Soloq Is miserable i think i might take a break

GoingToGetDwight Member Posts: 90
edited September 2024 in General Discussions

Been playing some soloq i been getting alot of sandbaggers for some reason and i loop like for 5 minutes no gens get done or i loop when the gens get done i get leaved behind or survivors dont take down ect can you soloq stop being selfish for one game and help out. anyway i am going to play minecraft


  • Gplays2000
    Gplays2000 Member Posts: 214

    Solo Q DBD experience is definitely one of the worst ones out there :) I quit again too. Will play the game again in 3 months lets see if it will be better

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,128

    Come back for Chaos Shuffle. It was so chill last time.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,059

    Honestly, considering the amount of complaints threads you have, maybe Minecraft would be a better pick. There's no point doing something that upsets you constantly. Game's are meant to be fun. It's not a second job.

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 963

    The problem is the terrible, non-functional SBMM system. You can be a very good survivor player but you'll often get matched with useless teammates who never touch a gen, hide in the corner all game, or go down 10 seconds after chase starts. Solo q wouldn't be so bad if there was a way to ensure that you don't get matched with terrible players. Two easy changes would help:

    1. Make an option for people to select to prioritize accurate matchmaking over queue time. I'm fine waiting longer if it means I actually have a chance of getting matched with people who know how to play the game. If people want quicker queue times, then they have that option as well.
    2. Make an option to opt out of being thrown into lobbies as a backfill. That will make your queue times longer, but I'm fine with that if I can avoid being backfilled into a match with brand new players. Again, people can not select this if they want faster queue times.
  • ZombieHChrist
    ZombieHChrist Member Posts: 29

    its not bad to take a break, the burning out is real… like dude said, come back for chaos shuffle. i am on a break myself, thinking of taking break until dbd or gta snow, do some human stuff until. Chaos Shuffle hits hard imo. i take measures to get me off the dbd, cancel online subscription and etc. i get to a point where i play and i don't even want to… its rough when one is the Best Billy ever.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 395

    Yeh I play a lot of soloq and it's really hard atm, my teammates are defiantly making matches harder :(

  • abyssplayz
    abyssplayz Member Posts: 30

    i think i'm with u on the break. i have the same issue. it will never be for competitive gamers. the entire game is a meme. it can be cute but people dont respect cute. they respect intelligence, patience, mindfulness, and care. i don't see any of that in dbd it's just do a gen loop a few mins then get tunneled out.