We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Dracula is Overperforming!!!

NoctgamingHD Member Posts: 7
edited August 28 in General Discussions
  1. he has immense speed, and has no slowdown what so ever in changing forms, so effectively you can transform to wolf with out any Slowing of your movement whatsoever.
  2. WOLF FORM bite does need to be charged at all, there is no way to combat this form bite attack up close no matter what you do, on top of the fact that he has increase movement speed in this form, making it nearly impossible to escape it. and while it intial long charge is dodgeable it secondary attack is nearly impossible to dodge unless your dealing witha console controller player.
  3. Bat Form speed increase is massive, and it ability to change back is to fast giving you no time to escape the kill or put distance between each other.

In term Player and DEV can understand even Lich has CD on his many ability on top of the fact that you cant strike right away after using these spells, where Dracula Bat form is equivalent to Lich Fly, Dracula can attack right away afterwards and doesnt slow down his movement at all after return to a atack form. tranforming into wolf doesnt slow his speed and maintain what he has constantly making it nearly impossible to outrun in any format even with sprint burst. for you to understand this, when lich uses a spell he slow down for a hot sec like prepping while moving you need to slow down so it doesnt drop or something. Lich does the same thing you use a spell and it slow u down as you are preparing to use it, Dracula on teh other hand has no Slowing or pausing in his transformation movement or anything else giving him the Speed edge he needs to close distance and make it impossible to dodge him

Not to mention his wolf form is ignoring the Camping safety function


  • NoctgamingHD
    NoctgamingHD Member Posts: 7

    something you have to remember in R1 SWF is that it nearly impossible for Killer to get more then 1k in a game, as SWF can speak with each other giving location and what going on at all time, ina SWF game which is most R1 games, SWF need a nerf or determent, along the line of more player in a group, bigger debuff you receive but more rewards you get, like small time frame on hooks or longer time to finish gens, or something along those lines. R1 SWF are just massively unfair to killer and that why 2v8 was consider so nice to killers, so much pressure and not much survivor could do.

    As for dracula in general i can honestly say i havent felt any of the thing this guys say goes on with dracula, i have never been slowed transforming so i maintain my speed, the time to transform is massively small to the point i can stop most form reaching a pallet or window. Wolf form attack dont need a charge really the charge there if your looking to snipe, as with the hellfire that thing all about prediction that why i didnt complain about it,

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,819


    Dracula's Vampire Form has good tells for when he's going to use fire pillar, mostly coming down to skill knowing where to throw it VS the survivor predicting your intentions and paying attention in loops.

    Wolf Form is kind of the same thing, I only get value when lunging around corners at the right time and expecting them to vault a window, but it's usually easy to just turn away and dodge the second lunge.

    Bat Form is alright for traversal and sometimes throws off survivors due to it's huge lullaby. If anything I wish there was a footstep mechanic like Xeno's, but that depends on overall balancing.

    Either way, I do well against survivors and they do well against me. I honestly think he's very fun and fair on both sides, once I understood his counterplays.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466

    i think opposite. i think gameplay is incredibly one sided for survivor when the survivor understands the counter-plays. Judging from other posts that also agree that he is not good, it seems only new players struggle with him. New IP bring new players so an expected struggles.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,779

    Dracula has been out for literally 25 hours lol, Wolf Form is annoying but Dracula overperforming? Let's wait and see.

  • NoctgamingHD
    NoctgamingHD Member Posts: 7

    his speed is off the chart man, and the fact he has no CD on attack after tranforming is bad, it give you no time to try to counterplay

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,819

    Perhaps I need more matches then. I'm going against players with a few thousand hours, but he is new as well. That said, I'm still getting 3k games just doing adept while learning his kit.

    I think the biggest turning point for both sides is learning that hellfire pillar goes over medium wall loops and not tall walls. I've caught plenty off guard with that, though that won't last long once people learn.

    I will say though, the Bat Form teleport has been pretty great in a lot of situations for me. Had one on The Game where someone ran and vaulted the vat room into bottom floor and I was able to teleport, fall into the vat, transform mid vault into vampire form and hit them as soon as I landed. THAT felt great.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    If he lands directly on you with Bat, then you got outplayed. Counterplay is before this happens, not after.

