Ash Williams Leaked and Perk Discussion

As many people know, the new update for Dead By Daylight dropped today. In it, a leak for the new survivor, Ash Williams, was shown to console players in the form of Kill Your Friends and revealing his perks.This is a pretty devastating leak for Behavior since it not only shows the new licensed survivor, but the perks he comes with as well. Personally, I'm excited for Ash as he will be one of the main survivors I will play as. However, it's pretty hard to ignore the perks he comes with.

To begin with his most controversial perk, Mettle of Man is NOT overpowered. Too often is the word op thrown around when describing something, more often than not, it's used in conjunction with something that is not op. This perk is scary sounding for killer mains, but it's not as amazing for survivors as one may thing. To begin with, the perk requires that you are to be hit at a minimum of 3 times (at tier 3) and then be injured. When you have been hit 3 times and are injured, the next hit you receive will not down you. It sounds relatively good; which it is, but not overpowered. To begin with, this perk encourages you to go out and get attacked/hit/chased by the killer. This is good since survivors now have a reason to get off generators in order to meet the pre requisites for the perk. Ontop of which, its an obsession perk, if your obsession is purposely trying to get hit, you can figure out what kinda perk they have, it's especially good if you have an obsession perk that rewards you for hitting your obsession. Another thing to note, this perk WILL NOT save you from insta downs UNLESS you are injured! That's a pretty big deal, especially seeing as how a good number of killers can insta down (Clown, Myers, Leatherface, Hilbilly, Nurse) and won't work against insta down perks (Rancor, NOED, Devour Hope). Rancor is a direct counter to the perk since you won't even need to hit the survivor except for once to kill them. (We can discuss more about this perk in discussion since I want to move on to the other perks.)

Buckle Up is a very basic perk that can and will be overlooked by most survivors, especially SWF teams. The perk allows you to see how much downed survivors have recovered based off of their aura, and once you pick them up, you and the previously downed survivor can see the killer's aura for a short period of time. To begin with, SWF teams will already have access to all of this information already and only pose a possibility of use against single player players. Next, the main part of this perk (in my opinion) is to see the killer's aura, unfortunately, other perks do this better (Dark Sense and Alert). When downed, most survivors should start recovering anyways, so seeing their aura based on recovery rate isn't good. This perk doesn't seem to specialize in any one aspect and instead introduces a weaker version of one perk and incorporates common knowledge into one perk, it's just not good.

Lastly, there's Flip-Flop. To begin with this perk, I will say this, it's decent but requires a lot of things to go your way. Most killers will pick you up immediately after downing you, thus not giving you enough time to fully utilize this perk. It may help a tiny bit to just cap off that 99% wiggle meter that some of us are all too familiar with. This perk paired with Unbreakable + Tenacity could share some interesting results; if you're lucky that is...

Overall, I'm completely hyped for Ash as a character. His perks seem alright but not too amazing. The most interesting of the three is Mettle of Mann, but it's been given too much attention for the wrong reason. I personally wish people will stop labeling things as "op" until they've actually tried it and versed it and came up with their own logical conclusion. I've given my opinion on the perks using the information I had, and that opinion may change once I've actually gotten to try the new perks out for myself. I'd love to hear other people's opinions, questions, or concerns on the matter. Thanks.
