here, but a bit nervous to see characters like Cenobite, Plague, Unknown, and Hillbilly receiving changes this early with how Trickster feels, but remaining patient as I understand there's a lot to get around to!

  • devoutartist
    devoutartist Member Posts: 113

    gonna hard disagree with distortion they are aura perks by themself that burn easy trough distortion like for example gearhead a full hex build with trill of the hunt burns trough distortion ppl dont use aura perk that needs build up with multiple procs they use the easy to use perks that distortion counter really instead of using aura perks that counter distortions verry well

  • Memesis
    Memesis Member Posts: 165

    Are we getting a dev update today on changes from the PTB?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068
    edited August 22

    It is actually out today, if you have not seen it yet:

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 561

    The problem with this is that you NEED Gearhead to counter distortion. That's the issue. If you don't run Gearhead because its not the best perk for your build or killer you will probably get your whole build denied by Distortion.

    Also in smaller maps or with weaker killers even with Gearhead you cannot burn through all the Distortion tokens.

  • BubblegumDot
    BubblegumDot Member Posts: 7

    Who wants to speculate what the cenobite tweaks will be?

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 862

    I say probably a buff to the chains you have to aim yourself and a nerf to the passive chainhunt.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,687

    I don't know why everyone assumes Distortion users are all going to just let the killer burn through all their Distortion tokens, and let themselves be revealed. There are many Distortion users that will identify that gearhead is in play, and if they can't consistently hit great skill checks, then they will just avoid repairing generators for 30 seconds after a survivor loses a health state if they are out of Distortion tokens.

    Yes, it's not efficient gameplay, but the end result is the killer still isn't going to see their aura, so the killer is still encouraged to tunnel everyone else since they are easier to find. And if there aren't any Distortion users in the game, then the killer is stuck with a weak off-meta perk that isn't very good, and has a bad trigger condition.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,259

    the thing is, distoration player aren't bringing distortion for gearhead, they're bring it for nowhere to hide and tunneling. as long as the perk counters nowhere to hide and prevents their aura being scene when they're on death hook, distortion still will have relevancy. if killer can find survivors on death hook with aura reading then distortion will become weak and irrelevant.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,687

    Distortion players are using the perk to try to dodge every form of aura reading, and to have the perk announce which aura reading perks and addons the killer has, which often allows the player to manually dodge the aura reading without using tokens.

    The perk would be more balanced if it didn’t announce when aura reading was being used. One solution would be for it to be like corrupt intervention, where it just blocks aura reading non-stop for the first 120 seconds of each game.

  • Burniebotss
    Burniebotss Member Posts: 92
  • Burniebotss
    Burniebotss Member Posts: 92

    She’s not strong you’re just bad against her, though there should be a timer to stop loop dropping but that’s it

  • sprogster
    sprogster Member Posts: 10
    edited August 27

    Until Nvidia re-shade is fixed (re-enabled) , this game is dead to me.

    No more killer/cosmetic purchases and no more playing it at all.

    I have thousands of hours of play, but will give it up and move on to other games if I'm forced to play the dark blurry mess that happens when some basic brightening isn't allowed (even just a simple gamma slider would be fine for goodness sakes).

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 217

    same here , i just can't play this game with it's basic graphics. However i've heard that reshade is working. Seems like i will have to do that until nvidia gets reenabled if it ever does .

  • CreeRoyalty
    CreeRoyalty Member Posts: 68

    I use Distortion from time to time in solo que. It's nice when the killer runs nothing but aura reading perks and add-ons...which there are a ton. Survivors have one perk to help counter the killer's aura reading abilities, perks, and add-ons. Same as Lightborn counters all blinding items. Killer mains stop running aura reading builds and we'll stop using Distortion. It's weird that this is a complaint when you have perks that can destroy gen progression, make survivors scream and reveal their location, etc.. All it takes is one YouTube video and here all of you come, running the same killer with the same build.

  • CreeRoyalty
    CreeRoyalty Member Posts: 68
    edited August 27

    Distortion in solo que can be helpful. The beginning of the match, distortion goes off. Killer hooks a survivor, distortion. Killer kickcs a gen, distortion. You vault a window, distortion. You hit a good skill check, distortion. Now you unhook a survivor, distortion. That's all I see when I run it. A lot of killers run aura reading builds. Killers have add-ons, perks, and even powers to reveal survivors. We have a perk to help counter all that, and it relies on tokens and recharging them. Killers have Lightborn to counter blinding items. I'm not sure why it's a big issue. How much information do you need from survivors? Can Lightborn get a nerf? Maybe tokens perhaps? You run one perk and someone that plans on running flashlight or flashbang save build is completely useless. Oh, did I mention you see the aura running Lightborn after someone tries to blind?

    I will say this…I wouldn't mind if the perk's tokens recharge while in chase, as opposed to hiding in the killer's terror radius. That's the only suggestion you get from me. When did perks like Distortion release? And you're complaining about that?

  • shiiroo
    shiiroo Member Posts: 23

    How many times…WE DON'T WANT FINISHER MORI's!!!! Stop it already.