Has hidden prestige helped your matches feel more fair?

With the introduction of prestige now hidden, it's likely there has been a noticeable decrease in lobby dodging (not condoning or judging). This in course gives mmr the greater chance of finding you more 'balanced' matches since it's not nearly pulling as many randoms as before.
Can't speak much for myself other than super sweaty matches on my main cause I play Singularity the most. Otherwise pretty decent I'd say all around. How about you?
Made it harder to pinpoint obvious sweaty SWFs which made me not play as well as I shouldve on my weaker mains.
Nothing changed for Singularity, most games are pretty easy.
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Literally nothing changed to me except that lobby looks more empty.
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nope. I leave if I see usernames with numbers, crude phrasing, or something else I find detestable (newbish). I’ll also judge characters based on cosmetics. I’ve seen others do this as well.
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Your not wrong. If I see a soloq player wear a default Meg with a username like toothbrush6583 I doubt she'll be that useful 🤨
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Right. My thoughts. If they look newbish I don’t stick around. I’m sure I’m not the only one because I see other survivors do so as well. I don’t see as many killers dodge now though, and when I play killer I don’t generally dodge as I’m in mid MMR anyway so it doesn’t affect me.
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Still too early to judge imo, I think it needs more time to settle, but my games havent felt quite so much like they're alternating between two extremes lately (ie getting steamrolled, or doing the steamrolling. Neither is fun). I've probably jinxed myself now and will have terrible games when I log in.
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My SWF and I can finally play all our mains without being dodged constantly so I'd say it's been working beautifully.
My games have been more challenging as of late and less stompy too.
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The biggest change i've seen is my games start way faster which is amazing. There is definitely less dodging on both sides. I have been escaping more (over 50%) lately but i'm not sure if this is due to the prestige change. I am going to keep tracking for another 400 or so games to see if there is a significant difference.
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I changed my Steam name to "P100 Feng' to let others know, as survivors and killers have been dodging even more lobbies now. Its an average 1-3 players drop in almost every lobby for me. Seeing this thread has helped actually, as now its more 0-1 dodging. Killers usually ready up immediately so maybe its working?
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I can literally still smell the sweat and the noobs and lobby dodge if I want, but I'm getting dodged less and I feel a lot less fear about who I might be facing. My randoms have gotten way way way worse though.
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Now I enter each match always assuming I got four p100 and it's really too bad for them when they aren't.
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It hasn't impacted my game at all. It was a change made to protect feelings, at the behest of nobody.
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More fair? No.
Good thing I can still check profiles before I commit.
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What if that gets removed? Or no lobbies at all just loads directly into the trial?
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I’ve been saying for a while blind lobbies are the best way to ensure accurate matchmaking. It’s just not a popular suggestion here
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I'd liked to see it tested out. Most of the complaints against it seem to stem from only wanting to constantly roll over players or in protest of what is "fair" to them imo.
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Shopping for a win simply boggles my mind. Talk about holding your hand. I could never get satisfaction out of stomping a pub group, knowing I shopped for it. But if the killer skill is that low, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Time to hide profiles too, I guess. This community…
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I usually don't watch lobby at all, so it's same for me.
But I think it was good decision to hide it.
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Excellent change. I am experiencing far less lobby dodging now.
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Nothing has changed for me, I never dodged lobbies on purpose.
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leave toothbrush6583 alone! 😭🪥
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I’ve noticed instead of seeing a P100 in every few matches, I literally have them every single match without fail. I guess people are comfortable playing their mains now.
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Nothing has changed. I still get useless teammates as survivor and I still get toxic meta squads as killer.
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only made it harder to determing which teams are possibly SWFs, but didn't really change the way i approach towards matches at all
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I really only dodge lobbies that have a ttv in the title or some other obnoxious name like, Hump Me Daddy (It was a Sable.). As always, prestige doesn't really mean anything in the grand picture.
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I doubt it because players have an option for an anonymous mode.
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Helped me as Killer Main because now i ain't intimidating by the rank pre-game which it did sway the way i felt going into a match and i played different because, now i am back to Killing with just looking at them as all the same. definite a W for me.
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I don't shop for a win, I shop to avoid toxic players who enter the game with an intention to make my game miserable. Yeah, I guess, trying to avoid disgusting people is now somehow the proof of low skill or something.
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You have absolutely no way to discern that, other than just guessing.
I believe it is low skill to look at a lobby, go "They look toxic." and then next. You know this creates backlog and screws matchaking, but you do it anyway because why? This is the part Im confused about. Please help me understand how you can tell someone is going to be toxic, that you just HAVE to continue shopping?
Instead of perk reworks, I really wish they'd address the base game. Shopping isn't part of the game mechanics, and yet it continues, skewing many matches all because 'Mmm.. that Nea has torn pants. Next!'. Im just so confused.
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Funny part is when someone shops for a win snd still gets steamrolled lol.
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No difference to me.
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There is. It's like identifying venomous creatures in nature.
8 out of 10 Fengs wearing cutesy bunny hoodie will be insanely toxic clickers or tbaggers. Same with Mikaelas in fancy green costumes or Sables in skimpy skirts or Neas with extremely bright neon hair. They basically promote themselves and lately more people have been using the game to straight out harass and abuse players, so I don't expect decency.
Also, coming to the profile and seeing "If you play as PH/Spirit/Plague/anykilleridon'tlike I'll tbagg you cuz you deserve it!" really, really helps weeding out the trashiest of people and making my plays more tolerable. I value my time and I don't want to waste it on those lacking even the modicum of human decency.
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Those of us on Xbox cannot even use their Anonymous Mode
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You also don't get to see the endgame chat. which is a blessing.
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Wow, alright lol. Now that I can actually understand. People who put things like that in their profile are usually pretty bad.
Alright, you got me. I was wrong. Apologies.
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Nope and honestly its just made matches worse
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nothings changed for me I’ve always dodged based on certain cosmetics or usernames
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To be fair, half the time they are.
The other half … well … 😅
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I’ve noticed a difference for sure. I can now play my P100 characters with ease because I no longer get targeted, tunneled out instantly with the killer in end game chat going “Had to prove I could take out a P100!” because they still think P100s=Super skilled, toxic SWF gamers.
I’m having more fun playing my mains now so I love it. I also have gotten dodged hardly ever now.
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Even if we did, y'all waiting around 14 minutes for me to painfully type out a single sentence?
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The only thing that changed is my judgement of when I need a sac ward. I've never seen a p20+ Feng that doesn't fall asleep with a poster of Garden of Joy above their bed.
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Maybe I'm going crazy but I feel like I'm seeing a lot more P100's now. Almost one in every match with most of them being Fengs. So many Fengs…It's horrible.
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no , same bs as always , the only thing i noticed is maybe killers using less moris against me but thats it.
as killer i didnt even care so , my games and pre-lobby feel the exact same.
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I don't wait a second for PC players to type something out. Why would you even want to communicate in DbD?
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Because half of my online friends that I still talk to I met through streaming DBD. I've met some very good peeps this way, and only a few negatives along the way.
I think it truly matters where in the world you are and your MMR in these things.
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Bold of you to assume that even without lobby dodging that MMR will ever feel good to players in its current state. It's just going to try and throw 5 random players into a match as quick as possible like it's been programmed to do for the past few years.
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my exact experience as well. Also I noticed a drastic decrease in killers bringing the absolute sweatiest of add ons and perks. Still being strong perks of course which is to be expected.
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you likely are since people can play them now without fear of being tunneled or targeted .