Hand-Eye Coordination Trophy

I have obtained all trophies on DBD except this one (6k hours played) so very familiar with the concepts of gaining and achieving trophies .However this trophy is the worst …First of I have to play as survivor and match against a Vecna ,remembering he is a licensed killer and not available with shards so chances of meeting him are slim to begin with .Then if I do match against him , I then have to roll a 20 in the chest (again situational) and then escape(again situational) and if I do match against him , I am limited to searching chests trying to get the hand/eye of vecna thus not time spent on generators ! No other trophy based against killer is like this especially a licensed character! In the past 30 games (I have tally) , I faced vecna ONCE !!! and he was very dominant from the beginning and 4K ...any help will be appreciated


    MANMALLET Member Posts: 4

    Oh didn't apply as a question so question is .....Is bHVR aware of the difficulties around obtaining this trophy and any future plans to amend this ...I would recommend the trophy just been 'Roll a 20' to get the hand/eye of vecna in any game .

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,308

    I wasn't expecting to get this trophy anytime soon. I was hoping to get it overtime by playing the game regularly and not thinking about it.

    I got it the next day of the DLC and I was solo.

    You need luck and somewhat good teammates bc you also need to escape. Preferably play with friends on comms to have way more chances. People still playing Vecna a lot, you'll get it eventually.

    MANMALLET Member Posts: 4

    Yep, day after DLC when everyone wad playing Vecna .…not that many Vecnas about nowadays but appreciate your feedback 👍