The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

To The Devs And Future Of DBD

xility Member Posts: 45

I just made an account to say what most must be feeling; including myself.

I have been a rank 1 killer for a very long time and have always remained and still do. I am also aware of how the devs inspire change regarding the playability of Dead By Daylight.

To answer a few thoughts, I note the following:

- People disagree with camping; I do also. However, if this is a persons way of playing then you are ruining their fun. In addition, if survivors suffer from camping then they will have the realisation that no killer is the same nor is every match. A survivor can just keep experiencing the thrill of trying to evade and beat a camper which is not hard. Just gen rush and understand that one survivor was a sacrifice for the greater good. This is how it would work if these events happened in real life.

- People say rank does not matter. There are also people that say that it does. I assure you that rank does matter. If someone can get rank 1 and is a camper then people will most likely dodge their lobby. Or even if they versed the killer again they should be aware of their tricks and attempt to beat them. 

- The devs create individual killers and survivors with different abilities and perks. Not anymore... Since the rank change system the devs want you to play the way they want you to. Meaning, to meet the quota of a pip by protecting gens, killing, hooking, chasing you have to run perks to even stay in your rank. So...we have 4 perk slots but we need to be protecting gens, so now we all have to run ruin or corrupt intervention; we now have 3 perk slots left. Gosh we have to slow healing time so now we need to run sloppy butcher. The devs want me to chase so now I cant use my individual perks that make my killer special. It coming to the stage where since the killer has to allow unhooks and allow survivors to live till the end that you pretty much are an unpaid killer working for the devs. 

The devs attempt to fix matchmaking. Yes that needs improvement. However, to put rank 15s with a rank 1 is silly. All I do is make sure I black pip. Hence they all die in the basement within 4 minutes. I do not need to waste time letting them unhook and spend 20 minutes doing chores the devs want me to.

The devs need to understand they created a game with a simple concept; kill the survivors before they do gens and escape. Now that is changed to a monotonous routine for no reason.

The devs created a survival horror game, not a text book step by step simulation. They made a toxic game as thats what the concept is. They need to stay true to themselves because from everyone I have met and still meet in the dead by daylight realm, they are killing the game and their future. They are doing this all at the wrong time and should be carefully because "Last Year" may do everything DBD was and even better. I believe people are going to move on because we are being molded to what the devs want, and not what we want to be.

I hope you read this devs, because I want you to see the light and error of your ways. You have the power to create the experience and the power to destroy it, and the way it appears now....well you are destroying it.

These are my thoughts based on experience and observation. This is not a rant of slander or complaining.


  • ThGameIsHardButSoAmI
    ThGameIsHardButSoAmI Member Posts: 196

    I apreciate your opinion especially in "Since the rank change system the devs want you to play the way they want you to." which i think is true, but you did not just say that the devs are ruining campers fun. You can say that camping is a strategy, ok. You can say that it is a legit strategy, ok. But you can't say it's a fun strategy and i'm glad you disagree with it.

    If standing still looking at the your face is someone's ideia of fun, they need a new hobby.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I agree with ThGame - Camping is not fun for anyone. Those who camp intentionally usually do it to ruin other players enjoyment. I know, because I hear them talk about it after the match non-stop. They often want to get salt after playing toxic. Camping is one of the worst aspects in the game. It is legit in some situations, but in no way is it legit to camp the first hook. These are toxic little kids/grumpy grown-ups who just want to be jack-balls.

    That said, the OP is right in some of what he is saying. The game change lately is not a good one.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    "If someone can get rank 1 and is a camper then people will most likely dodge their lobby. Or even if they versed the killer again they should be aware of their tricks and attempt to beat them. "

    But the survivors don't know who the killer is until the game is over. Are you sure you've played this game? Lol

  • xility
    xility Member Posts: 45
    edited March 2019

    On ps4 you can see who the killer is prior to match start. Some have hidden profiles but only a small percent.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    @xility with the ranking system changes, it will be impossible for any camping killer to get past rank 8, if they can even get there in the first place. Also, switching to “Offline” mode is how you hide your PSN ID from those that you are playing with. Everyone I know does this, to prevent dodging. Players will see your Trophies, and dodge you, if you don’t.