    You know he can't see you right? It's basically the Spirit from Wish.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,234

    He’s hardly oppressive..

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Bat is not really great for chase, but it's great on multilayer maps to help with traveling around the map.

    Traveling around the map overall is little bit risky, when you are likely to miss survivors. Unless you know exactly, where you are going (Surveillance/Discordance).

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466

    I think the biggest turning point for both sides is learning that hellfire pillar goes over medium wall loops and not tall walls. I've caught plenty off guard with that, though that won't last long once people learn.

    I am already past this part of the power. it's ok in places where you can use it and not so great when your not able to use it. what i found as an ok strategy vs high wall is using his wolf pounce like mini-chucky dash when looking down. he has like hug-tech to his ability because they removed collision mechanic from the pounce. This allows you to somewhat play the high-wall tiles.

    So it is like low wall = fire fissure, high wall = wolf hug tech. the issue is i am having is all my chases feel too long because i have to double-hit every survivor and somewhat massive outplay them in the loop. If you inevitably miss his fire fissure or mess up his pounce, you get like a mediocre chase from survivor and it is almost guaranteed loss with best result being like 2k. you can't really cheese hits with him or strategy very much to make killer play better. every chase kinda just has that X waste time factor to it.

    that is what it feels like for me against 2k-3k+ hour survivors/survivor that play 8 hour a day players.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,819
    edited August 28

    I agree with that, but there are a few cases where bat in chase can work, mainly if survivors are going to second floor windows after the first hit. Just have to keep cooldowns in mind. That said, in most cases it's better to stick to Vampire or Wolf if you're not too confident that it will work.

    Maybe I've been getting lucky then. My chases haven't been too long.

    That said, I do agree whiffing his powers can be punishing. A lot of my matches have been late game wins with 1-2 gens left due to how quick bat form can be and hitting my powers, with one survivor getting the hatch. I do wonder if hellfire shouldn't have a movement penalty post-use due to this, but I don't have enough personal experience with it to determine if it would be too oppressive or not. I'll need to read around what others are experiencing as well.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,253

    I tried playing Dracula with using mostly Wolfform add-ons, and I still dont get the ghist of it. Yeah, its obviously that you have to play him a lot in order to get the timing of the lunges downs, but I still think that the Wolf is pittyful. The orbs haste effect is very short and tought to get value from, but of course, any little bit of haste can mess with the way loops are designed, getting your JUST barely a hit before the survivor gets to the vault or pallet, but thats very hard to get value from. Overall I think that the Wolf is underperforming and I think the Vampire form is far more superior.

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336

    He feels super weak to me

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 790
    edited August 28

    You should really play him and then come back:

    1. He has slowdowns from wolf to vampire and bat to wolf as far as I remember (also from bat to vampire but there's just a really slight one I think). As well as a cooldown before you're able to switch again (matters only from bat to vampire basically).
    2. The bite already needs to be charged and is super easy to dodge because the object hitbox is huge and the player hitbox around 1 pixel it feels like.
    3. Again there's cooldown between switching and it's exactly the job of this transformation to remove distance between you.

    What do you even mean with you can't outrun the wolf with springt burst, the wolf moves at 4,6 (normal speed) and get's a 2,5 seconds speedboost to 4,8 if picks up an orb. You run 150% or 6,0 with sprintburst for 3 seconds, so even if he picks up an orb right at the start you get 3,7 meters of distance instead of 4,2 you'd normally get.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,323

    Someone complaining about the new killer not even 24 hours after his release? What a surprise!

  • Karegador
    Karegador Member Posts: 5

    he has immense speed, and has no slowdown what so ever in changing forms, so effectively you can transform to wolf with out any Slowing of your movement whatsoever.

    Funny, while over all smooth and seamless, I do experience a slight slow down when I change forms. Maybe too slight for a survivor to notice but it is there.

    WOLF FORM bite does need to be charged at all, there is no way to combat this form bite attack up close no matter what you do, on top of the fact that he has increase movement speed in this form, making it nearly impossible to escape it. and while it intial long charge is dodgeable it secondary attack is nearly impossible to dodge unless your dealing witha console controller player.

