The problem with aura killers perks may happen in the future.

As new perks continue to be introduced and some are changed to become aura perks,
I can see the nurse blinking to you and hitting you free hit because she simply sees your aura using the new Predator perk.
Or the the pyramid head uses his power and hits you from behind the wall with a free hit because he saw your aura using the new Zashan Tactics perk.
This has to stop, nobody likes free hits.
Don't think I'm asking for huge changes and huge Nerfs, but I think the easiest solution is the blindness status effect ((((for some killers)))) like the nurse when charging blink so can't see the aura of survivors and she doesn't blink directly to the survivor and hit directly.
This does not prevent her from using aura perks as long as she has not used her power yet.
Exactly the same thing with the pyramid head.
There are killers I didn't mention but I chose these two as to clarify my words.
Every aura perk run is one less gen slowdown perk.
The reality is, the way the game is played, its all about value. The question is simple. What is more valuable doing big damage to a gen? Or that aura perk.
The real question with a perk is pretty simple, compare it to something like pain resonance. Pain resonance buys the killer 18 seconds of time, 4 times for a total of 72 seconds. So, compare that to an aura perk. Does that aura perk buy you 72 seconds of time over the course of the game? The reality is, most of the time, most perks won't stack up against it.
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Non of those killer deserve such nerfs. Nurse already have limited perk she can use. And pyramid head strong and fun killer also include aura perks works great on him. Having permanent invisibility is also not good for the game and thats a main reason why distortion needs to be nerfed.
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I'm not necessarily worried about too many aura perks, because by choosing them, you sacrifice others. Killers and Survivors will only ever have 4 perk slots, so no matter the plethora of perks, they will still only have 4.
What I am more - not concerned - but wary of, is how often an aura effect is added to improve a perk. What I'd really like to see are some more ambitious effects, whether meme-ish or effective.
I would like to see perks for Killers which chamge the playstyle or have unique effects. Perks which could set traps; add extra attacking abilities, such as being able to find throwing weapons; perks which add new effects, such as maybe causing controllers to reverse inputs, or affect sound. Various things like that to add extra dimensions other than "see aura" and "defend gen".
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She has the power to cross the map and the power to chase survivors at the same time, and with free hits thanks to the new aura perks.
So ending the chase very quickly is a very effective way to slow down the match.
Plus she can combine these perks together and you have a free hits match.
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I didn't mean that you can't see the survivors' aura after using your power for the first time and for the rest of the match, what I meant is that whenever the nurse uses her power whether she charges or teleports she can't see the survivors' aura.
After using her power she can see any aura normally until she uses her power again and so on.
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Ultimately there is 4 perk slots so adding more aura reading to the game doesn't change that killers can only select 4 perks.
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You really shouldn't bring nurse into the equation when talking about anything though. Nurse isn't playing dead by daylight, she's playing the nurse game.
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Agree. Some people argue that anything is better than 4 slowdown perks, but I personally find a full aura-reading Nurse/Blight/Billy/Spirit/Huntress/etc match much more insufferable.
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I use her because she is considered one of the strongest killers in the game and I almost never saw the nurse not use Lethal with any aura perks.
This is what I mean by free hits because the counter play against her is to cut off the line of sight between her and you to force her to guess.
Same thing with the pyramid head where he hits you from behind the wall and you can't see him.
The issue is not that you only have 4 slots, the issue is the free hits and they are unhealthy for the game.
There is no problem with the huntress seeing your aura because she cannot hit you from behind a wall or penetrate the wall to hit you, as she needs a direct line of sight between you and her to hit you, meaning she sees you and you see her.
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Aurvivors get mad when killers run Aura perks and Gen regression. WHat are killers allowed to run without enraging survivors at this point??
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Right, but then pay attention to what you are saying.
"Aura reading is a problem and it has to stop"
"Nurse is able to use it really well"
"its fine on huntress"
All of these statements indicate that the aura reading itself is not the problem, but nurse, which means that nurse is the problem, not aura reading.
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What SHOULD a nurse pick then? Currently the reason you see aura reading on Nurse is due to a SEVERELY limited pool of options. Perks like surge that require a basic attack are largely useless because hee blink attack isn't considered a basic attack anymore. Perks like superior anatomy or similar chase perks are ALSO useless.
