
Thats it ive had it. This team just has no idea what to do but they sure do know how to take money. Money for something they will make unplayable in the future. its been fun but enough is enough. Wont be able to get every cent back ive spent on this game but I wont put another second into this game. The only game Ive ever spent money on. No more.
"Money for something they will make unplayable in the future."
You mean Skully? Ain't this character and her skins can be obtained with shards? Or I missed something?
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Not just her and though yeah you can some people bought the addon that brings both survivor and killer so a few dollars may or may not have have been spent. Though I know its a live service game, it still shouldnt make it so that eventually and virtually almost every killer becomes unplayable and survivors have the upper hand
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Youre not alone friend. I uninstalled too
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I had a few friends quit as well. It's a shame. We want to enjoy the game.
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Not sure why they keep making these bad decisions.
I keep trying to tell BHVR this game was designed incorrectly. Just bad. No amount of cameos can save it. It's destined to fail because of poor execution and the all inclusive approach to updating. I don't get paid to make this game better, and I never get notoriety for some of the ideas they got from me and put a different spin and moniker on it. I too tried to get two of my friends in to the game on the survivor side and within a week both of them stopped and said "It's okay, but nah, it's not for me". The games not even scary and it should be. How in the world do you have some of the most iconic killers in history all clustered under one title and the game is NOT scary? That makes no sense. It's just a cat and mouse fashion show game with little to offer in terms of depth and reward. My devotion is over 10 and I'm still grinding like I just started yesterday without any exclusivities being offered to me for laying so long. Devotion? Right. Now when I play as killer I refuse to chase survivors around a tree or the boring mundane one hundred pallet. It think it's insulting to Myers and Dracula and other legends like them to be caught doing so. I play like a boss and outsmart them when they let their guard down. I try to play killer the way BHVR should have designed the game from the start. Survivors should have had fighting mechanics and the room to implement them in their fight for survival, and killers should be able to use all their abilities under the premise that the fog will not allow any of them to overpower the rules of the realm. The last survivor should AUTOMATCALLY ESCAPE, and daylight should rise clearing the fog. That's how every match should have ended. Lights out should have been a 15 min timed event where while in complete black survivors have to stay alive until the doors release before the killer can kill them all. NO GENS, NO HOOKS, no light, no perks, no add-ons. Just sounds and the moonlight. Such a waste of potential.
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Why are you playing this game if you don't like the core gameplay?
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Ha yeah it sounds like they should design a new asym game to dethrone dbd
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Instead of announcing you're leaving you should just stop playing.