Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Why can’t I escape?

I’m a new survivor with less than 200 hours and I’ve only escaped 2 times. Is this supposed to be like this? I’m trying to get better but I keep dying immediately. I’m not having fun. And then when I switch to killer I win every single game. My goal is to be a good survivor main but it’s like the games wants me to play killer cause that’s when I win. Is the game supposed to be like this? How can one side be this dominant over the other?


  • PuddleOfBludd
    PuddleOfBludd Member Posts: 96

    when you’re just starting out the game favors killer as you get more experience, it more favors survivor. Also, if you’re playing solo, you have to take into account that you are relying on three random people and their choices can potentially heavily impact how the game goes for you

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 638

    200 hrs and only 2 escapes? That's unbelievable tbh..not that I'm saying your lying. But after 20 hrs of losing constantly in any new game I play id just uninstall.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,437

    Without a video its hard to say what exactly the problem is and what you might be doing wrong. But in general, early on the game favors killer because the game is a big knowledge check for survivors. Over time as you get more and more experience that knowledge check starts to disappear to the point where, at the highest level, the game heavily favors survivor and killers are lucky if they get 1 kill in a competitive match (unless said comp game has extra rules added that change how it is played)

    2 times in 200 hours is a bit unbelievable though.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 282

    This game does not have good matchmaking. Add that to not good tutorial, killer being much stronger at lower levels, and mistakes being much more punishing for the team side with relying on 3 other random teammates, and you will die a lot. This is an experience for many people who play solo queue.

    If you want to have more fun playing survivor, you can learn by watching survivor youtubers/tutorials, or if that's not your thing, there are many DBD communities (such as the official DBD discord) where you can find other people to play with. If you can find people that are around your experience level maybe you can get better matchmaking?

    The "I lose a lot" thing will not go away even with many hours of experience if you only play solo though (I say this with nearly 4000 hours in this game). Survivor winrates in general are below 50% so you will be losing more than you win, and if you don't find that fun I don't blame you and recommend you spend your time on something you find more fun!

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 664
    edited September 12

    So the intended target is like 40% escape rate, but that doesn't take into account people just throwing the game and giving up. Most of the games I lose in solo (which is a lot) are from people just straight up DCing or hook suicide. If you combine the target escape rate of 40% under normal circumstances and the amount of DC's you can literally go for days without getting a 4 man escape. Most if my escapes actually come from getting the hatch or being the last person alive in solo queue.

    It's rather demoralising playing solo queue at the moment and the longer it stays this way the worse it will get with people just DCing within the first minute of the match starting.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 339

    Surviving is intentionally challenging by design. Even the top 5% of players escape less than half the time. Think of it like playing Dark Souls or Elden Ring—you’re going to die often, but the key is learning from those experiences and improving each time. Each killer is like a different boss, with unique counters, playstyles, and perks, so you have to adapt and evolve every match. This can be tough, but that difficulty is what makes success as a survivor so satisfying. Winning feels earned because you really have to work for it (most of the time. There are always outliers) That said, if winning at all costs is what you’re after, there might be other games better suited for those kind of goals—but that’s just my personal opinion. But killer typically sees more success with “wins” as they are the primary focus/selling point of the game therefore they are in the power role. Just depends on what kind of gaming experience you want.

    Don’t be too hard on yourself, you’re playing on hard mode lol.