Should the Light burn mechanic return?

This is just my opinion, but I feel like the game felt more unique when flashlights were given the ability to burn Killers out of their power, or disable their power temporarily, such as: Nurse, Wraith, Hag and Artist.
But ever since they removed the mechanic, the game hasn't felt the same anymore. Especially when you're versing against The Wraith, and you're doing your best to get away, but by the time you stun him out of his cloak or make him miss an attack at a window or pallet, The Wraith can just cloak back up again, and catch up to you again with ease, and no real way to try and escape him, because there is not much counter to his power anymore. Which sucks!
Even though I do understand the reason why the devs removed it, I still wish the mechanic could return again. Even if it means people will complain about it, I would really like it back. It was quite satisfying to me about how many clutch plays you could make with it, and saving your team mates from the Killer's power.
Yes, I know what you're thinking, if the light burn mechanic did make a return, there could always be some adjustments that the developers could make. But for now, we'll wait and see.
Now, for the real question, do you guys think think the light burn mechanic should return? If you think so, drop your votes down below and comment your reasons why it should or shouldn't return.
Thank you for reading, and I look forward to seeing your answers.
Should the Light burn mechanic return? 44 votes
Yes, I think it should return.
In some form, yes. With the Hag Traps, the ability to rid them without light is good. I just liked how the interractions between killer and survivor felt more intense.
Even if it was made that lightburn consumes more battery than normal, it adds more depth to it.
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Yes, I think it should return.
It should be added back, but I don't think it should work against hag, and it should possibly be added as a counter to the higher tier killers, rather than generally weak killers like wraith.
I'm happy for wraith's to stay tho, given lightburning a wraith who has achieved sentience and the ability to press his strafe keys is a 1 in 1000 situation.
Maybe lightburning could be added to the blight in some form?
When blight is either rushing or in a bump state, if he has a light shined at him (or flashbanged within maybe 4 or 5 meters regardless of if its a blind) for 2 (really just a random number, hard to choose a number that is fair for both sides) seconds, he's burned and goes on a 2.5 second cooldown.
After .75 seconds of not having a light shined at him, the 2 second timer resets (or starts draining rapidly).
This sounds nice, it makes flashbangs a 1 time use skill based way to guarantee atleast a little extra time against blight and allows flashlights to be used as a repellent against blight taking straight forward and easy to track movement, while not making him vulnerable to just shining it at him while he runs to guarantee his power is useless.
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Yes, I think it should return.
I like your idea about light burning The Blight during a Rush or in the bump state, but the question is, would it make sense for The Blight to have that mechanic on him?
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No, I don't think it should return.
The thing with lightburn is that it required you to use a flashlight, and for some killers that item was a counter while for others it wasn't. Huge balance issue regarding flaslights, because for a wraith it was busted whereas for a Hillbilly it was less useful. And it also granted you more ways to counter certain killers. If you did not have a flashlight against hag you would have to spend the entire game crouching which isn't quite fair. Now all survivors have the same conditions, and the killer won't have their power removed due to one specific item used in a specific situation.
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No, I don't think it should return.
As cool as certain lightburn interactions were, I don't think it's healthy for the game. A killer shouldn't be directly countered just because survivors happened to bring specific items, nor should survivors have no way to counter a certain killer just because they didn't happen to bring specific items.