    The wolf form functions as a normal killer. Closest comparison is Demigorgon. By your logic the Demigorgon should not be allowed a normal m1 attack and should only be allowed to do the pounce. And believe me you can dodge the m1 attack. Also you yourself admit that one can escape the wolf. I can't tell you how many times survivors got me to lose them in the past 48 hours since dracula dropped. They, unlike you (clearly), knew that if you run everywhere you leave SCRATCH MARKS. The wolf enhances the appearance of scratch marks making it easy to follow your silly behind.

    Every survivor who escaped me in wolf form would run in such a way as to make the trail confusing. Then, once they had a little bit of a lead, would stop running causing the trail to go cold. They would have me sniffing around in circles while they got away.

    Bat Form speed increase is massive, and it ability to change back is to fast giving you no time to escape the kill or put distance between each other.

    Again SCRATCH MARKS!!! Bat form is hybrid Litch Fly and the Spirit's Phase. Speed is the fly. Spirit's Phase ability comes into play by the fact that in bat form the Dracula cannot see survivors. He only sees scratch marks. And he can hear you. If you run everywhere, Dracula bat will find you and morph on top of you. If you are always injured, Dracula bat MAY hear you. If you run everywhere WHILE injured, Dracula bat WILL find you and morph on top of you.

    All this is to say, maybe learn about the killer and how they work before you go crying for a nerf. Dracula's fire whip is easy to avoid. Just stop tea bagging after you drop pallets and you won't get hit. Oh on that. Fire Whip hits over LOW obstacles. It can't hit you through walls, unlike the Unknown's UVX so yeaaaah. It is his anti loop. I took out many injured survivors in the RPD map because they tried infinite looping around the welcome desk.

    Take the time to actually practice against a killer before crying nerf. The killer just dropped. Crying nerf so soon after drop is a bad look buddy. It sounds like you played against him and got salty because you lost. Dude! that is how 6yr olds behave. Come on, I have to believe you are above acting like a toddler.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,496

    Every killer is "op op" for a while because people haven't let learned to play against them, for casual players it can be a few weeks and for dedicated players it can be a few days. Its all downhill from here for them.

  • Karegador
    Karegador Member Posts: 5
    edited August 29

    To complaint one on your list. There is a slow and a cool down. Dracula cannot switch from one for to the right away.

    To Complaint 2: Wolf is like any other killer with an M1 attack. The Pounce attack is an ability. By the logic of your complaint you must feel that Demigorgon should not have an M1 attack and only its pounce ability. Wolf is the tracking form, it enhances scratch marks and blood trails. And provides occasional killer instinct from scent orbs that spawn at regular intervals.

    If you are one of those silly survivors who runs ALL the time, you leaving scratch marks everywhere. So if you run in straightish line wolf will find you. Almost all survivors who caused me to lose them ran in such a way as to make their scratch mark trail confusing. And then switched to walking/crouching the rest of the way. This has resulted in my sniffing around in circles while they got away. If they are injured this may be less successful thanks to blood trails but still possible. Also you yourself admit that it is possible to escape wolf.

    To Complaint 3: Bat form is basically a combo of Litch's fly and Spirit's phase. It is fast for traversal but the killer cannot see survivors. They can only see scratch marks and hear the survivors. Injured survivors moan kinda loudly. Which is why I almost always find injured survivors who are hiding in lockers. So if you hear the bats, stop RUNNING everywhere and maybe heal up if possible.

    Bonus Point: Dracual form's Hell Fire ability can go over low cover but not through walls. It is an anti loop. It is also real easy to dodge just pay attention and maybe don't stop for that tea bag after dropping a pallet. (I only mention post pallet drop tea bagging because a massive number of my downs with hellfire are from cocky survivors tea bagging after dropping pallet).

  • this_aint_h00die
    this_aint_h00die Member Posts: 80

    Is there really a point of complaining already? I can see him getting something nerfed in a month or two, not every killer releases perfectly perfect.

  • Burniebotss
    Burniebotss Member Posts: 92
  • Karegador
    Karegador Member Posts: 5

    OOPS. This original post I made didn't show up so I thought it timed out. Hence my second post. Wish I could delete this guy since I feel like my second post is friendlier and just better on civility.

    I am not trying to spam. Though I do stand by the last thought about it being a bad look to cry nerf when a killer just dropped.