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Why is it always the same with Bully Squads?

Rythoriak Member Posts: 137

Bully squads always seem to act entitled. If you say one thing about them being a bully squad in the endgame chat (even if it's something as mild as "why do you guys run a bully squad?"), they try to roast you or get super defensive saying stuff like "we're just saving our teammates".

Yes I get that, but you should have at least 1 person doing gens. If I've been head on, flashlight, firecracker, and pallet saved for the first 5 mins on a M1 killer and a gen is not completed, you are doing nothing but trying to be a bully. You're not playing the game the way it was meant to be played. In fact, if they aren't doing gens, I don't understand why these groups don't get banned for reporting them for not progressing the game.

What is everyone else's take on this?


  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,750

    If they are genuinely saving their teammate, I see no wrong with it.

    If they're baiting the killer to lockers for headon, open areas for multi-flashlights/flashbang, stalling the game with 99'd gens, etc etc then yeah, they have no defense.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,408

    Removing end game chat does nothing to the actual problem. I mean… is this even a problem? Its a group of friends playing the game.

    Still, removing the chat would cut toxicity, but would make that part of the game kind of meh. I often chat with the killer/survivors about the match and its usually pretty good. But there's always some… as with everything.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,261

    Don’t worry about what anyone calls you. People are garbage when they’re hiding behind their monitor.

    As for facing Bully Squads, as someone else pointed out, they’re just playing the game while being good at looping and taking maximum advantage of perks and items. All you need to do is counter in kind and play as ruthless as possible. Learn to spot the weak link and tunnel them out. Slug as much as they allow you. Play Killers that they can’t pick on (Top Tier Killers like Nurse) and learn how to properly zone Survivors while forcing them to loop in the least optimal pathing (You need to watch YouTube videos on how to loop for killers).

    While boring since it takes a long time to prep, play Tombstone Myers to delete them before any hooks are made.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,578

    Bully squads tend to die, a lot. I just love them.

    They focus more on being annoying than on escaping.

    I believe the past year only one bully squad I've versed wasn't completely wiped-out.

    In my experience, they aren't very communicative in the end chat.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 661
    edited August 29

    I believe actual bully squadding, that is refusing to progress the game just to antagonize the Killer all round, is a form of griefing.

    I believe griefing should be a bannable or at least "time-out" worthy offense that causes escalating locks from a day, to three days, to a week, to a month, then a ban. The more times you keep griefing, the longer the timer, until you finally just cannot play. It's no different than a Killer slugging everyone at 5 gens to bleed them for four minutes while shuffling on top of them all.

    It's time that griefing was treated more seriously in this game. It's 2024. Grow the actual Fog up.

  • pa4n
    pa4n Member Posts: 50

    I mean when they don't do gens or maybe only 1 person does than it is a free win so i find rather funny than anything else. Sure it was annyoing when i was inexperienced a few years back but it actually taught me to outplay more expierenced players…so y i don't really care.

    It's way more stressfull to me when all 4 survivors prerun and split on gens…..y it's the best play you can make but it is also really boring….but can't blame people for wanting to win i guess :)

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 278

    The "we're just saving our teammate" argument falls apart when that "teammate" consistently baits the Killer to chase them and, once downed, makes sure it's either a) as far away from the hook as possible because they had Boil Over and/or a Sabo buddy waiting, b) near the locker to get a Head-On save, c) near the pallet where the flashlight rescue awaits. In that case, it's clear as day what the goal is and their excuse is BS.

    Personally, I don't like bully squads. It's a frustrating experience even if I beat them because I'm rarely in the mood for highly intense games with motherless tryhards compensating lack of human affection with harassing other players. But it's funny when they start spewing salt in the post-game chat after losing. From telling me to "grow up" for equipping Lightborn against 3 flashlights to fully exposing themselves as miserable bully garbage by saying that my gameplay was gay (apparently, being called gay was an insult in their books).