We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Soloq In Seem to be full of faming killers

GoingToGetDwight Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 78

I have not been playing soloq for a while, but every time i played the killers kill 2 of my team mates and just farm i had video and bhrv does not seem to mind this type of farming does anyone have these experiences in this, like this is why i stopped playing as survivors, and it not like they do it at first they start playing normally but then randomly start to farm.so i am pretty much never playing soloq again i main killer now.


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Full? I see maybe like 1 in 20 games when its BP event or something.

    Farming is a grey zone. Its not something supported from players to do and devs are not a fan but it isnt bannable (unless you combine it with like game hostage, forcing others, etc.)

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    I see way less friendly/farming killers than I used to. Even during the anniversary with 5 cobblers each game there wasn't any.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,501

    Farming is not bannable. I kinda wish more killers would do it. Killer probably felt bad for last 2 wanted to let them nothing wrong in that.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,007

    I don't go for Farming. But yea, there are days I go against survivors just trying. While one might be too "useless" to the idea of being a teammate. So I'll play nice with the others. I also have been playing nice when survivors just give up in front of me. Long as they don't BM me. I'm fair. Run and try me, I'll equally give chase and play the game as intended.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    Farming, chilling, or being a friendly Killer is not bannable, though Mandy has stated it's "frowned upon" and "not in the spirit" of the game. I say, play how you want.

    This is rare outside of BP events too. I'll occasionally do it but usually I kill two, get the hooks on the last two, and let them go if I do.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    i mean farming is boring but why should it be bannable, just win and move on. as survivor that might mean a lot of gen work if you are the only one not farming but it's still fine. though, if other survivors team against you for not farming then that is bannable and pretty sure if they don't do gens while you get chased/get downed and let wiggle constantly that should be treated as taking hostage which is also a bannable offense.

  • GoingToGetDwight
    GoingToGetDwight Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 78

    I mean farming should not be bannable but when they team up with my teammate that gets annoying forgot to mention that

  • GoingToGetDwight
    GoingToGetDwight Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 78

    i mean sure its fine but if you going in the middle of the game and suddenly not 2 persons cause you find them cute why even play at all, if you start farming at the start of the game im fine with that, alot of the time where i get farmed on is sometimes the killers just team with my teammate and just kills me its not fun if it happens multiple times.

  • GoingToGetDwight
    GoingToGetDwight Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 78

    That is fine, other killers just straight up team up with my team and find me to kill me alot of the time.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,465
    edited August 8

    farming killers means that killer gives up and says that he lost. So he farms with you instead of accepting the humiliating loss. It is honestly red flag that killer is in a bad state because it means that killer don't want to play the game normally because it is imbalanced/unplayable.

    i don't see farming killers that much at all but i think it is super bad to have mass farming killers. Killers giving up every game is like equal to survivors rage quiting on hook and disconnecting. You can't play survivor game if every killer is a farming killer.

    Survivor can't play the game properly either if every game has self-suicide on hook or disconnect on hook from their teammate.

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    I usually see killers do this when they dominate a game at 5 gens. And they do this as a form of pity of apology and let the remaining survivors play the game, because he knows survivors didnt get to do anything because of the massive pressure. It happened to me as a survivor too. Had a Plague on Midwich. She destroyed us. She killed an adept Claudette, but then farmed with the other 3 of us, who were on death hook.
    It was a terrible Thana build, but I just imagined she saw that she was too oppressive and let us do gens. Its a bit ######### the adept Claudette was the only one that died

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    I had

    I have to confess I did that once. Farmed because I knew I was outplayed. The thing is, I realized this was a 3man swf I couldnt beat. I cant remember if I was playing Trickster, Legion or another killer(not a strong one). I just knew I didnt have a sweaty build meant to counter an annoying coordinated stun and sabo playstyle. So I quit and started to farm with the one that wasnt part of the swf. Altho a Jeff I downed got stuck in a locker and DC'd, so his bot bled out, that felt nice

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,116
    edited August 8

    I used to do this just to be nice, now I only do it when someone DCs or I have a SoH, but to offer some perspective on it:

    There are killers that are more in it for the fun of the chase, where the actual results of the match don't really matter. Curve Billy's for example were very much like this. Climbing the invisible MMR ladder is not something I care about at all (it literally means nothing to climb it), instead I want to have fun, and would prefer that everyone is mostly having fun... cause for players like myself, absolutely dunking on someone isn't really a thing I enjoy. It's amazing how ignoring the result of the match frees you up to actually have fun in this game, and I'm convinced that a lot of people's burn out with it is simply trying so hard to win, they've lost sight of what they enjoy doing.

