What are your thoughts on auras?

Tbh they kinda ruin the fun on both sides for me. Neutral auras are fine, but just being able to see everyone or the killer just feels like hacks. I think replacing them with a variation of killer instinct would be the better in the long run. Anyways, I'd like to hear some other players thoughts on them from both sides and even some of devs thoughts on them. Ty


  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 768
    edited September 2024

    Using 'Friends 'til the End' constantly, it gives a single aura reading for 10 sec (the most long aura reading from the game as far as I know). I can guess why you don't like this mechanic. But you have to take the place of the killer too.
    But using it, it gives you a main target as killer & an objective for a short period. Very useful bc in this way, you are constantly changing your target & this one is mainly warned you should run for him/her.
    In this way, you don't have to tunnel, no need to camp & if you don't see your obsession, I will found someone else. For me, this perk is more useful than 'Chili & BBQ' or 'Lethal Pursuer'.
    But if you can't bear this mechanic, just use 'Distortion' & check your token… or jump into a locker every time the dark balloon from the hooked appears in your FOV (or just before is certainly the best to do).
    Tell you that: 'Lethal Pursuer' works just one single time in the game & 'Chili & BBQ' reveals you only if you are far away from the hook.

  • hrazor
    hrazor Member Posts: 5

    Information perks are fine. The type of information is what I have issue with. Again, I think killer instinct is a solid solution for both sides as it's already a feature. Buffs and nerfs would be duration, number of pulses, frequency, and adjusting accordingly. As killer, I actively avoid aura perks like you listed. No need for a main target because its usually the first person you find. The objective is to poke and hook survivors for touching the killer's gens. Scratch marks, crows, patrolling, and listening is enough to find survivors. Perks like BBQ, nowhere to hide, and especially lethal pursuer is why disto is on my survivor builds. The upcoming changes defeat the purpose of disto for me and even the token version only goes so far. As far as I know the only other solid option is shadow step, but that has limitations as well. Following the pink survivor shapes feels lazy in game and in design. Then there's add ons... anyways, I'll for sure try hopping in a locker in my future games. Thanks for the info.

  • hrazor
    hrazor Member Posts: 5

    I can only hope they nerf player auras across the board. I guess it's shadow step from here on out.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    At this point i kinda wish there was just like BBQ base kit and kindred base kit in terms of allowing one team to get aura reading on the other. Every other aura reading thing that allows you to see your opponent aside from these two imo should get nuked.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    One survivor perk gets nerfed = all killer perks gets nerf in that cathegory. Sounds fair /s.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,092
    edited September 2024

    I wouldn't mind them if there wasn't so many ways to get aura reading (both sides). I REALLY dislike the new perk change where survivors see the killer's aura at the beginning of the match simply because it takes away one of the few things stealth killers have going for them - a surprise ambush before their identity is known. Why kick an already weak class in the gut? I'd rather them have a version of "survivor's instinct" which would show the killer's location but NOT their identify.