Lets talk map offerings for a second

Yeah, I know, this has been a hot topic for ever. I am firmly in the boat that map offerings are used 97% of the time to gain a rather sizable and unfair advantage on the killer, either by the survivors knowing pretty well that they will be going to a survivor sided map, or even finetuning their builds specifically for that upcoming match and map.
The smallest number of players use map offerings "because I am just tired of playing on the same 3 maps for the past hour" or "I just happen to like the visuals of The Game. I didn`t know that it was survivor sided." In the past you could reliable sniff out the survivor who played the map offering. In one of the last updates that info was removed and now the placements of the offerings during the load-up is randomized.
So, my hot take is this: if survivors play unfairly by sending me to a realm of their chosing, I play "unfairly" by tunneling and camping any way I can. And I always tell them in the post game chat. Most won't admit that using map offerings is bad in any way and just call me names and a dirty tunneler, claiming that map offerings are just one item in the game.
While that is true, thats just a way too easy coop-out. I feel sympathy for the players who suffer, because I maybe tunneled them out unfairly, but now that I have no way of decerning anymore who played the map offering, I either have to accept that survivors can unfairly stack the odds in their favor, or I can antagonize all of them.
I still think that the best option would be to reverse map offerings: make them actually BLOCK that specific realm and not send you there. To me, map offerings are souring the match before it even starts and I know that I am not alone with this. Its a bit sad that there are so few good, usable offerings, but the map offerings tend to be used in this way, so everyone suffers.
Map offerings plague this game and need to go.
Best solution is to make them ban a particular map instead of increasing chances for it. Way less potential for abuse.
If some niche map dependant builds / rpd 20 escape farmers suffer, unlucky, I dont think they outweight the benefits of not letting people affect one of the most important RNG aspects of the match to gain unfair advantage. Especially if most of these map dependant builds are toxic themselves (boil over abuses, darkness revealed midwich nurse, etc)
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Well I only use map offerings to not go to the same map 4 times in one session.
The singularity's map is hardcore mode seeing as everything is so cluttered you can't differentiate loops to chain!
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it’s the maps not the offering itself it’s been times I’ve went days without playing my favorite maps Autohaven, Midwich, Coal Tower
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I’m part of the 3% who use map offerings for aesthetic reasons. When it comes to how you play, I wouldn’t lose sleep over it. We’re all (should be) consenting adults. We all know what we are potentially in for when we load up the game.
I see your responses a lot @Akumakaji and I like a lot of your posts. From what I can see you embody the spirit of Killer in this game. I would be proud of that no matter what trash talk you receive.
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I personally would remove map offerings entirely from the game as they become more and more random clutter with each new map added, reducing the chance for good offerings like BPS for example.
Instead, I would add map votes:
Within the main lobby, every player is able to vote for a map, let's say there is a pool of 6 different maps the players can chose from. Each Survivor vote counts as 25 % up to 100 %. The Killers vote is 100 % because he is only one. So if a swf votes for Badham let's say and the Killer votes for Wreckers Yard, there is an equal chance.. not a guarantee for the role wich is using a map offering in the current state.
Map repeat prevention is implemented with this idea, the map you played on in the last match will not be in the vote for the next match, counting for all 5 players.
And no, it won't be a (either Survivor sided or Killer sided map every game) because of map repeat prevention.. and with so many different maps, having the same map every second match is quite unlikely. Though.. what I would do is throw every single Badham variant into one pool (Badham Preschool) and the game will randomly decide on which variant the match will take place if Badham Preschool was voted. The same will be applied on other maps which have different variants. So no Nurse on The Game every match or SWF on Badham every game etc.
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Awww thank you! This makes me really happy. I have had a couple of phases were I was really bitter at the games state and how survivors could practically dance on the killers nose and kick him while he was down, but I have since relaxed a lot of my rather sour opinions.
What really helps a lot, and I mean A LOT, is playing the other side. I have a pretty fun SWF with whom I regularly run the shadows, we are pretty mid and not very good, but we can often do pretty okay. And when we have this nights where the killer tunnels at 4-5 gens, it really feels off-putting, so I tend not to do it myself. But because I am a kiler main I also often explain to my survivor-only mate what might be going on in their head, like "they got into that chase, you got away and disappeared and not 3 gens popped. What is he gonna do now?"
The game is balanced really strangely and while combacks happen, they are very few and far between and most games snowball hard in one direction or the other. The fun games where you kill off one survivor at 2 gens the earliest and then it becomes pretty tense with survivors whittling at the last gens healths, while the killer creeps on towards the last hooks, this games are the best, but they aren't the norm.