  • xility
    xility Member Posts: 45

    @kaelum Yes very true. With campers, they are at lower ranks then those that dont. What I am trying to convey, is that their ranking system negates so many factors that allows this game to actually be a game of creativity. For example, if someone is good at spirit and good at stealth in general, then when you grab someone from a gen or etc and hook them you lose points in the end because you did not "chase" them. So in theory, you are not allowed to grab them to kill them until its their last hook so you have maximised chase points with them. This is just one example of many I could mention. Another is, I just hook someone and someone comes directly to the hook to unhook. What do I do? Grab or chase? Regardless I am being penalised for both situations because I am 12 meters in hook range and also grabs dont accumulate chase points. Furthermore, so the devs are saying that my basement builds are dead now? If I want to fill my basement up with survivors and bring another one in after the other am I being penalised? Yes!. In addition, what about the smallest map in the game? "The game". Am I being penalised if upstairs away from the hook? But the hook is near. But there may be a gen there with someone on it. There's more that I could go on about. But my main point about this post was that we as killers are becoming unpaid workers for the devs in replacement of AI.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    @xility if the system doesn't perform in the way that they are hoping, they will make minor changes to it until it does. They want all players to be well rounded, and only those players will be at the highest ranks. We need to give it a chance, and see where everyone sits in about 1-2 weeks. I have a feeling that there won't be any Rank 1s or 2s, and an extremely few 3s. There should be a good number who are constantly jumping between 4 and 5, which is what I think that they are hoping for.

    There are 2 ways that I see it. Either they want to ensure that no one can get to Rank 1, and possibly Rank 2, or they only want the top 1% to be there. Either case achieves a balanced system, from which they can build, and eliminate the monthly rank resets that occur on the 13th of every month. Give it time, and I think you'll like the end result.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688


    Then why am I playing what is clearly the inferior version. I'd have so many campers on my avoid list.

  • xility
    xility Member Posts: 45
    edited March 2019

    @Kaelum I agree with your words. Though, with this new system I am not worried about losing my rank. I know how to pip properly if rank reset happened even with this new system, I do try and make sure everyone always has a good match. I hope the devs create the balance they need but I just believe this system is not it; because it contradicts itself from not rank but the main core of what the game is about. In addition to this, I have never used noed. But just by testing a few things out anyone can still rank 1 with this system and noed will be on the rise for high rank killers. Since devot is based on hook and kills a stock build on a killer I imagine will be "bitter murmor - to see all aurus at end game" + "remember me - delay in opening gates" + "noed" - to instadown" and "ruin - to protect gens". So pretty much a killer with this build can do what they want without having a creative killer, but makes sure they chase and hook enough then to sastify devot to kill all at end game. I just believe there will be a huge rise in noed now to satisfy that requirement should they stick with this system.

  • xility
    xility Member Posts: 45
    edited March 2019

    @The_Crusader The ps4 version is bad but they have made a few optimisation tweaks in exchange for graphics; can't use BBQ properly anymore as its all blurry and doesn't work when in basement due to this.

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    The devs never made toxicity in their game, the survivor side of this community started to use this and very well the killer side of this community started to use it as well, what you need to see as well is, most problems is not the devs, more or so, it's the community, a very divided community is very bad for a game when it needs to develop.

  • xility
    xility Member Posts: 45

    @MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky I understand where your coming from and agree that people themsevels are toxic. However, the game supplies tools for this to occur. So I understand why survivors do what they do and it doesn't bother me. Flashlights created to stun, map design created for looping etc. These were created by the devs for the sheer reason of escape. Survivors have no other form of defending themselves. The devs created swf, the killer more op then surviors etc. So I see it as they had a direction of what they wanted. If they wanted to avoid toxic people then they should make it that only 1 flash light could be equipped per group, and that the number of pallets and map design is based on a killers rank in reference to the survivors. This is just my thoughts.

  • xility
    xility Member Posts: 45


    I heard its coming to consoles possibly; this year. And if DBD remains the way it is then I would not be surprised if people shift. It is quiet possible. I do not like "white noise" but I have been seeing a influx of its popularity lately. The same could happen for "last year" if the devs of that game took advantage of a situation. Anything can happen really.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    I don't know. Faith is becoming a quickly depleted commodity these days.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    You can see them when you join killer lobby on PS4.