    Think of it like a game of chess. If you play against a much weaker opponent (say your 10 year old nephew or something), do you go uber hard in the paint and wipe the floor with them? No... cause that demoralises them and stops them playing the game. You already know you're gonna win, so what does it prove continuing to crush them? You ease up, you give them chances to come back, or may even use the opportunity to teach, limit yourself to make a game of it, or let them have the win.... whatever it is you do, the point is that both parties are having fun, cause if people aren't having fun, then what's the point of playing the game?

    When I absolutely dominate a team and all chases end really quickly, there isn't much fun to be had, and no one obviously wants to go up against super sweat lords pushing every mechanic they possibly can to annihilate their opposition... so it only serves logically to not be one yourself.

    Nowadays the quality of survivors I face is generally pretty good, so I don't give away wins anymore out of respect for them and the spirit of the game, however... I still take a stance I will always play for 10 hooks if possible, I don't camp and tunnel, and will consider 5 hooks the sacrifice point, where if I find the Dead On Hook player, that was was their mistake. I will also always play the hatch gamble, slugging for the 4k is boring.

    I will still however let survivors repair gens in the event of a DC or SoH, I play out to max hooks nornally, and anyone who doesn't also quit gets to leave. I will also sometimes do it when a player asks to be let go... (though anyone using Boil Over is being sent to the Entity with a request for special treatment stapled to their forehead).

    Always remember, Boops Save Lives. 🐽

    Basically letting survivors go is a way for killers to not take this game too seriously, cause being a try hard quickly makes it a very unfun experience, even when you're winning.

  • GoingToGetDwight
    GoingToGetDwight Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 78

    Thats not a problem the problem is the killers mostly team with my team to get me out of the game cause the killer does not find me cute

  • GoingToGetDwight
    GoingToGetDwight Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 78

    when they find my team have a funny skin and then just memes i am not saying its only killers its my team who works with the killers to do it both sides are bad

  • GoingToGetDwight
    GoingToGetDwight Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 78

    sorry should have been more clear in the post

  • GoingToGetDwight
    GoingToGetDwight Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 78

    Like most killers hate me for some reason i am not toxic but when they want to farm they just kill me as my team most of the time point and nod as i go into the void

  • GoingToGetDwight
    GoingToGetDwight Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 78

    I dont want to have a skin just to please a killer i just want to play a game as a dwight

  • GoingToGetDwight
    GoingToGetDwight Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 78

    Its what ever now i play killer because of this i am playing huntress, if someone dcs i become friendly and let everyone else live. thats the only time where i do it or they kill themselfs on hooks

  • GoingToGetDwight
    GoingToGetDwight Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 78

    i do early game if someone dcs i just practice my hatches

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,116

    Your post was about killers ignoring other survivors and targetting you? I mean all i can say is there are numerous factors that play into why a killer lets certain survivors go, and it's on a killer by killer basis.

    Some want to be nice but also want to get 10 hooks and use luck of the draw, some let players go for playing well or being funny, some let people go because they feel bad after using a nasty perk combo or something.

    What I will say, is there are biases…. as unpleasant as it is to admit, female survivors can be looked on more favourably than male survivors because as a largerly male playerbase they are cuter… however this can swing the other way as they are also targetted by other individuals specifically for the same reasons, so that's a trade off.

    The fact you are basic Dwight will draw attention to you as an "easy target". Default skins with low prestige are actually used by some players to deliberately intice the killer to go for them when they are far stronger a player than they look.

    I doubt this happens to you every game though, in fact, it's quite rare for a killer to give up hatch, let alone let 2 survivors repair gens and escape.