Anybody else burned out on 2v8 mode yet?

First of all, I am very grateful for the new mode and think the devs did a great job with it. Conceptually really fun, interesting, and a lot to build on with this first version. So not complaining about the game mode itself :)
This is more an issue with how bad teammates have been lately. I had a lot of fun with 2v8 mode for the first week. I had been playing survivor only (due to the super long queue times for killer) and escaped most matches. At first, teammates seemed consistently competent. I don't know what happened, but recently it's been miserable. Take the worst solo queue experiences from normal game mode and multiply 2X. Every match is filled with completely useless teammates who go down 5 seconds after chase starts, refuse to touch generators, run away from gens at the slightest hint of a terror radius even if status indicator clearly shows someone else being chased, etc. Just a complete potato-fest, match after match after match. This is especially discouraging when there is supposedly a SBMM that is supposed to match you with other players of similar skill level. There's no way that's really happening.
I'm ready for it to be done now so we can get everyone back in the normal game mode queue pool.
A lot of good players left after the challenges are done.
Also killers figured out how the cages work and now i often have a wraith chasing me from downing to uncaging immediately.
This mode is nice but lacks so much options from 1v4.
2v8 needs some tweaks for sure.
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i am still loving it.
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i was burned out after the first week lol... im glad other people like 2v8, but it got stale pretty quickly for me
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I was sick of it about 15 days ago…
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This 2v8 is not good beacuse there is only 5 killers to play, so I got bored after 3 days
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Probably bit now I have been playing it 10 hours a day so had to tune down bit and I play 5-6 hours a day now. I burned out during anniversary too playing close to that the last week.
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such a let down not adding more killers. I also don’t understand why at 1 gen there’re 6 gens on the map.
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Killer duos is still the most fun out of the mode. Survivor isn't that bad either, especially if you have a stack of friends. Last night I had 8 escapes in a row and left with 6 flashlights and 2 ranger med kits. I didn't do gens in half of those games. Go figure.
I wish there were a middle ground because 2v8 is kind of mindless. I like the speed of the game but I miss the perks. I think BHVR should try to bridge the gap between the two and release another mode that includes the fun of both. The reason why 2v8 is so popular is because it's very casual, even if there are some that try to sweat it out. BHVR can create another mode that forces casual play if they wanted to please that crowd. Although I have a feeling if they did that, it might all but dry up the normal 1v4 pool.
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i'm bummed they extended it for another week. 1v4 been suffering with queues ever since this mode came up.
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Don't blame you, there's only 5 killers available and playing against and as over and over again is getting quickly boring
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I think its to discourage 3 genning with 2 killers whilst having 200% regression/no where to hide once you kick a gen.
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i can finish the tome thanks to the extension
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I was bored of it a week and a half ago! Only played it for the event tome and whatever challenges on old tomes were way easier to do it the mode.
The lack of variety in killers and complete lack of depth have sent a lot of people back, myself included, back to the normal mode, where Huntress now seems to be causing as many insta DC's or first hook suicides as prime Skull Merchent did! Survivors just sick of playing against her every single match.
Now it's a lot of newer players, together with killers working out the cage spawn locations, often making it hard to heal that is causing killers to stomp a lot of teams.
Good that they tried this but it needs way more tweaks and improvements before it can be brought back again. With just 5 killers and 4 perk combinations, it just isn't enough to justify trashing killer queue times for and hurting the game in the long term.
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Yeah, I was trying to play as much as i could so I wouldn't miss it when gone, but after they increased it's duration, I haven't touched it again. Still eager to see their next version with more killers and tweaked survivor tho.
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Wait you too? I got so tired of it I just kinda stopped playing, I was hoping it would be done but they extended it. It definitely needs to bake more, I am not sure why they extended such an obviously flawed mode just because it's "fun". I guess people begged enough and the 60% of games that aren't 2v8 ones (AKA the rest of the player base) just doesn't matter.
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I was burned out a few days in. Played for the incentive until even that wasn't appealing anymore. On the plus side, it's made me enjoy 1v4 and many of the killers I usually dislike alot more.
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Yeah there's that. 1v4 feels so much more manageable, slow-paced, and intimate now in comparison. I never knew what I had until it was gone.
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It was fun at the start. For 1 game session.
I think people are just really receptive to it b/c its more or less, the same as 1v4 but with more people & any change is good change.
This game's been out for nearly 8 years (correct me if I'm wrong, just ballparking here atm) & it took them 7+ years to start adding in other game modes. Thats absolutely pathetic. Good thing they don't got any competition.
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They should have added another killer for the extension.
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No they can't do that. A lot more thought goes into putting in a character and its loadout than you think. Besides, they still have to gather data for the existing mode before they should go adding new stuff.
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Yes. As killer I can't stand the long queue times. As survivor it got boring facing Huntress in 95% of the matches.
I still enjoyed this mode and look forward to better variety and hopefully more stable queue times for killer in future iterations.