And map offerings are one of the aspects of the game that just rub me the wrong way.
That actually sounds like a pretty good thing. I would do this: every survivor has one vote, the killer has two double votes that have to be placed on two different maps, and in the end the map will be randomised between all the votes, so if the survivors all voted for the same map, they can get 4 votes contra the killers 2x2, so it would still be a 50/50 chance not to go to that map, but the two the killer voted for, but if all players like a map, its basically guranteed.
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Listen to me, brow. There is NO unfair playstyle. Do what u want and enjoy the crying at the end.
I like to see survs crying in the chat.
It's really fun!
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I am always bewildered by this type of thought process. It doesn't matter which side it comes from.
- The other side is doing something I don't personally like. They aren't breaking any rules. They aren't hacking. They aren't cheating in any way. The thing they are doing is 100% allowable. However, since I don't like it I will claim they are playing unfairly.
- In retaliation for them being unfair to me I am going to play in a way that is also 100% allowable. I won't break rules, hack, or cheat. I will say I am playing unfairly also but I will put the word unfairly in quotes describing my actions because the only reason I am doing the completely allowable thing I am doing is because I was forced to do so by the completely allowable thing the other side is doing. I will even tell the other side after the game that I only played the way I did because they did something totally within the rules, but I personally didn't like it.
Isn't that what everyone that is trying to play this game seriously at all does? They adapt the way they play based on the situation. There's nothing wrong with that. Above all there is nothing unfair about someone doing something that is part of the game….. like playing a map offering.
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I don’t really see much issue with maps for killer anymore. They’re being modified to work better for killers; only a handful now are consistently strong for survivors (Badham, maybe that one MacMillan map and one of the Crotus maps). The rest are either conditionally good for survivors—as in it depends on the killer you’re facing—or outright killer sided.
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I wouldn't mind if they were removed. I never use them.
Someone in my SWF alt-f4's whenever he sees one anyways.
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I literally bought map offerings on both my P100 Survivors as I was getting them both up to P100. I have never burnt a map offering as Survivor.
I actually hoarded them up because I like the looks of the maps.
The idea that a map would be Killer or Survivor sided never occurred to me because I thought BHVR looked at the data after releasing a new map and if there's something wrong, they'll rebalance it.
After joining the forums, I'm now too afraid to use them and upset the Killer.
I literally bought them because I think certain maps look cool, specifically Crotus Penn. Is that considered a Survivor sided map?
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I think they either need to
1:ban a map for that game
2:be deleted completely
3:only have one map offering that sends you to whatever was the most recently released map, then once a new chapter with a map is released the previous offering is removed, and so on and so forth.
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Depends on who you ask, but in general, every map is survivor sided. I mean killer sided. Ah right. The forums are not a place to get honesty. You're either a survivor main or a killer main, regardless if you are or not.
This be the forums.
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As a scratched mirror Myers enjoyer, I really prefer being able to pick Lery's or Midwich. I'm already planning to go in for fun and not sweat, but it really kinda sucks to go into a match and get something like Autohaven that really doesn't synergize with what I'm trying to do.
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In theory I would agree with you but in these last couple of days especially, map offerings have become very obnoxious at least for me. Just today I played about 80% of my games as killer on Glennvale vs good SWFs that each chose this map cause of the strong main building loop. I theoretically like this map but that doesnt mean that I want to play the majority of my games on it. Part of the fun of DBD is the different maps and how you have to adjust your playstyle (at least for me).
I even tried bringing sacrificial wards to 2 games and both times had 1 survivor DC in loading screen…..
I'm not against map offerings at all but there should at least be the possibility for killer to block 1 map if you just have enough of it. Sacrificial wards were a good try but they are useless if those survivor groups just choose one person that DCs in loading screen.
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I can completely understand that. I won't pretend to claim there aren't times certain things happen that annoy me. I am just saying I am not going to claim those things are unfair just because I don't like them. If people aren't cheating in some way or breaking the rules they aren't doing anything unfair regardless of whether or not I like them or approve of them. As a survivor main I despise being in a match with a killer that camps or slugs, but those things aren't breaking any rules. That means regardless of my personal opinion on camping/slugging…. killers that do those things are not playing unfairly. Just like survivors playing map offerings are not doing anything unfair.
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In my experience there's always an Ace scumbag that forces the Junkyward and I ALWAYS go to the damn Gas Station.
Worst map EVER!1 -
Hey @Akumakaji :)
We played yesterday maybe you remeber. It was on Toba Landing you were Pyramid and i was Baermar :)
To the topic. Y i don't like Map Offerings on both sides… e.g eyrie of crows as killer or as suvivor a wraith/nurse on midwitch.
