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Why close my thread?

Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 513
edited August 5 in General Discussions

Im genuinly reporting a bug and then im getting silenced? Why? Is the bias that big that when its an advantage for survivors it has THAT low priority so you just close all the threads that talk about it?

You (whoever of you closed my thread) claims its a duplicate, yet i dont see no post talking about the chest exploit.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 513

    I litteraly was on davids behind and he used the chest for a split second then glitched further away.. But yeah keep gaslighting even though you were not in the match.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 513

    Well i was searching fot an alredy existing thread, and there is none. So how can it be duplicate?

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 513

    The reason why i made a bug report but got silenced. Which makes me assume there is an bias going on otherwise there was no reason to close my thread despite there being not a simillar one.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 513

    Also this thread is tagged as "answered" even though i didnt tag it that way. Why are mods interfering with my threads?

    If you want me to not use this forum that badly you can just give me a perma bann, thats way less complicated than whatever is going on right now.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,707
    edited August 5

    maybe it was an error on the mods end. May be, I haven’t gone through the list to make sure.

    But the official bug list for the devs is not the forum section anyway (gotta be someone from dev qa or community management team to sync those manually?) and again, either way, this has nothing to do with you being silenced nor any favoritism to one side.

    edit: just used the forum search function and typed in ‚chest bug‘, literally among the first few results - some of them including yours duplicates (→ clutter) there it is. Under review. Not closed nor dismissed. With description and video.

    upvote it, comment any additional info on it if you have additional info.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 513

    Oh so before posting a bug on here on the forum we have to search through a diffrent website? Sorry for not opening 10 windows before making a thread to make sure its not a duplicate.

    All the search bar on this forum shows is a thread from last year that talks about FLASHLIGHTS broken and thus chest should be killswitched to, i am talking about an exploit on the chests themselves. If this counts as "duplicate" no wonder bugs take so long to get fixed all the time, they are not even taking time to read the threads.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,707

    it’s automatically tagged as answered as soon as you get.. well.. answers.
    you can manually set it to answered correctly or not answered.

    Try not to victimize yourself so much. No one is personally attacking you - especially not these forum mods.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,707
    edited August 5

    No?! Where have i said anything remotely like that??

    you just have to search the very forums that you use and where bugs get reported. See the edit of my post - the bug is there and easily to be found

    And even if you didn’t find the original report and make an unintentional duplicate report, it just gets closed and tagged as duplicate - no harm towards you whatsoever.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 513

    First page:
    Weird animations
    Weskers chest
    vecnas Chests

    second page:
    Flashlights in chests (the one i mentioned here alredy)
    Sound bug.

    None of those is what i was talking about, also hard to not feel targeted when there is a diffrent topic bug report from the same person litteraly on top of each other but the titles are worded slightly diffrent. And guess what they are "under review" and not "duplicate"

    Also its pretty disinginious to have threads automaticly tagged as "answered" whenever there is a comment on them, what point does the question whether it was answered have? If they just gonna decide for the people that make threads why ask in the first place. Why do any post on here when genuine and constructive criticism is met with being ignored or even having your threads closed for no reason.

    Same goes for my issiue with the frank stone ad popping up every single time, same goes for all my unanswered tickets regarding the "dedicated server not responding" issiue from the last 2 years i have not heard anything about it until i eventually gave up.

    my fault for thinking the chest bug is something minor and has no reason to be ignored, i guess i'll stop reporting any bugs from now on, its a waste of time.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,664

    Closing this as Mooks already explained why the bug report had been closed.

This discussion has been closed.