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Call of Brine.

Anyone else feel like it is kinda useless now? I keep trying it in different matches but I don't feel like it does much, unless you just want the info from it of course.


  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,062

    There's a reason why even at Overcharge/CoB's strongest, they had to be run together for you to get anything. 1 survivor's gen progression is 400%. PTB Overcharge, which we never got, was 400%. So even with these perks that make the gens go down "so fast!", it doesn't even break even with a survivor's progression speed. And the fact CoB turns the gen yellow can sometimes hurt, because there's other perks that also turn it yellow, which gives you conflicting info. I'll give them props for Gearhead not being that way anymore.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,093

    I like it with pop, but yeah. They overkilled it with a nerf.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,155

    The main issue with Call of Brine was the fact that it overshadowed the perks it has to compete with.

    Surveillance is a good information perk (really underrated but can be strong in the right build), but when Call of Brine was meta, there was no need to run it since Call of Brine provides regression AND information at the same time.

    It also synergized with other meta perks at the time, Call of Brine and Overcharge were popular for their regression, but also their "utility" effects worked extremely well at moderating the Generators.

    Currently, there is a reason to weigh how you use it. Do you stack it with other perks to get more regression? Do you use it by itself for the information and slight regression instead of Surveillance? How does it synergize compared to other perks? In that regard, I think it is in a good spot since I have to think about rather to use it over the alternatives.

    However, if you were to buff Call of Brine but make it to where it did not stack with others perks, it would go right back to overshadowing Surveillance.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    They need to go back to there unnerfed versions now that there is an 8 kick limit.

  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 445

    It can stay useless.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,082

    the gen kick perks are way too slow for most of killer to use. they're only viable on every killer if you 3 gen but 3 gen strategy is nerfed, rightfully so because it is incredibly boring to face and play as killer.

    from a reward stand-point, they'd need to be like 400% regression speed for over-time regression to have an impact if they are put into setting of aggressive hooking. fundamentally though, these perk are defensive perks by nature but too much defence leads to 50+ minute games… and game draws if no kick limits.

    COB wouldn't overshadow surveillance. surveillance works with every source of regression, so surge, pain res, oppression, hex:ruin, all those perk synergy with it make surveillance always better option for info. When COB's surpasses surveillance or any regression perk, it is always related to its own base regression.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,155
    edited September 2

    When COB surpasses Surveillance or any regression perk, it is always related to its own base regression.

    That's kind of my point.

    Call of Brine is currently seen as more of an information perk than a regression perk, and it's not that bad either on Generator kicking builds; the issue is if the regression gets buffed, people will use it for the regression, but the information still overshadows Surveillance.

    Killers only have 4 perk slots. Why run Hex: Ruin and Surveillance when you can run Call of Brine (at 200% regression) and get more regression, better information, and free up a perk slot? This is the fundamental issue with Call of Brine. If you buff it, it provides too much value for a single perk slot; in fact, Ive been saying for prior to Patch 6.1.0, since Call of Brine even released.

    Post edited by Iron_Cutlass on
  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,697

    It's a terrible perk that's impossible to buff because its core design is problematic.

  • ObsidianButterfly
    ObsidianButterfly Member Posts: 52

    Your entire argument becomes moot when you take into account basically nobody runs Ruin or Surveillance NOW. Ruin being a hex perk is reason enough not to run it (because hexes suck) and I've never once seen a killer use Surveillance (there are better info perks than it already). So saying "CoB will overshadow perks nobody uses anyway" is kind of weird.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,155
    edited September 2

    I run Hex: Ruin and Surveillance. Ive seen it a decent bit, it definitely isnt meta, but saying "basically nobody runs it" is just wrong. Ever since SH: Pain Res and Pop Goes got nerfed/changed, Ive seen a lot more diverse regression builds; there still is a clear meta that a lot of people run but Ive seen more perks I havent seen in awhile get used more.

    I find it really good on high mobility Killers like Blight or Billy because they can use the information insanely well; and Killers that can pressure multiple areas or slow map traversal for Survivors like Knight and Skull Merchant also make good use from it.

    And even if a perk "does not get used at all", I think it still is part of the perk economy and should still be considered. Ideally if a perk overshadows other perks, the other perks should be buffed to be more in line with that perk… the issue with information perks like Call of Brine and Surveillance is that their specific niche is way harder to work with, you could buff Call of Brine, but how would you buff Surveillance?

    And all of this is also just ignoring that you dont need Hex: Ruin here… I just used it as an example but Surge works well too.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,183

    Maybe they could make the notification trigger on any skill check, instead of just good ones, lean into the info more than the regression.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,533

    It's really not good. The extra regression is so little it might as well not be a thing and the info is not very good either. BHVR giveth and BHVR sure taketh away.

  • ObsidianButterfly
    ObsidianButterfly Member Posts: 52

    You just admitted that CoB is terrible in every regard. It's regression sucks and its information sucks and isn't as reliable as Surveillance. If it's good enough as is, why does it never get used? Does the fact it does both automatically mean it should be garbage?

    For the record, I'm not of the opinion it should be buffed. I would probably prefer it be changed to do something else. However, I simply do not agree with your logic and argument.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,197

    This is the fundamental issue with CoB. It's also entirely the point.

    It's a perk that does two things at once, but not as good at either of those things as the equivalent perks that only do that one thing each. The point of that is to provide more options to have piecemeal "jack of all trades" builds.

    For example. If you wanted to kill everyone by your own hand you can bring Devour, and then if you wanted info after gens are completed you can bring Bitter Murmer. If you want both of those but only need to kill one survivor, Rancor frees up a perk slot.

    Similarly if you want a bit of extra regression bit you're already good at pressuring gens, and you want a bit of info to help you directly pressure gens instead of relying wholy on passive regresion, then CoB can be useful.

    I use CoB with Nowhere to Hide, and it pairs really well. NtH allows you to rule out if any survivors are going to jump straight back on the gen and undo your regression. You see the coast is clear and you can guarantee a minimum amount of regression, with +25% extra. And when they do eventually get back on the gen, you get notified and can run straight back there.

    If you're using the perks effectively and keeping survivors off the gen yourself, CoB with NtH can be more effective than say Pop and Surveillance, because you're also getting the auras when survivors are near the gen, which can lead to further downs.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,082

    it is pretty bad info perk because it requires you to manually kick gens. nowhere to hide is much superior perk towards info for manually kicking gens. Surveillance strength is its near infinity duration(because 400% regression is laughably bad) and its ability to be automatized

    Killers only have 4 perk slots. Why run Hex: Ruin and Surveillance when you can run Call of Brine (at 200% regression) and get more regression, better information, and free up a perk slot? This is the fundamental issue with Call of Brine.

    That is not fundamental issue of call of brine, that is fundamental issues of killer greeding gen delay perks because they want gen delay in their build. Call of brine just so happens to be fundamental piece of regression that killer saw worth in using in 3 gen play-styles at a particular point in time because it surpasses other options partly because it was almost borderline game-breaking.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,259

    I have no idea why they didn't revert those gen kick nerfs when they implemented 3-gen feature.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,155
    edited September 2

    You just admitted that CoB is terrible in every regard.

    Except I didnt? I still choose Call of Brine when I use Generator kicking builds, I just weigh in rather I use it or not, I have to think about my options and consider what works best for me, which I consider to be healthy design.

    Refer to my first comment(s).

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 777

    I‘m still hoping it goes at least to 180% regression speed.