It shouldn't be a surprise that the killer that gains 0 benefits from chase perks is going to be using the perks that DO work. The introduction of NEW aura perks aren't going to introduce some new issue. Someone might slot on Predator (a perk that can used mid chase with a cooldown) instead of a perk already on their build like I'm all ears (a perk that can used mid chase that has a cooldown).
So...once again... what perks DO you want a nurse to use? I'm honestly curious on this question.
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It seems that you did not read the post completely. Your comment is talking about something and my post is talking about something else entirely.
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Especially Nurse... There's so many perks that have become useless on nurse due to basic attack requirements. No one should be surprised when a nurse uses "meta" perks when the alternative is completely useless on Nurse.
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You're talking like I'm asking to put the nurse in blindness state effect for the entire match.
The effect is (((only))) when some killers use their power to prevent free hits, So these killers can still use aura perks but not while using their powers.
Please read the entire post
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Show some respect or no one will want to do ANY talking to you. Your post brought up new aura perks like they were going to be the source of a problem while pointing out how often you see aura perks on nurse. Nurse's pool of usable perks though are already SO kneecapped that it's obvious why you're seeing the same perks alot. Step away from your proposed solution for 5 seconds.
I'll ask again since you didn't answer. What perks should a nurse use? This is an ACTUAL question, not rhetorical at all. Offer some actual not broad and vague suggestions. You keep using the term "free hit"when a perk helps nurse get a hit, but would you use that term if a Myers for example uses a perk like superior anatomy or a similar chase perk to get a hit? Close range aura reading perks like I'm all ears are MEANT to be used mid chase to get a hit.
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Show some respect or no one will want to do ANY talking to you.
So when I present my argument and write reasons and give examples I am being disrespectful? Do you literally read carefully before jumping to comment?
What perks should a nurse use? This is an ACTUAL question, not rhetorical at all. Offer some actual not broad and vague suggestions
You didn't specify if you wanted me to mention her build it assuming she can't see you while using her power , she uses Hex or Slow Down perks etc. So what she should use is the player's choice or the player may not use perks because she is the strongest killer in the whole game.She uses whatever she wants, the difference is that she doesn't get a free hits.
If you ask me what perks I use when playing Nurse (Hex Plaything- Machine Learning- Dominance- Rapid Brutality)You keep using the term "free hit"when a perk helps nurse get a hit, but would you use that term if a Myers for example uses a perk like superior anatomy or a similar chase perk to get a hit? Close range aura reading perks like I'm all ears are MEANT to be used mid chase to get a hit.
Even when Myers uses this build, after seeing him use it you won't let him get the same result the next time meaning there is a counter-play , he also has a bad start.
Your other point is some perks are supposed to help you in the chase, fine, but not a guaranteed hit.
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Telling Anyone "go read it again" is highly disrespectful.I read through your entire post. Just because I had something to add, doesn't mean I didn't read it. As for your nurse perks... they're rather odd. Rapid brutality for example requires a basic hit. How many of those are you typically getting? Your talking about survivors outplaying Myers chase perks while they APPARENTLY aren't able to outplay a walking nurse. The basic attack requirement is why most ppl don't bother with exposed perks on nurse anymore.
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As for your nurse perks... they're rather odd. Rapid brutality for example requires a basic hit. How many of those are you typically getting?
It synergizes with machine learning, where who would think a nurse is fast and unpredictable?
Your talking about survivors outplaying Myers chase perks while they APPARENTLY aren't able to outplay a walking nurse.
You're comparing two completely different killers, Myers has a counter-play that can't be removed by any means even if he sees your aura he can't throw his knife through everything to hit the survivor, he'll need to go after you and chase you.
The nurse on the other hand, your only counter play against her is to cut off line of sight between her and you to force her to guess however once she sees your aura it's a guaranteed hit.
The basic attack requirement is why most ppl don't bother with exposed perks on nurse anymore
This is much better than destroying many perks because she is stronger with it.
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slowdown is bad , now aura is bad to use too. Just nerf chase perks and make every killer play perkless at this point then.
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The nurse using a blink at all would no longer be using a basic attack. This is why people avoid those perks on nurse, since it requires you getting hits without blinking.
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I know, and that's the point, once activate machine learning I can sneak into one of the generators and hit the survivors and gain speed.
Nobody expects a nurse to do that.
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nurse not being a hindrance to perk development challenge: impossible. i think predator change won't benefit any other killer than nurse mayyybe except pwyf users.