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Dying on hook stage 2 every game

GoingToGetDwight Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 74
edited August 25 in General Discussions

Has anyone experience as survivor dying on stage 2 hook? i can loop killers and be useful but they dont do the same for me then i get tbag as well, tonight is reminded me why i dont play as survivor anymore


  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,892

    Thats why I play the game less and less…

    Its not even the game that is my problem. It is it´s playerbase.

    Im sorry that you had this experience. Hope that you run into better people.

  • GoingToGetDwight
    GoingToGetDwight Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 74

    You right the game is not the problem its the selfish players. the killer was not even camping me or near me

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,257

    While I’m a diehard SoloQ player (social anxiety issues), I do recommend you find people to play with as a swf. You can search for them here, Reddit and I think even discord. It’s a much more enjoyable experience than dealing selfish or clueless teammates

  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 287

    The game is so horribly balanced where it seems like survivors lose regardless, people don't try anymore.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,197

    Playing some friendly Mirror Myers lately, intending to 2 hook everyone and then either let them go or choose 1 or 2 to sacrifice.

    The number of survivors who end up dying on 2nd hook when I'm nowhere near it is alarming. I'm getting survivors giving up early too, just standing in front of me teabagging, leaving me no choice but to just kill at least 3 just to get to the next game because no one is doing gens.

    Solo queue isn't bad because of anything the killer is doing. Even when the killer is literally letting them win, they screw themselves over or just give up.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,811

    I haven’t really seen this but to be fair solo queue is always gonna be a mixed bag. Your best bet is to find a SWF. You’ll have committed, consistent teammates then.

  • HouseOf1000Corpses
    HouseOf1000Corpses Member Posts: 11

    it’s not super super common for me, but I notice a lack of altruism on a lot of solo q lobbies to the point where I’ll either die on stage two or I’ll go from one to two on one hook, and it sucks. It seems to be a lot of new players just not knowing better though, since if I’m in a lobby with all level ones or something like that, that’s when I see issues. I pretty much just sigh and hope they learn to unhook people with time when they keep losing games because of it.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 339

    I legit just finished a match where teammate died on first hook because the only teammate with 0 hooks is on a gen with little progress (stuck gen all the way), I was about to pop one and our 3rd was doing nothing. After I popped I went to hook hoping to see 3rd teammate but nope, 0 hud activity til right before the last gen popped as she got on it. Guess what, this same guy opened gate immediately and left. The guy with no hooks? Saw him running to gate as the killer carried me to hook despite me not being dead yet.

    Unfortunately, by the time I realized the other 2 weren't gonna do anything I realized if I traded then I would just die for sure because they'd just not save me either so I really did not want to trade; I felt like I earned a shot at escaping after playing so well for the team.

    Solo q is just a joke. Complete waste of time. I'm currently tracking my games and since it's sort of on topic: played 11 games this morning, escaped 0 times. Surprisingly little tunneling and more so due to inept teammates.

  • GoingToGetDwight
    GoingToGetDwight Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 74

    Yeah same little tunnelling the teammates are selfish, the killers are actually chill.

  • KeonLennedy
    KeonLennedy Member Posts: 23

    SoloQ Survivor is unplayable now thanks to toxic teammates. I don't even care what a Killer does anymore. Having to deal with babyraging SoloQ teammates makes the game literally unplayable. I wish there was some way to group up in game with like-minded players that actually intend to play the game. I've tried only but no one is interested or responds. And it's a pain if you don't already have friends that play because it NEEDS to be a full 4-stack. All it takes is that one SoloQ jerk to ragequit in the first 2 mins of the game to ruin the entire match, doesn't matter if you're in a 3-stack or 2-stack. Seriously sick of playing Survivor because of these horrible teammates.

  • joeyspeehole
    joeyspeehole Member Posts: 73

    I think it depends on the game. Sometimes survivors stay on the gen and wait until the last second to come unhook you. Sometimes you want to give the last person more time to find the hatch. I don't think it has anything to do with swf or solo.

  • Yggleif
    Yggleif Member Posts: 169

    I've seen a huge uptick in person going to second stage because nobody is going to rescue recently. Absolutely no idea what's behind it but it does feel like overall survivor skill level is plummeting in recent weeks.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,811

    Sounds like the bystander effect. Every other survivor assumes someone else will get the unhook. Eventually, you end up with 2-3 people at the hook for a rescue—which also isn’t strategic. Add in the fact that you have varying skill levels (some people might be afraid of the killer, some might be desensitized, some might be distracted or have another agenda beyond escape) and you’ve basically got a mixed bag when it comes to playing survivor. Your best bet is to find a good SWF. At least then you’ll know they’re committed and consistent.