It just gives the user to much advantage/knowledge.
Though i gotta say i would miss them if i wanted to play SM Myers ( doesn't happen super often but sometimes it just has to be done^^)
The blocking might be a good idea…but honestly i don't know what the best solution might be on how to change them.
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Just wanted to point out that you can still see who used an offering, it was removed but came back some time ago
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Some maps are survivor sided and some maps are killer sided. It used to be massively favoring survivors but it's a bit better now.
It also depends on the killer: the Game is a good map for Nurse, so are small multi-floor maps in general. But it's an awful map for most other killers.
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I agree especially on eyrie of crows, the game, garden of joy or mothers dwelling I'm playing extra sweaty just to destroy them and show them that map offerings shouldn't be the way to win. Of course that doesn't work a lot of a time because this maps are just way to strong for survivors but yeah...
Well I'd like your idea of map offerings, it would be nice to take a realm out of the pool.
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Yeah, of course I remember ^^ Welcome here, try to have a good time in the fog, I will keep an eye out for you ^_-
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It would be the best solution when map offering would reduce the chance to get sent to that realm instead of increasing it. On the Dracula release, SWF groups sent me three times to Eyerie, two times to The Game, and one time to Badham with the best stuff you can ask for and adapt to the map. It was so annoying because I didn't care about winning or losing (especially when I learn a new killer to find out tricks and everything), but it is so pathetic how easy it is to give yourself such a huge advantage before the match even started. This happens way too often and just shows how broken map offerings are. The problem is the offering and not only the maps itself because even though every map would be perfectly balanced (which is impossible but just pretend) you can still take advantage of a map by having the perfect perks, items, and characters for it which is easy to do by just dropping a map offering.
There is also no good reason why map offerings should stay the way they are, especially when they hurt the game more than anything else.
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This here sums it up perfectly. Its okay when I get randomly send to The Game, thats just RNG, but if the survivors chose so, it feels miserable right from the start, especially when you get only the bad maps served to you match after match. And chances are that players who use offerings are in a strong SWF that would be not fun to beat on an average map, not to speak on one stacked in their favor.
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not to mention map offerings are pretty much always used by high ego goofballs. The moment they see they might loose the match they will dc or give up on hook throwing the entite match away. They literally sent themselves to a map and expect to be handed a win on top. The term for them is burnouts . They really don't want to be playing this game.
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most killers cannot get to the other side of the map reliably
They risk going there, possibly lose gens on the side they’re going to or the one they leave
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I agree with most people here. Map offerings are too strong and should either change to make a map not being chosen or deleted completely.
For most people its the final infinity stone for their optimization-gauntlet.
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- Map offerings should only ban a map
Map offerings should only increase the chance to get the offered map like 10%
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I understand how come you're frustrated but it can also feed into a cycle. As an example, now that depipping is gone (I would use maps to pip up or at least not depip at iri grades when I did my solo games) I normally only use map offerings to check something out.
The exception, however, is when I've had two or three games in a row where I had people hard tunneling. Then I play map offerings to make the game bearable.
If you tunnel someone who has played a map offering to make the game enjoyable after seeing multiple games with tunneling in a row you're reinforcing that they need to use map offerings in the first place.
It's a cycle since you could say the map offering is what made you tunnel but the map offering only got played in that scenario because the person was tunneled. Perhaps the previous tunnelers did so because they got a bully squad who ran no hook Sabo and Flip Flop, etc builds. Perhaps the bully squad did it because they got sick of being tunneled, etc etc in an ad infinitum cycle.
It's not the players in that scenario; it's the game mechanics. In an ideal version of DbD there wouldn't be a reason to pick a map other than aesthetics but the game would also ideally support spreading hooks with no incentives to tunnel either. Unless it's a group that's specifically trolling getting upset at the players may be misplacing where your frustration comes from.
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Maybe that is why bhvr is shrinking maps. But nothing you’ve said invalidates my points..?
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Its a commonly said thing but map offerings either should be removed or exclude the map they are.
No one brings them to mix it up. Its always for some kind of advantage.
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It's weird how big advantage you can get because of Map Offering. It should be gone.
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You have a point there, but as you said, sadly the game is far away from its ideal state. While its true that the maps have been tweaked and changed a lot (and tbh, I sometimes didn't jeep up with the changes, I know that Haddonfield is now bad for both sides, with infinite windows remaining, but he rest of the map being an open deadzone), it still is a big, valid experience point by me, that the vast majority of survivors don't play an offering for fun or variety, but to gain an advantage. Of course, in reality the split will be a bit more lenient then the 97/3 I proposed, but that's way less a hyperbole then many other hot takes you regularly see here.
I often try to break my own vicious cycles of negativity, and being kind to the other side can lead to surprisingly wholesome and sweet moments of genuine human connection, but for every such heartwarming encounter, there are probably 5+ that show you why DBD is seen as one of the more toxic communities
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i use the offers when a) i need to complete a challenge with especific conditions, or b) have nothing else to offer lol
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can we get rid of the game please? Everytime i get that map its against either a doctor, nurse or myers...
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That's true; unfortunately there's a definite lack of empathy shown on a semi-regular basis. I wouldn't say it's the majority of players but it's definitely a sizeable enough minority it negatively impacts the game. I hope it improves but given the history of video gaming I'm not going to hold my breath waiting
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I also don't like map offerings, as I agree that they're usually used to tip the scales into one side vs the other. Though in my experience I've had it both ways, not just survivors but also with killers too. I like the idea of some maps naturally being more killer sided, some maps naturally being more survivor sided and majoirty of maps being as close to equal as possible. Map balance is certainly tricky because depnding on maps certain perks/killer powers can be either useless or almost uncounterable. It would be nice for map offerings to be used to lower the chances instead of increase them. Maybe during the next Q&A we can bring it up the possibility of map offering updates to the roadmap.
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So the survivors send you to a map to get an advantage and the solution is to reverse or remove the offerings?
Isn't the problem the map itself? Isn't it better to fix the maps instead of denying all players the ability to go to any map they want to play on?
With or without maps offerings the game still sends you to those maps and one side gets the advantage, so we will make another post asking for the maps to be removed so that no one plays them?!
With the removal of map offerings, some fun games like Myers in indoor maps will also disappear.
All because someone is blaming the maps offerings instead of the terrible design maps themselves.
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Other users already explained why map offerings are the main issue and not maps itself - even though there are still some busted sided maps.
With the removal of map offerings, some fun games like Myers in indoor maps will also disappear.
This a lowkey argument.
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This a lowkey argument
Low or not the forum will be filled with people demanding the return of the offerings because they were deprived of their favorite strategies.
Other users already explained why map offerings are the main issue and not maps itself - even though there are still some busted sided maps.
However, I still object, think in terms of fun, not balance, as all players are playing for fun time.
Removing or reversing it would greatly harm the game even though it is a change intended for balance "Oh, this map again, I don't want to play it," and ds.
We will see players trying to play a specific map and waiting for luck and if not they will leave the match and try again, the result is long waiting times to enter a match.
If you say why do they do this? ask yourself why so many skull merchant take the game hostage even though it is so boring brainless.
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i choose to not engage in this topic for the 100th time so i'll just point out that,
and now the placements of the offerings during the load-up is randomized.
this is wrong. you can reliably tell who didn't offer it or who offered it if all 4 survivors offered something.
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People always come to the forum and complain about changes that effect them in a negative way - see Adrenalin and PainRes nerf big drama but that's it - but they still play the game. Also when they can't play the game with everything in their favour it shows how bad they actually are.
Do you really think it is fun for a killer to get send to Eyrie, The Game, Badham, or Ormond and play against survivors that are prepared for this map? Do you really think it is fun for a SoloQ group to get send to Midwich and play against a Nurse who is prepared to play on this map? Do you really think it is fun when you play SoloQ and a random teammate sends you to Midwich?
Map Offerings are not only a balance issue but also kill the fun already in the loading screen.
So many other players should rather suffer just because some snowflakes don't want to play a match on a random map that they don't like? I don't use map offerings and play from time to time on maps that I don't like but this okay because the RNG decided it and I can play 8 - 10 minutes on a map that I don't like. Other players can do the same. Map offering survivors do this already: if the game does not work like they want, they dc or do a hook kill. To keep map offerings so not a random survivors ruins the game is wrong. This is the wrong solution→ the issue are these types of players that want a match that works perfectly fine for them (map they love, juicing the other side, and win). But this game does not serve this.
Again the issue are these players who act like a little baby that want everything how they want. I also think many of them will adapt to it and take it as it is.
So your Skull Merchant take is: if there is one suffering it is okay to have another suffering element in the game? Also current Skull Merchant with the 3gen mechanic is not really able to hold the game hostage like old Skull Merchant was. I also play Skull Merchant (only her chase build) and can tell that survivors don't hate how she plays but rather that she is Skull Merchant and think of her old version - they don't even try to see what type they face. Lastly, she gets a rework so the developers care about fun because many players feel like she is unfun to face. So why it is okay to rework something in a better way but the other not?